
Reputation: 8881

Calling COM method throws unexplainable COMException in C#, works fine in C++

I'm learning about consuming a COM interface in C# by example, so I've written a coclass and interfaces for the (I)DxDiagProvider and IDxDiagContainer COM objects.

However, while the apparently equivalent code works fine in C++, calling one of it's methods fails with a COMException (HRESULT is -1) in C#. I probably messed something up porting it to C#, but can't see the error.

Native code (working)

The objects are defined in raw C as follows, which also is the only information I have on them (not having a library for tlbimp or anything):

struct IDxDiagContainerVtbl;
struct IDxDiagContainer { IDxDiagContainerVtbl* lpVtbl; };
struct IDxDiagContainerVtbl
    HRESULT(__stdcall* QueryInterface)(IDxDiagContainer* This, const IID* const riid, void** ppvObject);
    ULONG(__stdcall* AddRef)(IDxDiagContainer* This);
    ULONG(__stdcall* Release)(IDxDiagContainer* This);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* EnumChildContainerNames)(IDxDiagContainer* This, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pwszContainer, DWORD cchContainer);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* EnumPropNames)(IDxDiagContainer* This, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pwszPropName, DWORD cchPropName);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* GetChildContainer)(IDxDiagContainer* This, LPCWSTR pwszContainer, IDxDiagContainer** ppInstance);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* GetNumberOfChildContainers)(IDxDiagContainer* This, DWORD* pdwCount);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* GetNumberOfProps)(IDxDiagContainer* This, DWORD* pdwCount);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* GetProp)(IDxDiagContainer* This, LPCWSTR pwszPropName, VARIANT* pvarProp);

    DWORD dwSize;
    DWORD dwDxDiagHeaderVersion;
    BOOL bAllowWHQLChecks;
    void* pReserved;
struct IDxDiagProviderVtbl;
struct IDxDiagProvider { IDxDiagProviderVtbl* lpVtbl; };
struct IDxDiagProviderVtbl
    HRESULT(__stdcall* QueryInterface)(IDxDiagProvider* This, const IID* const riid, void** ppvObject);
    ULONG(__stdcall* AddRef)(IDxDiagProvider* This);
    ULONG(__stdcall* Release)(IDxDiagProvider* This);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* Initialize)(IDxDiagProvider* This, DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS* pParams);
    HRESULT(__stdcall* GetRootContainer)(IDxDiagProvider* This, IDxDiagContainer** ppInstance);

Creating this and calling Initialize in native C++ works just fine:

int main()
    GUID clsid;
    GUID iid;
    CLSIDFromString(L"{A65B8071-3BFE-4213-9A5B-491DA4461CA7}", &clsid);
    CLSIDFromString(L"{9C6B4CB0-23F8-49CC-A3ED-45A55000A6D2}", &iid);

    IDxDiagProvider* pDxDiagProvider;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, 1, iid, (LPVOID*)&pDxDiagProvider); // S_OK

    params.dwSize = sizeof(DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS);
    params.dwDxDiagHeaderVersion = 111;
    params.bAllowWHQLChecks = 0;
    params.pReserved = 0;

    // Sorry for the C-like access, I don't have anything better than the structs above.
    hr = pDxDiagProvider->lpVtbl->Initialize(pDxDiagProvider, &params); // S_OK

Managed code (broken)

So then I went ahead and ported this to an STAThread x86 .NET 4.6.1 C# console program with the following definitions:

public class DxDiagProvider { }
public interface IDxDiagProvider
    void Initialize(ref DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS pParams);
    void GetRootContainer(ref IDxDiagContainer ppInstance);
public struct DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS
    public uint dwSize;
    public uint dwDxDiagHeaderVersion;
    public bool bAllowWHQLChecks;
    public IntPtr pReserved;

public interface IDxDiagContainer
    void EnumChildContainerNames(uint dwIndex, string pwszContainer, uint cchContainer);
    void EnumPropNames(uint dwIndex, string pwszPropName, uint cchPropName);
    void GetChildContainer(string pwszContainer, ref IDxDiagContainer ppInstance);
    void GetNumberOfChildContainers(ref uint pdwCount);
    void GetNumberOfProps(ref uint pdwCount);
    void GetProp(string pwszPropName, ref IntPtr pvarProp);

Now, while creating the class and casting the interface works, the call to Initialize breaks with COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0xFFFFFFFF:

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Working fine.
    DxDiagProvider dxDiagProviderClass = new DxDiagProvider();
    IDxDiagProvider dxDiagProvider = (IDxDiagProvider)dxDiagProviderClass;

        dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf<DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS>(),
        dwDxDiagHeaderVersion = 111
    dxDiagProvider.Initialize(ref initParams); // causes COMException

I'm not sure what I did wrong. So far I've tested and checked the following things:

I really hope this has nothing to do with the COM object not working correctly when used in a managed application (that would definitely make this question too broad). So I want to ensure my approach and my definitions are right at least. Is there anything else that has to be done and that I'm missing?

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Views: 328

Answers (1)


Reputation: 8881

I found out what I was missing and could fix it:

Apparently, I forgot to decorate the C# interfaces with the InterfaceTypeAttribute and specifying ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown. At least for these COM objects, this is required, as the default ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual causes the COMExceptions to be thrown.

E.g., the interface definitions now look like this in C# (plus I fixed some ref to out parameters, which however were not the cause of this issue):

[InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] // <-- need this
public interface IDxDiagProvider
    void Initialize(ref DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS pParams);
    void GetRootContainer(out IDxDiagContainer ppInstance);

[InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] // <-- need this
public interface IDxDiagContainer
    void EnumChildContainerNames(uint dwIndex, string pwszContainer, uint cchContainer);
    void EnumPropNames(uint dwIndex, string pwszPropName, uint cchPropName);
    void GetChildContainer(string pwszContainer, out IDxDiagContainer ppInstance);
    void GetNumberOfChildContainers(out uint pdwCount);
    void GetNumberOfProps(out uint pdwCount);
    void GetProp(string pwszPropName, out IntPtr pvarProp);

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