Reputation: 25
I'm trying to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into a Powershell script and add up the values of one column while sorting the results based on the value of another column. The example below probably illustrates this better than I can in words.
The end goal is to add up the values in the SUBMIT column for each Agent and then export that data to a separate spreadsheet, but I can't figure out the first step of adding the values together and grouping them with the Agent.
foreach ($data in (Import-Excel "C:\prod\actstest.xlsx")) {
$result += $data.Submit
Write-Host $result
When I run the block of code above, it successfully adds up the values in the Submit column but doesn't sort it based on Agent. When I run the below code it successfully sorts them by Agent but doesn't add them up. There must be a way to combine these together but I've been unsuccessful in figuring it out to this point.
$testdata = Import-Excel "C:\prod\actstest.xlsx"
ForEach ($Agency in $testdata) {
$AgentID = $Agency.AGENT
$Product = $Agency.EPROD
$Submit = $Agency.SUBMIT
[int]$SubNum = [convert]::ToInt32($Submit, 10)
ForEach($AgentID in $Agency) {
If ($Product -eq "HOP") {
$Agency | Group-Object AGENT | %{
New-Object psobject -Property @{
Agent = $_.Name
Sum = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -property SUBMIT -Sum).Sum
This is what I'm getting:
Sum Agent
--- -----
2 05007
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05008
1 05018
1 05018
1 05018
1 05018
1 05018
This is what I'm trying to get:
Sum Agent
--- -----
2 05007
13 05008
5 05018
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1987
It's quite difficult to deduce what you are after without seeing your original data.
This might do:
## Q:\Test\2019\02\07\SO_54576574.ps1
$testdata = Import-Excel "C:\prod\actstest.xlsx"
$testdata | Where-Object EPROD -eq 'HOP' | Group-Object Agent | ForEach-Object {
Agent = $_.Name
Sum = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property SUBMIT -Sum).Sum
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 25001
Since I don't have your original file and can't really begin to understand fully what you are trying to accomplish, I can only provide a way to do the summation. I created my own array of agents to show how it works:
$agents = @(05007,05007,05008,05007,05008,05009,05018,05008,05009,05017,05009)
$agentsSorted = $agents | sort
$uniqueAgents = $agentsSorted | get-unique
$data = foreach ($uniqueAgent in $uniqueAgents) {
$count = 0
$count = $agentssorted.where({$_ -eq $uniqueAgent}).count
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{Agent = $uniqueAgent; Sum = $count}
Upvotes: 0