Reputation: 6164
Thanks in advance for your help. I'm not looking for an explicit solution to my problem, but rather to have my probably obvious errors pointed out.
I have been plugging away at solving a system of non-linear, first order ODEs in MATLAB. The system was solved numerically in this study:
I have been following the documentation for ode45, and have code that runs.
I have done all of the work to understand and recreate the model from scratch. I presented the qualitative part for a class project. What I am doing now is taking that project a step farther by solving the system in MATLAB with runge-kutta (or any method that works). Finally, I want to dive into the theory behind the numerical analysis to find out why the chosen method converges.
Here is a plot of the numerically solved system, which I am trying to re-create:
I have found that I can create a plot with roughly the same shape, but there are several problems:
So what I'm looking for is a reason for these discrepancies. I've checked my system of ODEs and parameter values so many times my eyes are blurry. Perhaps I am missing something conceptually?
% System Parameters:
r_b = 1.52;
k_b = 355;
alph = 1.11;
bet = 43200;
r_e = 0.92;
k_e = 1;
p = 0.00195;
r_s = 0.095;
k_s = 25440;
tspan = [0 200];
init = [1 1 1];
[t, Y] = ode45(@(t,y) odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s), tspan, init);
title('Budworm Density');
title('Branch Density');
title('Foliage Condition');
function dydt = odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s)
dydt = [ r_b*y(1)*(1 - y(1)/(k_b*y(2))) - bet*(y(1)^2/((alph*y(2))^2 + y(1)^2));
r_s*y(2)*(1 - (y(2)*k_e)/(k_s*y(3)));
r_e*y(3)*(1 - (y(3)/k_e)) - p*y(1)/y(2)
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Views: 266
Reputation: 86
I don't see anything wrong with your code as such. But I think there are some subtleties involved in producing the figure which are not well explained in the paper.
1) The S axis is scaled (it says 'relative' in the label). I believe they've scaled S by k_s. I think you also need to scale the parameter p (set p = p*k_s) else the final term in the equation for E will be tiny and the E population won't decrease over the required timescales.
2) I think they must have enforced some lower limit on E, to avoid dividing by 0. You can see in the figure that E->0 first, but in your equation for S, if this happened then you would be dividing by 0 and the solver wouldn't converge.
Putting these together, the following slight modification of your code produces a result more similar to that in the paper:
% System Parameters:
r_b = 1.52;
k_b = 355;
alph = 1.11;
bet = 43200;
r_e = 0.92;
k_e = 1;
p = 0.00195;
r_s = 0.095;
k_s = 25440;
% Scale p with k_s
p = p*k_s;
tspan = [0 50]; % [0 200];
init = [1e-16 0.075*k_s 1]; % [1 1 1];
[t, Y] = ode45(@(t,y) odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s), tspan, init);
% To scale before plotting, so everything fits on a 0->1 y axis.
maxB = 500;
S_scale = k_s;
figure('Position', [200 200 1000 600]);
hold on;
ylim([0, 1]);
hold off;
box on;
legend({['Budworm Density, B / ', num2str(maxB)], 'Branch Density, S / 0.75', 'Foliage Condition, E'}, ...
'Location', 'eastoutside')
function dydt = odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s)
% Place lower limit on E
E = max(y(3), 1e-5);
dydt = [ r_b*y(1)*(1 - y(1)/(k_b*y(2))) - bet*(y(1)^2/((alph*y(2))^2 + y(1)^2));
r_s*y(2)*(1 - (y(2)*k_e)/(k_s*E));
r_e*E*(1 - (E/k_e)) - p*y(1)/y(2)
There is a lot of sensitivity to the initial conditions.
A further tweak gets you closer still to the original figure, but I'm not sure if this is just a hack: in the first equation, replace k_b*y(2) with just k_b. Without this, the Budworm density becomes too big before decreasing. The new plot is below.
Upvotes: 1