Reputation: 19212
There is some documentation on using Amazon SQS as an MQ Server forServiceStack Messaging API
But the message publisher is frontend web code and when you dig into the Email Contacts demo app, it is using Rabbit MQ.
There is a ServiceStack Email Contacts AWS App demo but it doesn't use the Messaging API.
Trying to use the Rabbit MQ Integration Test in Email Contacts as an example:
public void Can_Send_Email_via_MqClient()
var mqFactory = new RabbitMqMessageFactory();
using (var mqClient = mqFactory.CreateMessageQueueClient())
mqClient.Publish(new EmailContact { ContactId = 1, Subject = "UnitTest MQ Email #1", Body = "Body 1" });
mqClient.Publish(new EmailContact { ContactId = 1, Subject = "UnitTest MQ Email #2", Body = "Body 2" });
I quickly confused and lead astray and the ServiceStack API for Sqs seems very different than RabbitMQ. I cannot even seem to be able to use a strongly type POCO as a Message:
[Fact(DisplayName = "Tests that a successful message is published and received")]
public async void TestMessage()
var mqFactory = new SqsConnectionFactory("awskey", "awssecret", RegionEndpoint.USWest1);
using (IAmazonSQS mqClient = mqFactory.GetClient())
var req = new SendMessageRequest("query", "hello");
await mqClient.SendMessageAsync(req);
//mqClient.Publish(new Hello { Name = "World" });
//var rec = new ReceiveMessageRequest();
//await mqClient.Re
//var responseMsg = mqClient.Get<HelloResponse>(QueueNames<HelloResponse>.In);
//responseMsg.GetBody().Result //= Hello, World!
Is there an example app using the ServiceStack Messaging API with SQS as the MQ Server?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 674
Reputation: 143339
There is a ServiceStack Email Contacts AWS App demo but it doesn't use the Messaging API.
Note AWS Apps does register the AWS SqsMqServer:
private void ConfigureSqsMqServer(Container container)
container.Register<IMessageService>(c => new SqsMqServer(
AwsConfig.AwsAccessKey, AwsConfig.AwsSecretKey, RegionEndpoint.USEast1) {
DisableBuffering = true,
var mqServer = container.Resolve<IMessageService>();
There's also a number of examples in SqsMqServerTests.cs.
If you want to use ServiceStack MQ's high-level APIs, you'd need to use ServiceStack's MQ classes instead of AWS's SQS classes directly.
Basically it works like every other MQ Server, you can fetch an MQ Client from the IMessageFactory
or IMessageService
(registered in your AppHost) and use it to publish DTOs:
var mqFactory = HostContext.TryResolve<IMessageFactory>(); //or
//var mqFactory = HostContext.TryResolve<IMessageService>().MessageFactory;
using (var mqClient = mqFactory.CreateMessageQueueClient())
mqClient.Publish(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Although the preferred API within a ServiceStack Service is to use PublishMessage()
PublishMessage(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Note requests to the
pre-defined endpoint are automatically published to the registered MQ Server.
In client Apps without a registered SqsMqServer
you'd create a SqsMqMessageFactory
var mqFactory = new SqsMqMessageFactory(new SqsQueueManager(...));
using (var mqClient = mqFactory.CreateMessageQueueClient())
mqClient.Publish(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Upvotes: 2