Reputation: 390
I write a plugin on vimscript and want to jump to function definitions using tags.
I have installed ctags, configured vim option set tags=./tags;
in .vimrc and made tag file with ctags -R
in script directory.
In my script I have function:
func s:OnWipeoutEvent()
" ...
And command:
command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=file -bang TermdebugEasymaps
\ call s:StartDebug(<bang>0, <f-args>)
When I try to jump to my function (OnWipeoutEvent()
) definition with Ctrl-] vim says: E257: ctag: tag not found.
So it doesn't work for function definition, but works for vim command definitions. I can jump to command with Ctrl-]. Why? How can I solve this problem?
UPD: I think that such behaviour is the result of s:
prefix in s:OnWipeoutEvent()
function name. Because I can jump to function definition when enter tag s:OnWipeoutEvent
in vim command line. May be Ctrl-] use function name without this prefix. Any idea how to solve it?
UPD2: Try to make question more clear. Part of my vim script below:
func s:OnWipeoutEvent()
augroup termdebug-easymaps
autocmd BufWipeout * call s:OnWipeoutEvent()
augroup END
command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=file -bang TermdebugEasymaps
\ call s:StartDebug(<bang>0, <f-args>)
tags file:
TermdebugEasymaps termdebug-easymaps.vim /^command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=file -bang TermdebugEasymaps$/;" c
TermdebugEasymapsCommand termdebug-easymaps.vim /^command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=file -bang TermdebugEasymapsCommand$/;" c
TermdebugEasymapsStop termdebug-easymaps.vim /^command! -bar TermdebugEasymapsStop call s:Stop_termdebug()$/;" c
s:CloseBuffers termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:CloseBuffers()$/;" f
s:CommOutput termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:CommOutput(out, msg)$/;" f
s:CreateCommWin termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:CreateCommWin()$/;" f
s:DecodeMessage termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:DecodeMessage(quotedText)$/;" f
s:GetCurrentSourceFullname termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:GetCurrentSourceFullname()$/;" f
s:GetFullname termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:GetFullname(msg)$/;" f
s:GetOpenedList termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:GetOpenedList()$/;" f
s:GoToDebugWindow termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:GoToDebugWindow()$/;" f
s:MapsCurrentBuffer termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:MapsCurrentBuffer()$/;" f
s:OnWipeoutEvent termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:OnWipeoutEvent()$/;" f
s:ProgramRunState termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:ProgramRunState()$/;" f
s:RestoreBuffersState termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:RestoreBuffersState()$/;" f
s:SaveCurrentBufferState termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:SaveCurrentBufferState()$/;" f
s:SetRunMapForCurrent termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:SetRunMapForCurrent()$/;" f
s:SetRunMapsForOpened termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:SetRunMapsForOpened()$/;" f
s:SetRunMapsForTreated termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:SetRunMapsForTreated()$/;" f
s:StartDebug termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:StartDebug(bang, ...) $/;" f
s:StartDebugCommand termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:StartDebugCommand(bang, ...)$/;" f
s:StartDebug_internal termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:StartDebug_internal(command_mode, args, bang)$/;" f
s:StopTermdebug termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:StopTermdebug()$/;" f
s:TerminateProgram termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:TerminateProgram()$/;" f
s:TreatOpened termdebug-easymaps.vim /^func s:TreatOpened()$/;" f
s:comm_timeout termdebug-easymaps.vim /^let s:comm_timeout = 5000$/;" v
s:commflags termdebug-easymaps.vim /^let s:commflags = { 'current_source': 0, 'all_sources': 0, 'program_run': 0 }$/;" v
s:sleeptime termdebug-easymaps.vim /^let s:sleeptime = 10$/;" v
termdebug termdebug-easymaps.vim /^augroup termdebug-easymaps$/;" a
Upvotes: 1
Views: 282
Reputation: 172778
I have put the following into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim
to correct this problem:
if v:version >= 703
" The runtime update of Vim 7.3.488 (changeset 2cfb68fa26cd) adds ":" to
" 'iskeyword'; ostensibly "To make syntax highlighting of 'vimVar's work
" correctly". But this breaks tag jumping, because ctags puts functions
" without scope prefix into the tags database. (And this is better, because
" prefixes are sometimes optional, and <SID> and s: are equivalent.)
setlocal iskeyword-=:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 390
I write temporary solution:
let s:mapped_buffers = []
autocmd BufReadPost,BufWritePost,BufEnter *.vim call s:MapBuffer()
func s:MapBuffer()
let nomap = 0
for buf_i in s:mapped_buffers
if bufnr('%') == buf_i
let nomap = 1
if !nomap
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-]> :call <SID>JumpToTag()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-W>] :call <SID>JumpToTagInNewWindow()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> g] :call <SID>SelectTag()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-W>g] :call <SID>SelectTagInNewWindow()<CR>
call add(s:mapped_buffers, bufnr('%'))
func s:JumpToTag()
exe 'tag ' . s:GetTagName()
func s:JumpToTagInNewWindow()
exe 'stag ' . s:GetTagName()
func s:SelectTag()
exe 'tjump ' . s:GetTagName()
func s:SelectTagInNewWindow()
exe 'stjump ' . s:GetTagName()
func s:GetTagName()
let short_word = expand("<cword>")
let long_word = expand("<cWORD>")
let mi = match(long_word, short_word)
if mi >= 2 && long_word[mi - 1] == ':'
" Add prefix
let tag_name = long_word[mi - 2: mi - 1] . short_word
let tag_name = short_word
return tag_name
Upvotes: 1