Reputation: 143
I'm very new to ExtJS and wanted to achieve the following:
I have a model with data something like this:
"Account_Enabled": true,
"Requirements_gathered": true,
"work_done": false,
"deadlines": {
"Account_Enabled": true,
"Requirements_gathered": false
There are no multiple rows. Only a single row returned from the database.
I want to display the data in a grid with three columns Column1: The name of the column Column2: A checkbox that shows whether the value is true or false Column3: A checkbox that shows whether the column name present in "deadlines" or not
Account_Enabled True True
Requirements_Gathered True False
work_done False Undefined(Checkbox need to be disabled)
Basically, i need to convert that single row into three columns. Also, i need to the update the store when the user checks/uncheks the checkboxes
May i know if there is any way to achieve this via ExtJS grids? or is there any better idea?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 0
Views: 884
Reputation: 284
There is no direct way to bind your json response in the format you mention to the grid store.
What you need to do is to manipulate the response the match grid columns required.
Check this working example ExtJs Fiddle
//Your Original Response
let response = '{"Account_Enabled": true, "Requirements_gathered": true, "work_done": false, "deadlines": {"Account_Enabled": true, "Requirements_gathered": false}}';
// Convert your response to object
let jsonDecode = Ext.decode(response);
//This function to convert your response to match grid store
let dataConvert = function(jsonObj){
//Returned array object
let data = [];
// To get Object of deadlines and know if the property exist or not
let availableData = jsonObj.deadlines
//Loop throw object property
for(var objProperty in jsonObj){
//Ignore deadlines property
//Adding the object to the array "objPropery" will return the property name
//"jsonObj[objProperty]" will return the value of property if it is true or flase
//"availableData[objProperty]" will return the value if exist in availableData
return data
let gridStore = Ext.create('', {
storeId: 'gridStoreId',
fields: ['colName', 'isReqGathered', 'isWorkDone'],
data: dataConvert(jsonDecode)
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title: 'Test Store Filter',
width: 500,
height: 400,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: gridStore,
columns: [{
dataIndex: 'colName',
text: 'colName'
}, {
dataIndex: 'isReqGathered',
text: 'isReqGathered'
}, {
dataIndex: 'isWorkDone',
text: 'isWorkDone'
Upvotes: 2