Reputation: 4127
Given a sum type:
type PlayerId = String
data Location = Deck | Hand PlayerId
How can I write either of these two functions (I don't care which generic approach to take ... bonus points for helping me figure out which is more appropriate):
myF :: Generic a => a -> [String]
myF :: Data a => a -> [String]
-- roughly equivalent to
myF :: Location -> [String]
myF x = case x of
Deck -> ["deck"]
Hand pid -> ["hand", show pid]
(For any "invalid" type, e.g. the argument is not Show
able, either return []
or error
Context: I have a number of similar enum-like types that I want to generically define Data.Aeson.ToJSON
instances for, though given myF
above I know how to do the rest. Though mostly I'm just doing this to learn more about generic programming.
Using Generic
λ> unM1 $ from Deck
(L1 (M1 {unM1 = U1}))
λ> :t (undefined :: Rep Location p)
(undefined :: Rep Location p)
:: D1
('MetaData "Location" "Test" "main" 'False)
C1 ('MetaCons "Deck" 'PrefixI 'False) U1
('MetaCons "Hand" 'PrefixI 'False)
'Nothing 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy)
(Rec0 String)))
Since :+:
is defined as L1 | R1
, I could probably "merge" the above two results. I'm not sure of a neat way I'd do this though .. maybe pattern match on the former and use it to "descend" in to the latter - but I'm not sure how to cross over between the type definition and real code.
Using Data
is an alternate approach to generics. You would use either Generic
or Data
, right?
I think I need to use one of the gmap*
functions, but I can't figure out how to relate the types to my problem. Have tried some exploratory "plug random arguments in to various methods" but didn't get anywhere interesting.
UPDATE! I tried to simplify my example, but I may have done so too much. In my actual code, PlayerId
is a newtype around string. The following "works" in that case (modulo lower casing the constructor name):
mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
(r `mkQ` q) a = case cast a of
Just b -> q b
Nothing -> r
myF :: Data a => a -> [String]
myF input =
[showConstr . toConstr $ input]
++ gmapQ (\x -> ("" `mkQ` f) x) input
f :: PlayerId -> String
f (PlayerId x) = x
The insight here was that constructors and arguments need to be treated differently. A remaining problem is that the above code needs to know about PlayerId
. The following doesn't work:
f :: Show a => a -> String
f = show
... since that doesn't match the type signature of gmapQ
. I think I understand why this is the case: the way gmapQ works is by using cast
and this definition of f
isn't concrete enough to give it an actual type to cast to. I'm not sure if there is a way around this, or if it is a limitation of using Data
. (This is still probably workable though, if not ideal: I can imagine a case where I have myF
parameterized by some fs
that are specific to the particular arguments in the type.)
It also doesn't feel right because I copied the mkQ
function from the original SYB paper ... I would have thought I should be able to do this using functions provided by Data.Data
Upvotes: 3
Views: 300
Reputation: 19657
Here is a solution using generics-sop.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
import Data.Char
import Generics.SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
type PlayerId = String
data Location = Deck | Hand PlayerId
deriving (GHC.Generic, Generic, HasDatatypeInfo)
The library uses its own generic representation which can either be derived automatically from the GHC Generic
class or via Template Haskell. We use the former approach, which means we have to derive GHC.Generic
via the DeriveGeneric
extension and then SOP's Generic
and HasDatatypeInfo
classes via the DeriveAnyClass
We now proceed in two steps. The first is just to get the name of the constructor of a value as a lowercase string (because that's what you used in the example). A variant of this function should really be in the library, but unfortunately, it isn't, so we have to define it ourselves:
lcConstructor :: forall a . (Generic a, HasDatatypeInfo a) => a -> String
lcConstructor x =
(\ c _ -> K (map toLower (constructorName c)))
(constructorInfo (datatypeInfo (Proxy @a)))
(unSOP (from x))
In essence, constructorInfo (datatypeInfo (Proxy @a))
constructs a table of all the constructor information for the type a
. The call to hzipWith
then selects the right components from the table (the one corresponding to the value x
in question). Furthermore, we extract the name from the constructor info and turn it into lowercase characters.
We can test this part:
GHCi> lcConstructor Deck
GHCi> lcConstructor (Hand "42")
The remaining work is to get string representations of all the constructor arguments and append them to the constructor name:
myF :: (Generic a, HasDatatypeInfo a, All2 Show (Code a)) => a -> [String]
myF a =
(lcConstructor a :) . hcollapse . hcmap (Proxy @Show) (mapIK show) . from $ a
Here, from
turns the value into its representation, then hcmap
turns all the arguments of the constructor into strings using show
, then hcollapse
extracts the results as a list of strings, and (lcConstructor :)
prepends the name of the constructor.
GHCi> myF Deck
GHCi> myF (Hand "42")
["hand", "\"42\""]
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2965
When using generics you don't need to merge two types of information. All you need is to handle each possible type via instances.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import GHC.Generics
type PlayerId = String
data Location = Deck | Hand PlayerId deriving Generic
instance MyClass Location
class MyClass a where
myF :: a -> [String]
default myF :: (Generic a, MyClass1 (Rep a)) => a -> [String]
myF = defaultMyF
defaultMyF :: (Generic a, MyClass1 (Rep a)) => a -> [String]
defaultMyF a = myF1 $ from a
Rep a
has kind * -> *
so we cannot implement MyClass
directly for U1
, V1
, M1
etc. Instead we need another class where myF
would have type :: a b -> [String]
class MyClass1 a where
myF1 :: a b -> [String]
instance MyClass1 V1 where
myF1 _ = []
instance MyClass1 U1 where
myF1 _ = []
instance MyClass1 (K1 i String) where
myF1 (K1 a) = [a]
instance (MyClass1 f, Constructor t) => MyClass1 (C1 t f) where
myF1 c@(M1 a) = (conName c) : myF1 a
instance (MyClass1 f) => MyClass1 (D1 t f) where
myF1 (M1 a) = myF1 a
instance (MyClass1 f) => MyClass1 (S1 t f) where
myF1 (M1 a) = myF1 a
instance (MyClass1 a, MyClass1 b) => MyClass1 (a :+: b) where
myF1 (L1 x) = myF1 x
myF1 (R1 x) = myF1 x
instance (MyClass1 a, MyClass1 b) => MyClass1 (a :*: b) where
myF1 (a :*: b) = myF1 a ++ myF1 b
And now you can test it:
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ myF Deck
putStrLn $ show $ myF $ Hand "1234"
Upvotes: 2