
Reputation: 1148

Reorganizing data by a given variable

My dataset is organized as shown below (just a small extract) : for a given subject (here, subject=5), I have 3 tests performed at times D-1, D1-8h and D2-24h:

    SUBJECT   TIME                    TEST RESULT UNITS              RANGES
591       5    D-1    Leukoyte count urine      1   /?L            |-< 15|-
592       5    D-1 Erythrocyte count urine      0   /?L            |-< 19|-
593       5    D-1  Glucose dipstick urine Normal  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|-
684       5  D1 8h    Leukoyte count urine      0   /?L            |-< 15|-
687       5  D1 8h Erythrocyte count urine      0   /?L            |-< 19|-
683       5  D1 8h  Glucose dipstick urine Normal  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|-
694       5 D2 24h    Leukoyte count urine      1   /?L            |-< 15|-
695       5 D2 24h Erythrocyte count urine      0   /?L            |-< 19|-
696       5 D2 24h  Glucose dipstick urine Normal  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|-

I would like to reorganize these data in a table set by columns, in the following form:


so that I get one line by test.

I am confused with "table" and "aggregate", and I don't find a proper way to do that, although I am sure it's not so complicated...

Could you gve me some help?


Here is dput:

> dput(dataset)
structure(list(SUBJECT = c(5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L
), TIME = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("D-1", 
"D1 8h", "D2 24h", "D4 72h"), class = "factor"), TEST = structure(c(35L, 
24L, 28L, 35L, 24L, 28L, 35L, 24L, 28L), .Label = c("", "Alkaline phosphatase", 
"APTT", "Basophils", "Basophils (%)", "Calcium", "CD19", "CD19 abs.", 
"CD3", "CD3 abs.", "CD4/CD8 ratio", "CD4+", "CD4+ abs.", "CD56", 
"CD56 absolute", "CD8+", "CD8+ abs.", "Chloride", "CK (creatine kinase)", 
"Creatinine", "Direct bilirubin (conjug)", "Eosinophils", "Eosinophils (%)", 
"Erythrocyte count urine", "Erythrocyte dipstick urine", "Gamma GT", 
"Glucose", "Glucose dipstick urine", "GOT (AST)", "GPT (ALT)", 
"Hematocrit", "Hemoglobin", "Ketone bodies urine", "Leukocyte esterase urine", 
"Leukoyte count urine", "Lymphocytes", "Lymphocytes (%)", "Monocytes", 
"Monocytes (%)", "Neutrophils", "Neutrophils (%)", "pH urine", 
"Platelet count", "Potassium", "Protein urine", "PT INR", "Red blood cell count", 
"Reticulocytes", "Reticulocytes %", "Serum  Albumine", "Sodium", 
"Total bilirubin", "Total cholesterol", "Total protein", "Triglycerides", 
"Urea", "Urine glucose quantitative", "Urine protein quantitative", 
"White blood cell count"), class = "factor"), RESULT = c("1", 
"0", "Normal", "0", "0", "Normal", "1", "0", "Normal"), UNITS = c("/?L", 
"/?L", "None", "/?L", "/?L", "None", "/?L", "/?L", "None"), RANGES = c("|-< 15|-", 
"|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-", "|-< 15|-", "|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-", 
"|-< 15|-", "|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-")), .Names = c("SUBJECT", 
"TIME", "TEST", "RESULT", "UNITS", "RANGES"), row.names = c(591L, 
592L, 593L, 684L, 687L, 683L, 694L, 695L, 696L), class = "data.frame")

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Views: 69

Answers (2)


Reputation: 69231

I believe you are asking for a pretty straight forward implementation of dcast() which takes data from long to wide. Here's one implementation using data.table package.

#> Warning: package 'data.table' was built under R version 3.4.4

x <- structure(list(SUBJECT = c(5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L
), TIME = c("D-1", "D-1", "D-1", "D1 8h", "D1 8h", "D1 8h", "D2 24h", 
            "D2 24h", "D2 24h"), TEST = c("Leukoyte count urine", "Erythrocyte count urine", 
                                          "Glucose dipstick urine", "Leukoyte count urine", "Erythrocyte count urine", 
                                          "Glucose dipstick urine", "Leukoyte count urine", "Erythrocyte count urine", 
                                          "Glucose dipstick urine"), RESULT = c("1", "0", "Normal", "0", 
                                                                                "0", "Normal", "1", "0", "Normal"), UNITS = c("/?L", "/?L", "None", 
                                                                                                                              "/?L", "/?L", "None", "/?L", "/?L", "None"), RANGES = c("|-< 15|-", 
                                                                                                                                                                                      "|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-", "|-< 15|-", "|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-", 
                                                                                                                                                                                      "|-< 15|-", "|-< 19|-", "|+ from 50 mg/dL-|-")), .Names = c("SUBJECT", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "TIME", "TEST", "RESULT", "UNITS", "RANGES"), row.names = c(NA, 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -9L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))

  dcast(SUBJECT + TEST ~ TIME, data = x, value.var = c("UNITS", "RANGES"))
#>    SUBJECT                    TEST UNITS_D-1 UNITS_D1 8h UNITS_D2 24h
#> 1:       5 Erythrocyte count urine       /?L         /?L          /?L
#> 2:       5  Glucose dipstick urine      None        None         None
#> 3:       5    Leukoyte count urine       /?L         /?L          /?L
#>             RANGES_D-1        RANGES_D1 8h       RANGES_D2 24h
#> 1:            |-< 19|-            |-< 19|-            |-< 19|-
#> 2: |+ from 50 mg/dL-|- |+ from 50 mg/dL-|- |+ from 50 mg/dL-|-
#> 3:            |-< 15|-            |-< 15|-            |-< 15|-

Created on 2019-02-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Maybe this is what you want (if not, put the expected output in your question to avoid everyone guessing):

dcast(SUBJECT + TEST + UNITS + RANGES ~ TIME, data = df, value.var = "RESULT")

  SUBJECT                    TEST UNITS              RANGES    D-1  D1 8h D2 24h
1       5 Erythrocyte count urine   /?L            |-< 19|-      0      0      0
2       5  Glucose dipstick urine  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|- Normal Normal Normal
3       5    Leukoyte count urine   /?L            |-< 15|-      1      0      1

Upvotes: 0

Rui Barradas
Rui Barradas

Reputation: 76651

Is this it? If so I believe it should be marked as a duplicate of reshape data from long to wide in R.


spread(dataset, key = TIME, value = UNITS)
#  SUBJECT                    TEST RESULT              RANGES  D-1 D1 8h D2 24h
#1       5 Erythrocyte count urine      0            |-< 19|-  /?L   /?L    /?L
#2       5  Glucose dipstick urine Normal |+ from 50 mg/dL-|- None  None   None
#3       5    Leukoyte count urine      0            |-< 15|- <NA>   /?L   <NA>
#4       5    Leukoyte count urine      1            |-< 15|-  /?L  <NA>    /?L


In his comment, Peter_Evan corrects the above. Th right solution is

spread(dataset, key = TIME, value = RESULT)
#  SUBJECT                    TEST UNITS              RANGES    D-1  D1 8h D2 24h
#1       5 Erythrocyte count urine   /?L            |-< 19|-      0      0      0
#2       5  Glucose dipstick urine  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|- Normal Normal Normal
#3       5    Leukoyte count urine   /?L            |-< 15|-      1      0      1

or, if the OP wants to reorder the columns, the following.

dataset %>%
  spread(key = TIME, value = RESULT) %>%
  select(SUBJECT,TEST, `D-1`:`D2 24h`, UNITS, RANGES)
#  SUBJECT                    TEST    D-1  D1 8h D2 24h UNITS              RANGES
#1       5 Erythrocyte count urine      0      0      0   /?L            |-< 19|-
#2       5  Glucose dipstick urine Normal Normal Normal  None |+ from 50 mg/dL-|-
#3       5    Leukoyte count urine      1      0      1   /?L            |-< 15|-

Upvotes: 1

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