
Reputation: 6304

Grouping a data.frame and filtering based on several conditions

I have a data.frame with several columns:

df <- data.frame(sgid = c("sg1","sg1","sg2","sg3"), stid = c(NA,"st1",NA,NA), spid = c(NA,NA,NA,"sp3"), sch = c("sch1","sch1","sch2","sch2"), sst = c(11,11,32,21), snd = c(21,21,46,34),
                 qgid = c("qg1","qg1","qg1","qg1"), qtid = c("qt1","qt1","qt1","qt1"), qpid = c("qp1","qp1","qp1","qp1"), qch = c("qch1","qch1","qch1","qch1"), qst = c(111,111,234,21), qnd = c(211,211,267,34))

This data.frame describes mapping one sequence (i.e. query) onto a database of other sequences (i.e. search).

Search and query sequences are identified by three sets of ids: gid, tid, and pid (prefixed by s and q for search and query, respectively), and the coordinates of the matches are described by a string: ch and two integers: st and nd (again, prefixed by s and q for search and query, respectively).

tid and pid are subsets of gid in the case of the search, hence in the search database they are kept as separate rows. So, it is possible that the query will 'hit' both gid and either tid and/or pid in different coordinates.

However, as in the case of rows 1 and 2 in df, the query is hitting the search inside the tid and hence the search and query coordinates of rows 1 and 2 are identical.

So I'm looking for is a function (probably through dplyr::group and dplyr::filter) that will return a unique df based on the definition above.

This is my crude way of achieving this:

tmp.df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-stid,-spid) %>% unique()

uniq.df <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:nrow(tmp.df),function(i){
  tmp.df.i <- tmp.df[i,,drop=F] %>% dplyr::left_join(df)
  if(!(all(is.na(tmp.df.i$stid) & is.na(tmp.df.i$spid)))){
    tmp.df.i <- tmp.df.i[which(!is.na(tmp.df.i$stid) | !is.na(tmp.df.i$spid)),,drop=F]
  } else{
    tmp.df.i <- tmp.df.i %>%
      dplyr::select(-stid,-spid) %>%

#organize the columns of uniq.df to the order of df:
uniq.df <- uniq.df %>% dplyr::select_(.dots = colnames(df))

> uniq.df
   sgid stid spid  sch sst snd qgid qtid qpid  qch qst qnd
2   sg1  st1 <NA> sch1  11  21  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 111 211
1   sg2 <NA> <NA> sch2  32  46  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 234 267
11  sg3 <NA>  sp3 sch2  21  34  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1  21  34

Looking for something more elegant.

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Views: 56

Answers (2)


Reputation: 2650

How about something like this with dplyr:

cols <- setdiff(names(df), c("stid", "spid"))

df %>% group_by_at(cols) %>% 
  summarise(stid = ifelse(length(unique(stid)) == 1,
                          unique(stid)[! is.na(unique(stid))]),
            spid = ifelse(length(unique(spid)) == 1,
                          unique(spid)[! is.na(unique(spid))]))

Or you can use the function Coalesce from the package DescTools (or even define you own function to select the first non NA value):

df %>% group_by_at(cols) %>% 
  summarise(stid = DescTools::Coalesce(stid),
            spid = DescTools::Coalesce(spid))

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 27732

data.table solution

sample data

#    sgid stid spid  sch sst snd qgid qtid qpid  qch qst qnd
# 1:  sg1 <NA> <NA> sch1  11  21  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 111 211
# 2:  sg1  st1 <NA> sch1  11  21  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 111 211
# 3:  sg2 <NA> <NA> sch2  32  46  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 234 267
# 4:  sg3 <NA>  sp3 sch2  21  34  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1  21  34


library( data.table )
setDT( df )
#get columns you wish to exclude from duplication-check
cols <- c( "stid", "spid" )
#keep non-duplicated rows, based on a subset of df (without the columns in `cols`)
df[ !duplicated( df[, !..cols] ), ][]

#    sgid stid spid  sch sst snd qgid qtid qpid  qch qst qnd
# 1:  sg1 <NA> <NA> sch1  11  21  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 111 211
# 2:  sg2 <NA> <NA> sch2  32  46  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 234 267
# 3:  sg3 <NA>  sp3 sch2  21  34  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1  21  34

if you do not wish to keep the first row of a duplicate, but the last, use:

df[ !duplicated( df[, !..cols], fromLast = TRUE ), ][]  #<-- note fromlast-argument!

#    sgid stid spid  sch sst snd qgid qtid qpid  qch qst qnd
# 1:  sg1  st1 <NA> sch1  11  21  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 111 211
# 2:  sg2 <NA> <NA> sch2  32  46  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1 234 267
# 3:  sg3 <NA>  sp3 sch2  21  34  qg1  qt1  qp1 qch1  21  34

Upvotes: 1

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