Reputation: 1864
I'm trying to do something I thought was super simple... I want to grab generated files (not built) and copy them to an Azure Blob storage
In my Build the last step of my azure-pipeline.yml look like this:
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Copy generated content'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/output'
contents: '**\*'
targetFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias)/drop
cleanTargetFolder: true
Then, in the Release I have an Azure CLI step with the inline following code:
az storage blob upload-batch -s "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias)" -d '$web' --account-name frankdemo--account-key '_MYKEY_'
I try different combinations of paths, but nothing works...
Q: What should I put as targetFolder in my build and "-s" in my release?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1328
Reputation: 19474
You will need to add step so it will publish artifacts
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: 'Publish Artifact: Server'
PathtoPublish: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'
ArtifactName: Server
Then in your release you can use "Azure File Copy" to copy from your release to blob storatge
Upvotes: 2