Reputation: 115
I'm trying to display the percentages of distinct value occurrences for each column in my dataset using R.
This simple line of code creates a table from the specified column and displays a perfect pie chart with the correct distributions. However, I can't seem to display the percentage values.
I believe there is a short and simple way to do this.
This is what i have so far. Please what do i need to add?
> workclass <- table(adult$workclass)
> pie(workclass)
These are the values in my "workclass" column that i have a pie chart for. I just need to display their percentage distributions on the pie chart.
Federal-gov - 1836 Occurrences
Local-gov - 960 Occurrences
Never-worked - 2093 Occurrences
Private - 120 Occurrences
Self-emp-inc - 2541 Occurrences
Self-emp-not-inc - 1116 Occurrences
State-gov - 2093 Occurrences
Without-pay - 1298 Occurrences
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1892
Reputation: 2297
I hope this code works for you, to display the percentages in the pie chart.
adult <- data.frame(workclass = c(rep("Federal-gov",1836),rep("Local-gov",960),rep("Never-worked",2093),
rep("Private",120), rep("Self-emp-inc",2541), rep("Self-emp-not-inc",1116),
Occurrences = c(1836,960,2093,120,2541,1116,2093,1298))
workclass <- table(adult$workclass)
par(mar = c(2,2,2,2))
lb = paste0(round(prop.table(workclass)*100,2),"%")
pie(workclass,labels = lb, col = rainbow(8))
legend(-2.1,0.4,legend=names(workclass),cex=0.7,yjust=0.2, xjust = -0.1,
fill = rainbow(8), bty = "n")
Federal-gov Local-gov Never-worked Private Self-emp-inc Self-emp-not-inc
0.152276686 0.079621796 0.173592104 0.009952725 0.210748943 0.092560338
State-gov Without-pay
0.173592104 0.107655304
Upvotes: 2