Reputation: 1230
I am trying to determine which interactions in a gbm model are significant using the method described in Friedman and Popescu 2008 My gbm is a classification model with 9 different classes. I'm struggling with how to translate Section 8.3 into code to run in R.
I think the overall process is to:
The part that I am finding most confusing is implementing equations 48 and 49. (You will have to look at the linked article since I can't reproduce them here)
This is what I think I understand but please correct me if I'm wrong:
y_i is a new vector of the response that we will use to train a new model which will provide the null distribution of interaction statistics.
F_A(x_i) is the prediction from a version of the gbm model trained with max.depth = 1
b_i is a probability between 0 and 1 based on the prediction from the additive model F_A(x_i)
Any ideas or references are welcome!
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Views: 184
Reputation: 496
Overall, the process is an elegant way to neutralise the interaction effects in y
by permuting/re-distributing the extra contribution of modelling on the interactions. The extra contribution could be captured by the margins between a full and an additive model.
- What is subscript
? Is it the number of iterations in the bootstrap?
It is the index of samples. There are N
samples in each iteration.
- How is each artificial data set different from the others?
The predictors X
are the same across data sets. The response values Y~
are different due to random permutation of margins in equation 47
and random realisation (for categorical outcomes only) in equation 48
- Are we subbing the Pr(b_i = 1) into
equation 48
Yes, if the outcome Y
is binary.
- How can this be done with multinomial classification?
One way is to randomly permute margins in the log-odds of each category. Followed by random realisation according to the probability from the additive model.
- How would one implement this in R? Preferably using the
I tried to implement it in-line with your overall process.
Firstly, a simulated training data set {X1,X2,Y}
of size N
=200 where Y
has three categories (Y1
) realised by the probabilities determined by X1
, X2
. The interaction part X1
is in Y1
, while the additive parts are in Y2
N <- 200
X1 <- rnorm(N) # 2 predictors
X2 <- rnorm(N)
#log-odds for 3 categories
Y1 <- 2*X1*X2 + rnorm(N, sd=1/10) # interaction
Y2 <- X1^2 + rnorm(N, sd=1/10) #additive
Y3 <- X2^2 + rnorm(N, sd=1/10) #additive
Y <- rep(NA, N) # Multinomial outcome with 3 categories
for (i in 1:N)
prob <- 1 / (1 + exp(-c(Y1[i],Y2[i],Y3[i]))) #logistic regression
Y[i] <- which.max(rmultinom(1, 10000, prob=prob)) #realisation from prob
Y <- factor(Y)
levels(Y) <- c('Y1','Y2','Y3')
#Y1 Y2 Y3
#38 75 87
dat = data.frame(Y, X1, X2)
# Y X1 X2
# 2 -0.6264538 0.4094018
# 3 0.1836433 1.6888733
# 3 -0.8356286 1.5865884
# 2 1.5952808 -0.3309078
# 3 0.3295078 -2.2852355
# 3 -0.8204684 2.4976616
= 2 and 1 respectively.library(gbm)
n.trees <- 100
F_full <- gbm(Y ~ ., data=dat, distribution='multinomial', n.trees=n.trees, cv.folds=3,
interaction.depth=2) # consider interactions
F_additive <- gbm(Y ~ ., data=dat, distribution='multinomial', n.trees=n.trees, cv.folds=3,
interaction.depth=1) # ignore interactions
#use improved prediction as interaction strength
interaction_strength_original <- min(F_additive$cv.error) - min(F_full$cv.error)
> 0.1937891
#randomly permute margins (residuals) of log-odds to remove any interaction effects
margin <- predict(F_full, n.trees=gbm.perf(F_full,, type='link')[,,1] -
predict(F_additive, n.trees=gbm.perf(F_additive,, type='link')[,,1]
margin <- apply(margin, 2, sample) #independent permutation for each category (Y1, Y2, Y3)
Y_art <- rep(NA, N) #response values of an artificial dataset
for (i in 1:N)
prob <- predict(F_additive, n.trees=gbm.perf(F_additive,, type='link',
prob <- prob + margin[i,] # equation (47)
prob <- 1 / (1 + exp(-prob))
Y_art[i] <- which.max(rmultinom(1, 1000, prob=prob)) #Similar to random realisation in equation (49)
Y_art <- factor(Y_art)
levels(Y_art) = c('Y1','Y2','Y3')
#Y1 Y2 Y3
#21 88 91
(2) the same as the real modelF_full_art = gbm(Y_art ~ ., distribution='multinomial', n.trees=n.trees, cv.folds=3,
data=data.frame(Y_art, X1, X2),
F_additive_art = gbm(Y_art ~ ., distribution='multinomial', n.trees=n.trees, cv.folds=3,
data=data.frame(Y_art, X1, X2),
interaction_strength_art = min(F_additive_art$cv.error) - min(F_full_art$cv.error)
> 0.01323959 # much smaller than interaction_strength_original in step 1.
interaction_strength_art <- NULL
for (j in 1:10)
interaction_strength_art <- c(interaction_strength_art, step_2_to_4())
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#-0.052648 -0.019415 0.001124 -0.004310 0.012759 0.042058
> 0.1937891
Upvotes: 1