Olivier Lance
Olivier Lance

Reputation: 1748

Cloud SQL import permissions issues for Cloud Storage bucket

I am writing a Cloud Function to:

Note: I want this code to run on its own every night to copy a production DB to a staging environment, so I'm planning to trigger it using Cloud Scheduler.
If you have a better/easier solution to pull this out within GCP I'm all ears :)

Here's my code (the actual function is clone_db at the bottom of the file):

from os import getenv
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

from googleapiclient import discovery
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from google.cloud import storage

GS_FOLDER = "sql-exports"

def __sql_file_name(db: str, timestamp: datetime):
    return f"{db}-{timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.sql.gz"

def __sql_file_uri(db: str, timestamp: datetime):
    return f"{GS_EXPORT_PATH}/{__sql_file_name(db, timestamp)}"

def __export_source_db(service, project: str, timestamp: datetime, instance: str, db: str):
    context = {
        "exportContext": {
            "kind": "sql#exportContext",
            "fileType": "SQL",
            "uri": __sql_file_uri(db, timestamp),
            "databases": [db],

    return service.instances().export(project=project, instance=instance, body=context).execute()

def __import_target_db(service, project: str, timestamp: datetime, instance: str, db: str):
    context = {
        "importContext": {
            "kind": "sql#importContext",
            "fileType": "SQL",
            "uri": __sql_file_uri(db, timestamp),
            "database": db,

    return service.instances().import_(project=project, instance=instance, body=context).execute()

def __drop_db(service, project: str, instance: str, db: str):
        return service.databases().delete(project=project, instance=instance, database=db).execute()
    except HttpError as e:
        if e.resp.status == 404:
            return {"status": "DONE"}
            raise e

def __create_db(service, project: str, instance: str, db: str):
    database = {
        "name": db,
        "project": project,
        "instance": instance,

    return service.databases().insert(project=project, instance=instance, body=database).execute()

def __update_export_permissions(file_name: str):
    client = storage.Client()
    file = client.get_bucket(GS_BUCKET).get_blob(f"{GS_FOLDER}/{file_name}")

def __delete_sql_file(file_name: str):
    client = storage.Client()
    bucket = client.get_bucket(GS_BUCKET)

def __wait_for(operation_type, operation, service, project):
    if operation["status"] in ("PENDING", "RUNNING", "UNKNOWN"):
        print(f"{operation_type} operation in {operation['status']} status. Waiting for completion...")

        while operation['status'] != "DONE":
            operation = service.operations().get(project=project, operation=operation['name']).execute()

    print(f"{operation_type} operation completed!")

def clone_db(_):
    credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
    service = discovery.build('sqladmin', 'v1beta4', credentials=credentials)

    # Project ID of the project that contains the instance to be exported.
    project = getenv('PROJECT_ID')

    # Cloud SQL instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
    source = {
        "instance": getenv("SOURCE_INSTANCE_ID"),
        "db": getenv("SOURCE_DB_NAME")

    timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

    print(f"Exporting database {source['instance']}:{source['db']} to Cloud Storage...")
    operation = __export_source_db(service, project, timestamp, **source)

    __wait_for("Export", operation, service, project)

    print("Updating exported file permissions...")
    __update_export_permissions(__sql_file_name(source["db"], timestamp))

    target = {
        "instance": getenv("TARGET_INSTANCE_ID"),
        "db": getenv("TARGET_DB_NAME")

    print(f"Dropping target database {target['instance']}:{target['db']}")
    operation = __drop_db(service, project, **target)
    __wait_for("Drop", operation, service, project)

    print(f"Creating database {target['instance']}:{target['db']}...")
    operation = __create_db(service, project, **target)
    __wait_for("Creation", operation, service, project)

    print(f"Importing data into {target['instance']}:{target['db']}...")
    operation = __import_target_db(service, project, timestamp, **target)
    __wait_for("Import", operation, service, project)

    print("Deleting exported SQL file")
    __delete_sql_file(__sql_file_name(source["db"], timestamp))

Things work perfectly fine until I'm trying to import the exported data into my target instance.

As it calls import_, the function fails with the following error:

Error: function crashed. Details:
<HttpError 403 when requesting https://www.googleapis.com/sql/v1beta4/projects/<project_id>/instances/<instance_id>/import?alt=json returned "The service account does not have the required permissions for the bucket.">

I have read about this error in many other Q&As here and on the web, but I can't figure out how to make things work.
Here's what I have done:

GCS object permissions

Interestingly, when I'm trying to manually import the same file on the same instance from the GCP Cloud SQL console, things work perfectly well.
After it's done, I can see that my exported file's permissions have been updated to include the instance's service account as a Reader, just as I have done in my code in the end to try and reproduce the behaviour.

So what am I missing here?
Which permissions should I set, for which service account, for this to work?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2298

Answers (3)


Reputation: 3186

The issue is with your code not with Cloud SQL.

When calling the _import_target_db function you are looking for a file that does not exist in your Cloud Storage bucket.

Getting into details:

You exported the database to your bucket with the name:


However, when your try to import it, the import function is looking for a file named:


This file does not exist in your bucket and for security reasons a 403 Forbidden error is returned.

Upvotes: 2

Thomas L&#230;
Thomas L&#230;

Reputation: 11

I had the same issue and tried a lot of different things. Even after giving the DB-service-account owner-rights on the project, bucket and SQL-files it didn't worked while importing/exporting from/to other files always worked.

So I ended up renaming my import-file and surprisingly then it worked (the former filename was quite long and had underscores in it like in your example). But I cannot find anything in the documentation about such naming-limitations and at this point I can't even tell if this issue is related to the file-name or the usage of underscores. But it might be worth to try that.

Upvotes: 1

Eran Chetzroni
Eran Chetzroni

Reputation: 1116

The CloudSQL instance is running under a Google service account that is not a part of your project.

You need to find your instance's service account - Cloud SQL-> cluster name ->Service account

enter image description here

Then, you take the above service account and give it write/read permission for the relevant bucket

Upvotes: 0

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