Thomas David Kehoe
Thomas David Kehoe

Reputation: 10930

Node callback style with promisify? "The 'original' argument must be of type function"

I'm using util.promisify in a Google Cloud Function to call IBM Watson Text-to-Speech, which returns a callback. My code works but I get an error message:

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "original" argument must be of type function

The documentation says

Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, i.e. taking a (err, value) => ... callback as the last argument, and returns a version that returns promises.

The IBM Watson callback is complicated and I can't figure out how to refactor it into the Node.js callback style. It's working, should I just ignore the error message? Here's my Google Cloud Function:

exports.IBM_T2S = functions.firestore.document('Users/{userID}/Spanish/IBM_T2S_Request').onUpdate((change) => {

    let word =;
    let wordFileType = word + '.mp3';

    function getIBMT2S(word, wordFileType) {
      const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
      const storage = new Storage();
      const bucket = storage.bucket('');
      const file = bucket.file('Audio/Spanish/Latin_America/' + wordFileType);
      var util = require('util');
      var TextToSpeechV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/text-to-speech/v1');

      var textToSpeech = new TextToSpeechV1({
        username: 'groucho',
        password: 'swordfish',
        url: ''

      var synthesizeParams = {
        text: word,
        accept: 'audio/mpeg',
        voice: 'es-LA_SofiaVoice',

      const options = { // construct the file to write
        metadata: {
          contentType: 'audio/mpeg',
          metadata: {
            source: 'IBM Watson Text-to-Speech',
            languageCode: 'es-LA',
            gender: 'Female'

      textToSpeech.synthesize(synthesizeParams).on('error', function(error) {
      .on('error', function(error) {
      .on('finish', function() {
        console.log("Audio file written to Storage.");

var passGetIBMT2S = util.promisify(getIBMT2S(word, wordFileType))
passGetIBMT2S(word, wordFileType)

Upvotes: 4

Views: 7681

Answers (2)

Thomas David Kehoe
Thomas David Kehoe

Reputation: 10930

Here's my finished code. There are two functions. getT2S calls IBM Watson Text-to-Speech, then writes the audiofile to Storage, then gets the download URL. writeDownloadURL checks if a Firestore document exists, then either sets or updates the download URL to Firestore.

exports.IBM_T2S = functions.firestore.document('Users/{userID}/Spanish/IBM_T2S_Request').onUpdate((change) => {

if ( != undefined) {
  // get requested word object
  let accent =;
  let audioType =;
  let gender =;
  let longLanguage =;
  let shortLanguage =;
  let shortSource =;
  let source =;
  let voice =;
  let word =;
  let wordFileType = word + '.' + audioType;
  let pronunciation = `${accent}-${gender}-${shortSource}`;

  const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
  const storage = new Storage();
  const bucket = storage.bucket('');
  const file = bucket.file('Audio/' + longLanguage + '/' + pronunciation + '/' + wordFileType);

  var TextToSpeechV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/text-to-speech/v1');

  var textToSpeech = new TextToSpeechV1({
    username: 'groucho',
    password: 'swordfish',
    url: ''

  var synthesizeParams = {
    text: word,
    accept: 'audio/' + audioType,
    voice: voice

  const options = { // construct the file to write
    metadata: {
      contentType: 'audio/' + audioType,
      metadata: {
        accent: accent,
        audioType: audioType,
        gender: gender,
        longLanguage: longLanguage,
        shortLanguage: shortLanguage,
        source: source,
        voice: voice,
        word: word

  // check if Pronunciations collection exists, set or update to not destroy existing data
  function writeDownloadURL(downloadURL) {
    .then(function(doc) {
      if (doc.exists) {
        return admin.firestore().collection('Dictionaries').doc(longLanguage).collection('Words').doc(word).collection('Pronunciations').doc(pronunciation).update({ audioFile: downloadURL })
        .then(result => console.log('DONE'))
        .catch(error => console.error(error));
      } else {
        return admin.firestore().collection('Dictionaries').doc(longLanguage).collection('Words').doc(word).collection('Pronunciations').doc(pronunciation).set({ audioFile: downloadURL })
        .then(result => console.log('DONE'))
        .catch(error => console.error(error));
      } // close else
    .catch(error => console.error(error));
  } // close writeDownloadURL

  // documentation at
  function getT2S(synthesizeParams) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      // documentation at
      textToSpeech.synthesize(synthesizeParams).on('error', function(error) {
      .on('error', function(error) {
      .on('finish', function() {
          action: 'read',
          expires: '03-17-2025'
      }); // close on finish
    }); // close Promise
  } // close getT2SAsync

  async function getT2SAsync(synthesizeParams) {
    var signedUrls = await getT2S(synthesizeParams);
    var downloadURL = signedUrls[0];
    await writeDownloadURL(downloadURL);
    console.log("All done.");

  return getT2SAsync(synthesizeParams);

} else { // if no word passed to function
}); // close IBM_T2S

I mistakenly wrote

 return file.getSignedUrl({

instead of


The result was that no data came back from the promise, and the cloud function timed out after six seconds, without finishing execution. You have to do something with resolve. I used reject twice to be sure. :-)

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 82136

It's working because you are invoking getIBMT2S and passing the return value to util.promisfy and not the function itself.

There are a couple of issues here, firstly your getIBMT2S function doesn't look like it would be compatible with util.promisfy, as you've highlighted from the documents, a compatible function should follow the typical callback-style signature (getIBMT2S does not take a callback parameter).

Secondly, util.promisify expects a function - in your case you are passing the return value of the function instead. If getIBMT2S was updated to support a callback parameter then the correct usage would be

function getIBMT2S(word, wordFileType, cb) {
  // be sure to invoke cb in here
var passGetIBMT2S = util.promisify(getIBMT2S); // <-- don't call getIBMT2S, pass it in directly
passGetIBMT2S(word, wordFileType) // <-- now invoke the wrapped function
  .then(result => console.log('DONE'));
  .catch(e => console.error(e));

Upvotes: 3

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