I am trying to create spec just from data. I have very complex data structure - all nested map.
({:importer.datamodel/global-id "01b4e69f86e5dd1d816e91da27edc08e",
:importer.datamodel/type "province",
:name "a1",
:importer.datamodel/part-of "8cda1baed04b668a167d4ca28e3cef36"}
{:importer.datamodel/global-id "8cda1baed04b668a167d4ca28e3cef36",
:importer.datamodel/type "country",
:name "AAA"}
{:importer.datamodel/global-id "c78e5478e19f2d7c1b02088e53e8d8a4",
:importer.datamodel/type "location",
:importer.datamodel/center ["36." "2."],
:importer.datamodel/part-of "01b4e69f86e5dd1d816e91da27edc08e"}
{:importer.datamodel/global-id "88844f94f79c75acfcb957bb41386149",
:importer.datamodel/type "organisation",
:name "C"}
{:importer.datamodel/global-id "102e96468e5d13058ab85c734aa4a949",
:importer.datamodel/type "organisation",
:name "A"}),
({:importer.datamodel/global-id "Source;ACLED",
:name "ACLED",
:url ""}),
({:importer.datamodel/global-id "item-set;ACLED",
:importer.datamodel/type "event",
:datasource "Source;ACLED",
:date "1997-01-04",
{:importer.datamodel/global-id "df5c7d6d075df3a7719ebdd39c6d4c7f",
:text "bla"},
:location "8cda1baed04b668a167d4ca28e3cef36",
:contexts (),
:importer.datamodel/type "position"}
:location "c78e5478e19f2d7c1b02088e53e8d8a4",
:contexts (),
:importer.datamodel/type "position"}),
:interaction-name "Violence",
:importer.datamodel/type "description",
({:context "102e96468e5d13058ab85c734aa4a949",
:context-association-type "actor",
:context-association-name "actor-1",
:priority "none"}
{:context "88844f94f79c75acfcb957bb41386149",
:context-association-type "actor",
:context-association-name "actor-2",
:priority "none"}),
:importer.datamodel/type "integer",
:name "fatalities",
:value "16"}),
({:name "description",
:importer.datamodel/type "string",
:value "Violence"})}),
:attributes (),
:ioi-slice "per-item"})}
What tool can create the spec for such a structure? I am trying to use this tool:
but it gives me this:
(spec/def :importer.datamodel/data
which is not complete solution...
I use (sp/pprint-specs (sp/infer-specs data :importer.datamodel/data) 'data 's)
What tool can create the spec for such a structure?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 306
Reputation: 16194
I am trying to use this tool:
spec-provider isn't giving you the desired result because your data is a complex nested/recursive structure. Some of those maps would be best spec'd with multi-specs, but spec-provider won't do that; one of the caveats in its docs says There is no attempt to infer multi-spec.
The only way to properly spec some of these maps is using multi-specs their spec will depend on their :importer.datamodel/type
First, let's look at the top-level keys (assuming the map is in a binding named data
(keys data) => (:contexts :datasources :iois)
Create a s/keys
spec for the outermost map:
(s/def ::my-map
(s/keys :req-un [::contexts ::datasources ::iois]))
These keys are unqualified, but we must use qualified keywords w/:req-un
to spec them. We can use the REPL to look at the shapes of nested maps and their relationships to :importer.datamodel/type
, by walking the nested structure and collecting data:
(let [keysets (atom #{})]
(fn [v]
(when (map? v)
(swap! keysets conj [(:importer.datamodel/type v) (keys v)]))
["organisation" (:importer.datamodel/global-id :importer.datamodel/type :name)]
[nil (:context :context-association-type :context-association-name :priority)]
(:importer.datamodel/global-id :date :fulltext :location-meanings
:interaction-name :importer.datamodel/type :has-contexts :facts :attributes)]
["event" (:importer.datamodel/global-id :importer.datamodel/type :datasource :features :attributes :ioi-slice)]
(An upcoming spec alpha should make it easier to define specs programmatically from this data.)
We can see there are some map shapes that don't have a :importer.datamodel/type
, but we can write multi-specs for the ones that do. First define a multimethod for dispatching on the type key:
(defmulti type-spec :importer.datamodel/type)
Then write a defmethod
for each :importer.datamodel/type
value. Here are a few examples:
(defmethod type-spec :default [_] (s/keys))
(defmethod type-spec "organisation" [_]
(s/keys :req [:importer.datamodel/global-id]
:req-un [::name]))
(defmethod type-spec "description" [_]
(s/keys :req [:importer.datamodel/global-id]
:req-un [::date ::fulltext ::location-meanings ::interaction-name
::has-contexts ::facts ::attributes]))
(defmethod type-spec "event" [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::features]))
Then define the s/multi-spec
(s/def ::datamodel
(s/multi-spec type-spec :importer.datamodel/type))
Now any map we conform to ::datamodel
will resolve a spec based on its :importer.datamodel/type
value. We can assign that spec to keywords that spec will use to conform the maps, e.g. one of the outermost keys:
(s/def ::contexts (s/coll-of ::datamodel))
Now if you remove a required key from one of the maps we spec'd under :contexts
, spec can tell you what's wrong. For example, removing the :name
key from an "organisation"
(s/explain ::my-map data)
In: [:contexts 3]
val: #:importer.datamodel{:global-id "88844f94f79c75acfcb957bb41386149",
:type "organisation"}
fails spec:
at: [:contexts "organisation"]
predicate: (contains? % :name)
For the maps that don't have a :importer.datamodel/type
you should be able to define a key spec. For example, the nested :has-contexts
key has a collection of maps without a :importer.datamodel/type
, but if we can assume they'll all be similar we can write this spec:
(s/def ::has-contexts
(s/coll-of (s/keys :req-un [::context ::context-association-type
::context-association-name ::priority])))
is in a map we've already covered with a multi-spec above, and simply registering a spec to this key will make spec conform its values. The outermost key that contains this spec is :iois
so we can spec that key too:
(s/def ::iois (s/coll-of ::datamodel))
Now, conforming an input to ::my-map
spec will automatically cover more data.
What tool can create the spec for such a structure?
As you can see, writing a full spec for this structure is non-trivial but possible. I don't know of any existing tool that could automatically infer a complete, "correct" spec for this structure. It would've had to intuit that :importer.datamodel/type
is a key that could be used to dispatch to different s/keys
specs — and it would still be making a potentially invalid assumption. I think tool-assisted spec generation is more realistic and practical in this case.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10396
With HANA 2 SPS 03 you could use the system-versioned tables feature. For system-versioned tables HANA automatically keeps a separate table of old record versions that can be accessed independently from the main table.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 384
Why not to create a history table using a trigger which inserts old data just before the transaction.
Something like this,
(Please check the syntax)
Upvotes: 1