Reputation: 13
I'm having trouble with the authentication from a code that I got from the internet.
The thing is that I'm building an API from this code and I'm getting no response from my requests unless I create a session. When a session is created I get the responses for all the request, but with no session created I cannot get any data.
the main.php code:
'urlManager' => array(
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'rules' => array(
## a partir daqui é api ##
array('api/list', 'pattern'=>'api/<model:\w+>', 'verb'=>'GET'),
The ApiController.php code:
public function actionList() {
switch ($_GET['model']) {
case 'campanha':
$models = Campaign::model()->findAll('id!=-2');
// Model not implemented error
$this->_sendResponse(501, sprintf(
'Erro: <b>rota</b> nao existe! <b>%s</b>', $_GET['model']));
The Campaign.php model code:
class Campaign extends Model
protected $_module = 'campaign';
* Retorna a classe estatica da model.
* @return Campaign classe estatica da model.
public static function model($className = __CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
* @return nome da tabela.
public function tableName()
return 'pkg_campaign';
* @return nome da(s) chave(s) primaria(s).
public function primaryKey()
return 'id';
* @return array validacao dos campos da model.
public function rules()
return array(
array('name', 'required'),
array('monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, allow_email,allow_beneficio_especie,
allow_email2,allow_email3,allow_city,allow_neighborhood,allow_address,allow_address_number,allow_address_complement,allow_state,allow_country, allow_dni,allow_cpf,allow_mobile,allow_mobile_2, allow_number_home,allow_number_office,
allow_zip_code, allow_valor_proposta,allow_valor_parcela,
allow_id_phonebook, allow_name, allow_sessiontime, allow_beneficio_number,
allow_telefone_celular2,allow_telefone_celular3, allow_telefone_fixo_comercial1,
allow_telefone_fixo_comercial2,allow_telefone_fixo_comercial3, allow_parente1,
allow_vizinho3,allow_telefone_vizinho3, allow_credit_card_code, allow_credit_card_number,
allow_credit_card_type, allow_credit_card_name,
timeout, retry, wrapuptime, weight,
periodic-announce-frequency, announce-frequency, call_limit, call_next_try, predictive', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true),
array('name, description', 'length', 'max' => 100),
array('open_url,open_url_when_answer_call', 'length', 'max' => 200),
array('open_url,open_url_when_answer_call', 'url'),
array('status', 'length', 'max' => 1),
array('startingdate, expirationdate', 'length', 'max' => 50),
array('allow_option_1_type, allow_option_2_type, allow_option_3_type,
allow_option_4_type, allow_option_5_type', 'length', 'max' => 50),
array(' allow_option_6_type, allow_option_7_type,allow_option_8_type', 'length', 'max' => 200),
array('allow_option_1, allow_option_2, allow_option_3, allow_option_4,
allow_option_5, allow_option_6, allow_option_7, allow_option_8', 'length', 'max' => 100),
array('daily_morning_start_time, daily_morning_stop_time,
daily_afternoon_start_time, daily_afternoon_stop_time, announce-position', 'length', 'max' => 8),
array('name', 'unique', 'caseSensitive' => 'false'),
array('musiconhold, strategy', 'length', 'max' => 128),
array('ringinuse, eventmemberstatus, autopause, setqueuevar, setqueueentryvar,
setinterfacevar', 'length', 'max' => 3),
array('periodic-announce, leavewhenempty, joinempty, announce-holdtime', 'length', 'max' => 128),
public function beforeSave()
$this->name = preg_replace("/ /", "-", $this->name);
$this->setqueuevar = $this->setqueueentryvar = $this->setinterfacevar = 'yes';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
if (strlen($this->{"allow_option_" . $i}) == 0) {
$this->{"allow_option_" . $i . "_type"} = '';
} elseif (strlen($this->{"allow_option_" . $i}) > 0 && strlen($this->{"allow_option_" . $i . "_type"}) == 0) {
$this->{"allow_option_" . $i . "_type"} = 'textfield';
} else {
$this->{"allow_option_" . $i . "_type"} = $this->{"allow_option_" . $i . "_type"};
return parent::beforeSave();
public function campaignPredictive($campaign)
$id_campaign = "SELECT id_phonebook FROM pkg_campaign_phonebook WHERE id_campaign = " . $campaign->id;
$sql = "SELECT id,
'" . $campaign->name . "' name,
(SELECT avg(sessiontime) FROM `pkg_cdr` WHERE `id_campaign` = $campaign->id) answered_call_ratio,
(SELECT count(*) FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign)) total_calls,
(SELECT count(*) FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign) AND ringing_time > 1) answered,
count(*) error,
(SELECT AVG( ringing_time ) FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign) AND ringing_time >0) ring_delay ,
((SELECT count(*) FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign) AND ringing_time > 1) * 100) / (SELECT count(*) FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign)) AS asr,
(SELECT count(*) FROM pkg_predictive WHERE id_campaign = $campaign->id AND operador IS NULL AND amd = 0) AS call_lost,
(SELECT count(*) FROM pkg_predictive WHERE id_campaign = $campaign->id AND amd = 1) AS call_amd
FROM `pkg_predictive_gen` WHERE `id_phonebook` IN ($id_campaign) AND ringing_time = 0";
return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
Upvotes: 0
Views: 234
Reputation: 2267
Just override parent's method authorizedNoSession() and
1) Return true if you need not auth check for whole ApiController
public function authorizedNoSession()
return true;
2) Return the same way check for needed actions
public function authorizedNoSession()
$allow = array(
return in_array($this->controllerName, $allow);
Upvotes: 2