Reputation: 183
I'm trying to make Apollo subscriptions on iOS work with a backend that is using Action Cable to implement websockets. I learned that the iOS app needs to send command
, channel
and channel id
to the backend to make subscriptions work (see here). I have tried to use the function write func write(_ str: String, force forced: Bool = false, id: Int? = nil)
in WebSocketTransport.swift
on WebSocketTransport object when initializing instance of Apollo. Below you can see how I'm doing that.
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard
var authPayloads = Dictionary<String, String> ()
var authToken = ""
if let token = userDefault.object(forKey: "token") {
authToken = "\(token)"
authPayloads.updateValue(authToken, forKey: "authorization")
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.httpAdditionalHeaders = authPayloads
let map: GraphQLMap = authPayloads
let wsEndpointURL = URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/subscriptions/\(authToken)")!
let endpointURL = URL(string: "http://localhost:8080/api")!
websocket = WebSocketTransport(request: URLRequest(url: wsEndpointURL), connectingPayload: map)
var channelId = Int(arc4random_uniform(100000))
websocket?.write(stringify(json: ["command":"subscribe", "identifier": stringify(json: ["channel":"channelName", "channelId": channelId])]))
let splitNetworkTransport = SplitNetworkTransport(
httpNetworkTransport: HTTPNetworkTransport(
url: endpointURL,
configuration: configuration
webSocketNetworkTransport: websocket!
return ApolloClient(networkTransport: splitNetworkTransport)
However, the backend isn't seeing what I'm writing to the WebSocket Transport object in their logs and I'm not able to subscribe to that specific channel. Any idea how I can make use Apollo subscriptions on iOS if the backend is using Action Cable, and make the two work together?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 816
Reputation: 388
The only solution for now is to use Swift-ActionCableClient to recieve streams, and use the mutations/queries from ApolloClient.
Unfortenatly! Apollo iOS doesn't know how to communicate with ActionCable channels, this issue is reported on Apollo-iOS Github Issue #634 & Your issue Github Issue #454
Upvotes: 0