Reputation: 21
Hoping, with some assistance, to find a solution here pls;
Environ: OSX 10.14.3 (Mojave)
Build: jenkins-appcelerator-studio-titanium_studio-master-38 (master)
Date: 201809051655
Mac 64-bit installer downloaded from:
I originally attempted to install sdks via the button in the dashboard. The android sdk claimed it came down and was recognised as good. However the iOS sdk was problematic and just sat there spinning. I subsequently opened the App Store and d'loaded/installed XCode directly from there. Since then, it appears the Andoird sdks do not want to be recognised.
Things I have already attempted:
The sdk dir is listed in the Prefs Dialog > Platforms > Android, but the error is recognised.
Instructions followed @:!/guide/Errors_Configuring_Platforms_Inside_Studio
There is no mention of '' in the log. Surely, this indicates there is no Python installed, no......? And if no python is installed, how could a script expected to run in order to recognise the android sdk physically run?
Output of 'appc ti config'
macbook:~ me$ appc ti config
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.9
Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
android.sdkPath = "/Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx/"
app.workspace = ""
cli.colors = true
cli.completion = false
cli.failOnWrongSDK = false
cli.httpProxyServer = ""
cli.ignoreDirs = "^(\.svn|_svn|\.git|\.hg|\.?[Cc][Vv][Ss]|\.bzr|\$RECYCLE\.BIN)$"
cli.ignoreFiles = "^(\.gitignore|\.npmignore|\.cvsignore|\.DS_Store|\._.*|[Tt]humbs.db|\.vspscc|\.vssscc|\.sublime-project|\.sublime-workspace|\.project|\.tmproj)$"
cli.logLevel = "trace"
cli.progressBars = true
cli.prompt = true
cli.rejectUnauthorized = true
cli.width = 100
paths.commands = []
paths.hooks = []
paths.modules = []
paths.plugins = []
paths.sdks = []
paths.templates = []
user.locale = "en_US"
Output of 'appc ti info -t android'. I note here "Android Executable = not found". That must surely be significant??
macbook:~ me$ appc ti info -t android
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.9
Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Android SDK
Android Executable = not found
ADB Executable = /Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb
SDK Path = /Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx
Android NDK
NDK Path = not found
NDK Version = not found
Android Platforms
1) android-23
Name = Android 6.0
API Level = 23
Revision = 3
Skins = HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in, AndroidWearRound, AndroidWearRound360x360, AndroidWearRound400x400, AndroidWearRound480x480, AndroidWearRoundChin320x290, AndroidWearRoundChin320x300, AndroidWearRoundChin360x325, AndroidWearRoundChin360x326, AndroidWearRoundChin360x330, AndroidWearSquare, AndroidWearSquare240x240, AndroidWearSquare320x320
ABIs = armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Path = /Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-23
2) android-28
Name = Android 9
API Level = 28
Revision = 1
Skins = HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in, AndroidWearRound, AndroidWearRound360x360, AndroidWearRound390x390, AndroidWearRound400x400, AndroidWearRound454x454, AndroidWearRound480x480, AndroidWearRoundChin320x290, AndroidWearRoundChin320x300, AndroidWearRoundChin360x325, AndroidWearRoundChin360x326, AndroidWearRoundChin360x330, AndroidWearSquare, AndroidWearSquare240x240, AndroidWearSquare320x320
ABIs = x86, x86_64
Path = /Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-28
Android Add-Ons
3) Google Inc.:Google APIs:23
Name = Google APIs (Android 6.0 (API level 23))
Vendor = Google Inc.
Revision = 1
Description = Android + Google APIs
Skins = HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in, AndroidWearRound, AndroidWearRound360x360, AndroidWearRound400x400, AndroidWearRound480x480, AndroidWearRoundChin320x290, AndroidWearRoundChin320x300, AndroidWearRoundChin360x325, AndroidWearRoundChin360x326, AndroidWearRoundChin360x330, AndroidWearSquare, AndroidWearSquare240x240, AndroidWearSquare320x320
ABIs = armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Path = /Users/me/Library/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-23
Libraries = none
Android Emulators
ID = titanium_1_WVGA800
SDK Version = Android 6.0 (API level 23)
ABI = armeabi-v7a
Skin = wvga800
Path = /Users/me/.android/avd/titanium_1_WVGA800.avd
SD Card = /Users/me/.android/avd/titanium_1_WVGA800.avd/sdcard.img
Google APIs = no
Genymotion Emulators
Connected Android Devices
Android Issues
! Unable to locate an Android NDK.
Without the NDK, you will not be able to build native Android Titanium modules.
If you have already downloaded and installed the Android NDK, you can tell Titanium where the
Android NDK is located by running 'appc titanium config android.ndkPath /path/to/android-ndk',
otherwise you can install it by running 'appc titanium setup android' or manually downloading
Finally, in light of the apparently missing '' ref. and the apparently missing Android Executable, I have since re-d'loaded the Studio from the above link, and re-installed it.
I then clicked on configure for the Android sdk, which when finished showed me all Ticks, but to no avail. Both the prefs dialog and the Dashboard claim it still ain't there.
I would really appreciate your assistance.
Many thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1180
Reputation: 1
I had that exact problem, but somewhere in the appcelerator docs ( was an instruction to also install android studio at
After installing android studio and using that the menu on the bottom: configure -> sdk manager to download SDKs, my Appcelerator studio worked. I still can't use appcelerator studio to get more SDKs, but the android studio path at least has me working again.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Android Executable = not found
I think you miss the tools
directory in the sdk (with Android Studio's SDK Manager I had to install Android SDK Tools
I'd suggest to download the Android SDK with Android Studio or standalone from Google and then add the sdk path in Appcelerator Studio settings (Platform -> Android).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 115
Please try to place your "android-sdk" folder to the Home directory and show the location to the Axway Appcelerator Studio>>Preferences>>Studio>>Platforms>Android>Android SDK Home. Then click on Install SDKs>> Now select android 6.X.X, 7.X.X,8.X.X and install those packages.
If you face any issue then try to setup android SDK via the terminal.
And restart PC.
Also, take a look android SDK installation guide -!/guide/Installing_the_Android_SDK
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 315
2.U can also download sdk and ndk inside android studio -> sdk manager
Upvotes: 0