Reputation: 41
Note: I am unable to paste the exact framework and code as the server I work on is not accessible from outside. Hence, I will try to explain my problem in simple words and examples.
Overview - I have created a Selenium automation framework which includes TestNG, Maven (POM.XML), Test data files, Scripts and few reusable functions.
Issue I am facing - I use Jenkins to execute my scripts. Jenkins calls POM.XML file which inturn calls testng.xml file (In testng.xml file, I have mentioned the scripts to be executed)
Let's say, I have to perform login action
Main Script
Public void maintest ()
//I use Extent reports for reporting purpose and hence I have created extent
//reporting reusable function which is called in the below fashion.
//If Login method returns pass, ExtentReportingFunc passes Pass to its
//function and displays Pass for that particular Login step in the report.
ExtentReportingFunc (Login(UserName, Password));
Reusable functions
Public String Login (String UN, String Pass)
//Sendkeys and set UN
driver.findelement ("username")).sendkeys(UN);
//Sendkeys and set Password
driver.findelement ("password")).sendkeys(pass);
//Click Login
driver.findelement ("login")).click ();
//Verifying the message "Welcome User" is displayed after login
if (driver.findlement ("welcomemessage")).isdisplayed ();
return pass;
} catch (Exception e)
//If welcome message is not found then return fail to the Reporting function
return "fail";
//Below code will be unreachable which is correct as per Java but that is the challenge.
// I tried several ways to find a work around to return fail as above as
// well throw exception but no luck till now.
// Upon throwing exception in the below way, Jenkins displays build as
//failed. If it is not done, though the script has failed,
//Jenkins displays "BUILD PASSED"
throw e;
//Extent Reporting function
ExtentReportingFunc (String status)
{ (status);
Here, the challenge is - In the catch block, If I DO NOT mention "throw e", Jenkins won't understand that the failure has occurred and display "BUILD PASSED" in it's console output. I want it to display "BUILD FAILURE" in Jenkins console. Reason why I want it to display "BUILD FAILED" is - I have integrated JIRA with Jenkins. Only when jenkins show BUILD FAILED, it logs automatically bugs to JIRA. If it is "BUILD PASSED" and though finished status is UNSTABLE, no failures will be displayed in the test result section of Jenkins NOR it logs any bugs in JIRA.
However, that time I won't be able to pass return "fail" to the main reporting function so that it can display login step as failure in the report.
I understand, as per JAVA we can either throw or return in the catch block but not both. Is there any other way we can make this work?
I already had created end to end framework but later realised this problem when I started integrating with Jenkins (or else everything was fine till then).
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Views: 5895
Reputation: 924
Why Don't you add assert fail inside you catch statement, that way you are forcing testng test to fail when its inside the catch statement"Im failing here due to ... you can add your e message here");
Just add the line of code before
return "fail";
and keep the rest of the function as is
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Reputation: 4507
You can solve this problem by using asserts, so whenever your condition doesn't met the assert will fail and so will your test case and jenkins will show the status of the build as "UNSTABLE" instead of "PASS".
For example, in the above example, instead of using try catch and if condition in the try, it can be solved by a single line of assert which will also give you your desired build status as well.
You can replace the above code with:
Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement("welcomemessage")).isDisplayed(), "Element is not present on the page");
So in this, if the element is not displayed on the page, assert will be failed as it is expecting true value but will get false and your jenkins build status will be shown as unstable.
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