I have this MongoDb query:
$and : [
{"status" : "ACTIVE"},
{"last_modified" : { $lt: new Date(), $gte: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-1))}},
{"$expr": { "$ne": ["$last_modified", "$time_created"] }}
It works in Robo3T, but when I put this in spring boot as custom query, it throws error on project start.
@Query("{ $and : [ {'status' : 'ACTIVE'}, {'last_modified' : { $lt: new Date(), $gte: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-1))}}, {'$expr': { '$ne': ['$last_modified', '$time_created']}}]}")
public List<User> findModifiedUsers();
I tried to make query with Criteria
in spring:
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
criteria.andOperator(Criteria.where("status").is(UserStatus.ACTIVE), Criteria.where("last_modified").lt(new Date()).gt(lastDay), Criteria.where("time_created").ne("last_modified"));
but it doesn't work, it returns me all users like there is no this last criteria not equal last_modified
and time_created
Does anyone know what could be problem?
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Views: 659
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I think that this feature is not supported yet by Criteria - check this . One workaround is to pass raw query via mongoTemplate like this:
BasicDBList expr = new BasicDBList();
BasicDBList and = new BasicDBList();
and.add(new BasicDBObject("status","ACTIVE"));
and.add(new BasicDBObject("last_modified",new BasicDBObject("$lt",new Date()).append("$gte",lastDate)));
and.add(new BasicDBObject("$expr",new BasicDBObject("$ne",expr)));
Document document = new Document("$and",and);
FindIterable<Document> result = mongoTemplate.getCollection("Users").find(document);
Upvotes: 1