Reputation: 5904
I found this treeview directive
/// TREEVIEW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
angular.module('myApp.treeView', []).directive('treeView', function($compile) {
return {
restrict : 'E',
scope : {
localNodes : '=model',
localClick : '&click'
link : function (scope, tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
var maxLevels = (angular.isUndefined(tAttrs.maxlevels)) ? 10 : tAttrs.maxlevels;
var hasCheckBox = (angular.isUndefined(tAttrs.checkbox)) ? false : true;
scope.showItems = [];
scope.showHide = function(ulId) {
var hideThis = document.getElementById(ulId);
var showHide = angular.element(hideThis).attr('class');
angular.element(hideThis).attr('class', (showHide === 'show' ? 'hide' : 'show'));
scope.showIcon = function(node) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(node.children)) return true;
scope.checkIfChildren = function(node) {
if (!angular.isUndefined(node.children)) return true;
// as seen at:
function parentCheckChange(item) {
for (var i in item.children) {
item.children[i].checked = item.checked;
if (item.children[i].children) {
scope.checkChange = function(node) {
if (node.children) {
function renderTreeView(collection, level, max) {
var text = '';
text += '<li ng-repeat="n in ' + collection + '" >';
text += '<div class="wrapper-treeview" style="padding: 10px" ng-class="{bgFirsr: $first && showIcon(n), bgChildren: !showIcon(n), bgBrown: !$first && showIcon(n), lastBorderRadius: $last}" >';
text += '<span ng-show=showIcon(n) class="show-hide" ng-click=showHide(><i class="zmdi zmdi-plus icon-color"></i></span>';
text += '<span ng-show=!showIcon(n) style="padding-right: 13px"></span>';
// if (hasCheckBox) {
// text += '<input class="tree-checkbox" type=checkbox ng-model=n.checked ng-change=checkChange(n)>';
// }
text+= '<span class="icon-color" style="cursor: pointer" ng-click=localClick({node:n})><i class="zmdi zmdi-eye"></i></span>'
text += '<label style="vertical-align: bottom;">{{}}</label></div>';
if (level < max) {
text += '<ul ng-class="{show: $first && showIcon(n), hide: !$first && showIcon(n)}" id="{{}}" class="" ng-if=checkIfChildren(n)>'+renderTreeView('n.children', level + 1, max)+'</ul></li>';
} else {
text += '</li>';
return text;
}// end renderTreeView();
try {
var text = '<ul class="tree-view-wrapper">';
text += renderTreeView('localNodes', 1, maxLevels);
text += '</ul>';
catch(err) {
tElement.html('<b>ERROR!!!</b> - ' + err);
And i call it in the html in this way
<tree-view id="treeview" checkbox click="myClick(node)" class="ng-cloak" model="nodes"></tree-view>
if i refresh the page with F5
i can see everything ok. But if I change page of the website and i click again the page of the treeview doesn't work. It doesn't render the directive. There are no errors on the console. I tried to add ng-cloak
directive and class but nothing changed
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