Reputation: 2218
I'm using react-navigation ("^3.0.9") with expo.
This is my logic flow:
TabView(BottomTabNavigator) with StackNavigatior:
-- Aboutscreen
Everything works ok, but now I would like to add a drawer navigation (hamburger menu) as follows:
DrawerNavigation View
--HomeScreen(which will show HomeScreen with 3 tabs)
--Screen2 (no tabs)
--Screen3 (no tabs)
Which I tried to do the following:
export const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator({
export const Drawer = DrawerNavigator({
HomeScreen: { screen: HomeScreen },
Screen2: { screen: Screen2 },
Screen3: { screen: Screen3 },
which they returned an error of undefined is not a function
the original code was to export the default bottom tab navigator only like,
//export default createBottomTabNavigator({
// HomeStack,
// LinksStack,
// SettingsStack,
// }
// );
How do I implement both BottomTabNavigator and DrawerNavigator together?
--Code as below
My App.js which calls AppNavigator
render() {
if (!this.state.isLoadingComplete && !this.props.skipLoadingScreen) {
return (
} else {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{Platform.OS === 'ios' && <StatusBar barStyle="default" />}
<AppNavigator />
which AppNavigator calls MainTabNavigator
import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
import MainTabNavigator from './MainTabNavigator';
export default createAppContainer(createSwitchNavigator({
Main: MainTabNavigator,
an example of my stackNavigator with Tab
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator({
Home: HomeScreen,
HomeDetail: HomeDetailScreen
HomeStack.navigationOptions = {
tabBarLabel: 'Home',
tabBarIcon: ({ focused }) => (
Platform.OS === 'ios'
? `ios-home`
: 'md-home'
Update: I have done a correct working snack example in which anyone can reference from.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 8722
Reputation: 3856
You need to add the tabNavigator inside the DrawerNavigator.
const ProfileNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
Drawer: DashboardTabNav
}, {
initialRouteName: 'Drawer',
contentComponent: ExampleScreen,
drawerWidth: 300
// Manifest of possible screens
const PrimaryNav = createStackNavigator({
DashboardScreen: { screen: ProfileNavigator },
LoginScreen: { screen: LoginScreen },
LaunchScreen: { screen: LaunchScreen },
UpdateUserScreen: { screen: UpdateUserScreen }
}, {
// Default config for all screens
headerMode: 'none',
initialRouteName: 'LoginScreen',
navigationOptions: {
headerStyle: styles.header
export default createAppContainer(PrimaryNav);
Take a look at how to open drawer without navigating to the screen from one of the tabs of tabnavigator? or Also for full example take a look at
Upvotes: 2