Reputation: 3237
Is that posible and also is here a way to select element according to sibbling attribute value?
AS i have element by which i want to get id value:
<tr amount=1 prid="product_1-2">
And compare to siblings which seems like:
<tr amount=2 id="item_23_product_1-2">
I wish toggle empty tr elements and its siblings according to attribute similarity. What is a right way to select both, now i have this:
tr[amount=''], tr[amount=''] ~ tr[id$=sibling_attribute_id]
I cannot wrap inside tbody(already used for same reason).
Toggle function:
const toggleEmpty = ({target}) => {
const selector = 'tr[amount=""], tr[amount=""] ~ tr[id$=child id]'
if (target.getAttribute('name') == 'show_empty')
Upvotes: 0
Views: 149
Reputation: 1199
Here is how it could be done using XPath, but you will have to add your "show_empty" logic, if you need help, ask.
const hide = function (target) {
let prid = target.getAttribute("prid");
let nodesSnapshot = document.evaluate("./*[substring(@id,string-length(@id) -string-length('" + prid + "') +1) = '" + prid + "']",
target.parentNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for ( let i=0 ; i < nodesSnapshot.snapshotLength; i++ ){
// let itemElement = nodesSnapshot.snapshotItem(i);
// console.dir(itemElement);
nodesSnapshot.snapshotItem(i).style.display = "none";
<tr prid="product_1-2" onclick="hide(this)">
<td>prid product_1-2</td>
<tr id="item_1_product_1-2">
<tr id="item_2_product_1-2">
<tr id="item_3_product_1-3">
<tr id="item_4_product_1-3">
Upvotes: 1