Reputation: 75
I am trying to compile somebody's program that is partly written in assembler and partly in C language. The program is available in compiled version, however I need to change it a bit. The source code of the program consists of one .c file and one .asm file. Without changing anything yet I tried to compile the program in Visual Studio 2017 and Flat Assembler (version 1.73). I compiled the .asm file and Flat Assembler gave me .obj file (unlzws4.obj). Then I created a new empty project in VS and imported .c file and .obj file from FASM.
Here the problem appears. During the compilation Visual Studio gives me this linking error:
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: unlibs4, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>unlzws4.obj : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x10EE4
1>Done building project "unlibs4.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
I tried to find out why this error appears, however with no results. The code is supposed to be correct.
unlibs4.c file:
// (c) CTPAX-X Team 2018
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef GCC32HACK
#include "win32gcc.h"
#define S4L_REVISION 0x1000
#define S4F_PACKED 1
#define S4F_CRYPTED 2
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct
DWORD headsize; /* size of this header with all data */
DWORD revision; /* MUST be equal to 0x1000 */
DWORD dnamelen; /* directory names block len */
DWORD dcounter; /* directory count in block */
DWORD fnamelen; /* file names block len */
DWORD fcounter; /* files counter */
} headinfo;
typedef struct
DWORD floffs; /* looks like first always 1 (.LIB file starts with one zero byte) */
DWORD pksize; /* packed size */
DWORD unsize; /* unpacked size (zero if file not packed) */
DWORD dindex; /* directory name index */
DWORD xflags; /* flags: 1 - packed; 2 - crypted; */
DWORD crcsum; /* file CRC (16 bit); can be zero; only for packed files? */
} fileinfo;
#pragma pack(pop)
extern void WINAPI unlzws4(BYTE *undata, DWORD *unsize, BYTE *pkdata, DWORD *pksize);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *dnames, *fnames, *s, *d, name[MAX_PATH];
fileinfo *list;
FILE *fl, *f;
headinfo hi;
DWORD i, j;
BYTE *p, *u;
printf("The Settlers IV .LIB unpacker v1.0\n(c) CTPAX-X Team 2018\n\n\n");
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: unlibs4 <filename.lib>\n\n");
fl = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
if (!fl)
printf("Error: can't open input file.\n\n");
/* read TOC offs */
fseek(fl, 0, SEEK_END);
fseek(fl, ftell(fl) - 4, SEEK_SET);
fread(&i, 4, 1, fl);
/* read TOC */
fseek(fl, i, SEEK_SET);
memset(&hi, 0, sizeof(hi));
fread(&hi, sizeof(hi), 1, fl);
if (hi.revision != S4L_REVISION)
printf("Error: invalid/unknown input file format.\n\n");
/* allocate memory */
dnames = (char *)malloc(hi.dnamelen);
fnames = (char *)malloc(hi.fnamelen);
list = (fileinfo *)malloc(hi.fcounter * sizeof(list[0]));
if (dnames && fnames && list)
/* read strings */
fread(dnames, hi.dnamelen, 1, fl);
fread(fnames, hi.fnamelen, 1, fl);
/* read file infos */
fread(list, hi.fcounter, sizeof(list[0]), fl);
/* create all directories before */
d = dnames;
for (i = 0; i < hi.dcounter; i++)
CreateDirectory(d, NULL);
d += strlen(d) + 1;
/* unpack */
s = fnames;
for (i = 0; i < hi.fcounter; i++)
/* find directory name */
d = dnames;
j = list[i].dindex;
while (j > 0)
d += strlen(d) + 1;
/* merge directory with file */
sprintf(name, "%s\\%s", d, s);
/* dump to disk */
printf("%s\n", name);
f = fopen(name, "wb");
if (f)
p = (BYTE *)malloc(list[i].pksize);
if (p)
fseek(fl, list[i].floffs, SEEK_SET);
fread(p, list[i].pksize, 1, fl);
if (list[i].xflags & S4F_CRYPTED)
printf("Warning: encrypted file, but decryption not supported - saving as is.\n");
/* decryption not supported, that's why '==' instead of just '&' */
if ((list[i].xflags & (S4F_CRYPTED | S4F_PACKED)) == S4F_PACKED)
u = (BYTE *)malloc(list[i].unsize);
if (u)
j = list[i].unsize;
unlzws4(u, &list[i].unsize, p, &list[i].pksize);
p = u;
list[i].pksize = j;
fwrite(p, list[i].pksize, 1, f);
/* next filename */
s += strlen(s) + 1;
if (dnames) { free(dnames); }
if (fnames) { free(fnames); }
if (list) { free(list); }
Beginning of the unlzws4.asm file:
; To compile this source code you'll need FASM:
include ''
; define section so this can be merged to the code block
section '.text' code
public @startup as '_unlzws4@16'
; some consts
;dword_616478 - start
dword_6167E0 = buf_all + 6167E0h - 616478h
dword_6167E4 = buf_all + 6167E4h - 616478h
dword_616DF8 = buf_all + 616DF8h - 616478h
dword_617060 = buf_all + 617060h - 616478h
dword_617064 = buf_all + 617064h - 616478h
; ###########################################################################
; some startup initialization code
push esi
push edi
xor eax, eax
; clear all buffers
mov edi, buf_65536
mov ecx, 65536 / 4
rep stosd
; ---
mov edi, buf_548
mov ecx, 548 / 4
rep stosd
; reinit static buffer since it can be modified due unpacking (sic!)
mov esi, dword_616478
mov edi, buf_all
mov ecx, (3112d + 152d) / 4
rep movsd
; ---
pop edi
pop esi
; emulate some class structure
mov ecx, _buf
; jump to the actual unpacking routine
jmp @sub_573090
; ###########################################################################
var_4 = -4
arg_0 = 4
arg_4 = 8
push ecx
push ebx
mov ebx, [esp+8+arg_0]
push ebp
mov ebp, [esp+0Ch+arg_4]
push esi
push edi
mov esi, 28h
I don't know much about assembler, I just need to change the C part of the program and compile it as .dll library. I am wondering if the error appears just because of some settings in Visual Studio project. Everything is set to default options.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1116
Reputation: 93556
To link using the Microsoft linker you need to have MSCOFF format object files. Where you have
You need:
From :
2.4.3 Common Object File Format
To select Common Object File Format, use format COFF or format MS COFF directive, depending whether you want to create classic (DJGPP) or Microsoft's variant of COFF file. The default code setting for this format is 32-bit. To create the file in Microsoft's COFF format for the x86-64 architecture, use format MS64 COFF setting, in such case long mode code is generated by default.
Upvotes: 1