Reputation: 449

Iterate list of directories and sub-directories to run a specific command under each of them in windows

I have a parent folder containing several child folders. I am trying to run a bat script that runs a specific operation under the child folders. But, I do not want the script to run in all of the child folders. I need to exclude a few from the list. This is what I have now:

for /D %%i in (<<path To Parent>>\*) do call :$myFunc "%%i"
exit /B

for %%g in ("Child2"
"Child3") do ( if /I "%1"=="%%~g" goto match )
echo current directory: %1
exit /B

echo matched directory
exit /B

In the :$myFunc subroutine, I can do a cd %1 to enter that child directory and run my command then do a cd to come back to the parent folder. One thing I am trying to do before is to exclude the :$myFunc operation if the incoming folder is on my exclude list.

Folder tree:


Given a sample folder structure like above, how can I not call myFunc when the for selects Child2 and Child3.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 98

Answers (1)


Reputation: 5519

That's certainly possible and can be done with the following code (lots of changes):

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Set which folders to exclude. This is changeable and NOT HARDCODED:
set exclude_folders="Child2" "Child3"

for /F %%A IN ('dir /B /AD "<path to parent>"') do (
    if "!exclude_folders:%%~nxA=!" == "%exclude_folders%" (call :$myFunc "%%A" "%%~fA")
exit /b %errorlevel%

pushd "%~2"
rem Do your commands here; don't use pushd again!

Note that the first argument is the folder name if it is located it in %cd%. Else, it is full path. The second argument is optional and more general, but I am sure you will need it!

I have changed the code as follows:

  • Created a variable named exclude_folders to list here the folders you want to execute.
  • Created a for /F loop to loop through a command, (dir /B /AD) to loop through all folders, avoid hidden ones!
  • If the folder name (%%~nxA) [used %%~nxA because folder may contain a dot (.)] is excluded from the exclude_folders and the variable changes (in other words if string foldername exists in exclude_folders) this means that the folder is blacklisted and the for loop will start with the next line, since there is no command for else. If the opposite happens, call subroutine $myFunc with two arguments: %%A and %%~fA
  • Do some command in %~2 folder and return back to the loop.
  • When the loop is finished, the script will exit.

Upvotes: 2

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