Reputation: 451
Whilst attempting to create a set, I get the error stating "Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'". This occurs even though I write the code exactly as in the DD:
var intSet2 : Set = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'
I have now switched to 'NSSet' (which I found by accidence) and now it appears to work. How come using normal 'Set' does not work? When I go to the DD of NSSet it says: "An object representing a static, unordered, uniquing collection, for use instead of a Set constant in cases that require reference semantics." Is this about reference types? The DD also states that arrays are value types. I'm at a loss as to when to use Set or NSSet (or even NSMutableSet for that manner).
var intSet2 : NSSet = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Works
Lastly, when I try to convert an array of colors with type [CardColor] to a Set or NSset, I receive error message stating: "Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'.
let colorCheck = { $0.color }
var colorCheckSet : NSSet = colorCheck
// Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'
Thanks for your help in advance.
Set model:
import Foundation
class Set {
// MARK: properties
var deck = [Card]()
var tableCards = [Card]()
var matchedCards = [Card]()
var selectedCards: [Card] {
get {
var cards = [Card]()
for card in tableCards.indices {
if tableCards[card].isSelected == true {
return cards
var unmatchedCards = 12
var score = 0
// MARK: functions
// Selects the card. If this is the third card to be selected, proceeds to check for matches
func selectCard(at index: Int) {
if tableCards[index].isSelected == false {
if selectedCards.count < 3 {
tableCards[index].isSelected = true
if selectedCards.count == 3 {
else if tableCards[index].isSelected == true {
tableCards[index].isSelected = false
func checkIfCardsMatch() {
let colorCheck = { $0.color }
var colorCheckSet : NSSet = colorCheck
// Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'
var intSet2 : Set = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'
// for item in colorCheck {
// colorCheckSet.insert()
// }
// let symbolCheck: Set = { $0.symbol }
// let numberCheck: Set = { $0.number }
// let shadingCheck: Set = { $0.shading }
// MARK: functions
func dealThreeMoreCards() {
if unmatchedCards <= 21 {
unmatchedCards += 3
//MARK: initialization
init() {
for cardcolor in CardColor.allCases {
for cardsymbol in CardSymbol.allCases {
for cardnumber in CardNumber.allCases {
for cardshading in CardShading.allCases {
let card = Card(initcolor: cardcolor, initsymbol: cardsymbol, initnumber: cardnumber, initshading: cardshading)
Card model:
import Foundation
struct Card {
var identifier: Int = 0
var isSelected = false
var color: CardColor
var symbol: CardSymbol
var number: CardNumber
var shading: CardShading
static var identifierFactory = 0
init(initcolor: CardColor, initsymbol: CardSymbol, initnumber: CardNumber, initshading: CardShading){
color = initcolor
symbol = initsymbol
number = initnumber
shading = initshading
Card.identifierFactory += 1
self.identifier = Card.identifierFactory
enum CardColor: Int, CaseIterable {
case red = 1
case green = 2
case purple = 3
// static let all = [,, cardColor.purple]
enum CardSymbol: Int, CaseIterable {
case ovals = 1
case squiggles = 2
case diamonds = 3
// static let all = [cardSymbol.ovals, cardSymbol.squiggles,]
enum CardNumber: Int, CaseIterable {
case one = 1
case two = 2
case three = 3
// static let all = [, cardNumber.two, cardNumber.three]
enum CardShading: Int, CaseIterable {
case solid = 1
case open = 2
case striped = 3
// static let all = [cardShading.solid,, cardShading.striped]
// Not every Card variable has been included below. Could cause issues later.
extension Card: Hashable {
static func == (lhs: Card, rhs: Card) -> Bool {
return lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier &&
lhs.isSelected == rhs.isSelected &&
lhs.color == rhs.color &&
lhs.symbol == rhs.symbol &&
lhs.number == rhs.number &&
lhs.shading == rhs.shading
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
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Views: 48