
Reputation: 779

There is no specific subroutine for the generic ‘mpi_send

subroutine collect(rank, nprocs, n_local, n_global, u_initial_local)

use mpi

implicit none

integer*8                           :: i_local_low, i_local_high
integer*8                           :: i_global_low, i_global_high
integer*8                           :: i_local, i_global
integer*8                           :: n_local, n_global
real*8                              :: u_initial_local(n_local)
real*8, dimension(:), allocatable   :: u_global
integer                             :: procs
integer*8                           :: n_local_procs

! Data declarations for MPI
integer     :: ierr ! error signal variable, Standard value - 0
integer     :: rank ! process ID (pid) / Number
integer     :: nprocs ! number of processors

! MPI send/ receive arguments
integer                             :: buffer(2)
integer, parameter                  :: collect1 = 10
integer, parameter                  :: collect2 = 20

! status variable - tells the status of send/ received calls
! Needed for receive subroutine
integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: status1

i_global_low  = (rank       *(n_global-1))/nprocs
i_global_high = ((rank+1)   *(n_global-1))/nprocs

if (rank > 0) then
    i_global_low = i_global_low - 1
end if

i_local_low = 0
i_local_high = i_global_high - i_global_low

if (rank == 0) then

    do i_local = i_local_low, i_local_high
        i_global = i_global_low + i_local - i_local_low
        u_global(i_global) = u_initial_local(i_local)
    end do

    do procs = 1,nprocs-1

        call MPI_RECV(buffer, 2, MPI_INTEGER, procs, collect1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status1, ierr)

        i_global_low = buffer(1)
        n_local_procs = buffer(2)

        call MPI_RECV(u_global(i_global_low+1), n_local_procs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, procs, collect2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status1, ierr)        
    end do

    print *, u_global


    buffer(1) = i_global_low
    buffer(2) = n_local

    call MPI_SEND(buffer, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, collect1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_SEND(u_initial_local, n_local, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, collect2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
end if

end subroutine collect

I am getting the error for MPI_SEND and MPI_RECV corresponding to collect2 tag. "There is no specific subroutine for the generic ‘mpi_recv’ at (1)" and 1 is at the end of .......ierr). MPI_SEND for collect2 tag is sending an array and MPI_RECV is receiving that array. This does not happen for collect1 tag.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2704

Answers (1)

Your n_local is integer*8 but it must be integer (see How to debug Fortran 90 compile error "There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'foo' at (1)"?).

There are many articles (like about the problem with large arrays (more than maxint elements) and MPI. If you do have the problems with n_local being too large for integer, you can use derived types (like MPI_Type_contiguous) to lower the number of elements passed to MPI procedures so that it fits into a 4-byte integer.

Upvotes: 3

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