
Reputation: 2064

How can I Install pip for python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18?

I've installed Python 3.7 on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine. Following this instructions in case it's relevant:

Download : Python 3.7 from Python Website [1] ,on Desktop and manually unzip it, on Desktop Installation : Open Terminal (ctrl +shift+T)

Go to the Extracted folder
$ cd ~/Desktop/Python-3.7.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Making Python 3.7 default Python :

$ sudo vim ~/.bashrc
press i
on the last and new line - Type
alias python= python3.7
press Esc
type - to save and exit vim
now type
$ source ~/.bashrc

From here: https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-upgrade-Python-3-6-to-3-7-in-Ubuntu-18-04

I've downloaded several modules through pip install module but when I try to import them, I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module names 'xx'

So I did some research and apparently when used pip to install, it installed in the modules in previous version of Python. Somewhere (probably a question in SO) I found a suggestion to install the module using python3.7 -m pip install module but then I get /usr/local/bin/python3.7: no module named pip.

Now I'm stuck, pip is installed, but apparently not for Python 3.7. I'm assuming that if I can install pip for Python 3.7, I can run the pip install command and get the modules I need. If that is the case, how can I install pip for python 3.7, since it's already installed?

This is the best I have come up with:

I have installed python 3.7 successfully and I can install modules using pip (or pip3) but those modules are installed in Python 3.6 (Comes with ubuntu). Therefore I can't import those modules in python 3.7 (get a module not found)

Python 3.7 doesn't recognize pip/pip3, so I can't install through pip/pip3. I need python 3.7.

Upvotes: 134

Views: 280262

Answers (15)


Reputation: 229

I used apt-get to install Python 3.7 in Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). The installations are as follows.

  1. install Python 3.7

    sudo apt-get install python3.7
  2. install pip3. It should be noted that this may install pip3 for Python 3.6.

    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  3. change the default of Python 3 for Python 3.7. This is where the magic is, which will make the pip3 refer to Python 3.7.

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 1

Upvotes: 22

Anil Konduru
Anil Konduru

Reputation: 39

The following steps can be used:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install python3.7

# python3.7

curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3.7-venv
python3.7 -m venv /home/ubuntu/app
cd app   
source bin/activate

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 885

When I use apt install python3-pip, I get a lot of packages needed to be installed, but I don’t need them. So, I do like this:

apt update
apt-get install python3-setuptools
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py
rm -f get-pip.py

Upvotes: 4

Patrick Conwell
Patrick Conwell

Reputation: 700

It is pip3, not pip. You can create an alias like you did with python3 if you like.

Upvotes: -2

Abdullah Bakhsh
Abdullah Bakhsh

Reputation: 678

You can download a get-pip.py that corresponds to your python version like this:

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.7/get-pip.py | get-pip.py
python3.7 ./get-pip.py

You can replace 3.7 with the version you're looking for

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 21932

In general, don't do this:

pip install package

because, as you have correctly noticed, it's not clear what Python version you're installing package for.

Instead, if you want to install package for Python 3.7, do this:

python3.7 -m pip install package

Replace package with the name of whatever you're trying to install.

Took me a surprisingly long time to figure it out, too. The docs about it are here.

Your other option is to set up a virtual environment. Once your virtual environment is active, executable names like python and pip will point to the correct ones.

Upvotes: 170


Reputation: 6641

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python3.7

if all else fails.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 434

Combining the answers from @mpenkon and @dangel, this is what worked for me:

  1. sudo apt install python3-pip

  2. python3.7 -m pip install pip

Step #1 is required (assuming you don't already have pip for python3) for step #2 to work. It uses pip for Python3.6 to install pip for Python 3.7 apparently.

Upvotes: 9

El Sampsa
El Sampsa

Reputation: 1733

How about simply

add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install python3.7-dev
alias pip3.7="python3.7 -m pip"

Now you have the command


separately from pip3.

Upvotes: 1

Marvin Correia
Marvin Correia

Reputation: 871

Install python pre-requisites

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget

Install python 3.7 (from ppa repository)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.7

Install pip3.7

sudo apt install python3-pip
python3.7 -m pip install pip

Create python and pip alternatives

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.7 10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/pip pip /home/your_username/.local/bin/pip3.7 10

Make changes

source ~/.bashrc
python --version
pip --version

Upvotes: 3

Sunil Singh
Sunil Singh

Reputation: 46

I installed pip3 using

python3.7 -m pip install pip

But upon using pip3 to install other dependencies, it was using python3.6.
You can check the by typing pip3 --version

Hence, I used pip3 like this (stated in one of the above answers):

python3.7 -m pip install <module>

or use it like this:

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

I made a bash alias for later use in ~/.bashrc file as alias pip3='python3.7 -m pip'. If you use alias, don't forget to source ~/.bashrc after making the changes and saving it.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 7562

A quick add-on to mpenkov's answer above (didn't want this to get lost in the comments)

For me, I had to install pip for 3.6 first

sudo apt install python3-pip

now you can install python 3.7

sudo apt install python3.7

and then I could install pip for 3.7

python3.7 -m pip install pip

and as a bonus, to install other modules just preface with

python3.7 -m pip install <module>

EDIT 1 (12/2019):

I know this is obvious for most. but if you want python 3.8, just substitute python3.8 in place of python3.7

EDIT 2 (5/2020):

For those that are able to upgrade, Python 3.8 is available out-of-the-box for Ubuntu 20.04 which was released a few weeks ago.

Upvotes: 135

James T
James T

Reputation: 823

For those who intend to use venv:

If you don't already have pip for Python 3:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install venv package:

sudo apt install python3.7-venv

Create virtual environment (which will be bootstrapped with pip by default):

python3.7 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

To activate the virtual environment, source the appropriate script for the current shell, from the bin directory of the virtual environment. The appropriate scripts for the different shells are:

bash/zsh – activate

fish – activate.fish

csh/tcsh – activate.csh

For example, if using bash:

source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

Optionally, to update pip for the virtual environment (while it is activated):

pip install --upgrade pip

When you want to deactivate the virtual environment:


Upvotes: 1

Tomek Tajne
Tomek Tajne

Reputation: 696

This works for me.

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py

Then this command with sudo:

python3.7 get-pip.py

Based on this instruction.

Upvotes: 35

S. Brunner
S. Brunner

Reputation: 111

To install all currently supported python versions (python 3.6 is already pre-installed) including pip for Ubuntu 18.04 do the following:

To install python3.5 and python3.7, use the deadsnakes ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.5
sudo apt-get install python3.7

Install python2.7 via distribution packages:

sudo apt install python-minimal  # on Ubuntu 18.04 python-minimal maps to python2.7

To install pip use:

sudo apt install python-pip  # on Ubuntu 18.04 this refers to pip for python2.7
sudo apt install python3-pip  # on Ubuntu 18.04 this refers to pip for python3.6
python3.5 -m pip install pip # this will install pip only for the current user
python3.7 -m pip install pip

I used it for setting up a CI-chain for a python project with tox and Jenkins.

Upvotes: 11

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