Reputation: 8377
I have a data.frame with log of sequences of events. Here, sequence 1 is composed of event A, then B, then C, each starting at a specific timestamp (in seconds).
df=data.frame(id=runif(10, 1e6, 1e7), sequence = c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4), event=c("A", "B", "C", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C", "B", "C"), starts_at=c(20,22,24,20,30,20,21,23,20,40))
What I want is to group my data.frame by type of sequence (there are dozens of types, length 2 to 6): A->B->C or B->C, and then to get some results on those types. Desired output would be:
#### sequence_type number.appearances
#### 1 ABC 2 1.5 / 2
#### 2 BC 2 15
The last column "mean delay" would be a string composed of the mean diff time between successive events in a sequence: in ABC sequence, there is 1.5 seconds in average between A and B, and 2 between B and C. I also thought of "spreading" each mean difference in a new column diff.1, diff.2..., but seems complicated since sequence have different lengths. Though i'm open to different ways of presenting this information..
So far I've come up with:
df %>% group_by(sequence) %>% arrange(starts_at) %>% summarise(sequence_type = paste0(event, collapse="")) %>% group_by(sequence_type) %>% tally
I didn't find how to achieve the second part. Thanks for the help...
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Views: 227
Reputation: 2216
This might not bee the elegant solution you would get with dplyr
but I think is general enough that it would work with your real data.
First you just need to get the corresponding sequence of each row of your data, that is ayuda_seq
df=data.frame(id=runif(14, 1e6, 1e7), sequence = c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,5),
event=c("A", "B", "C", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C", "B", "C","A","B","C","D"),
ayuda_seq = sapply(df$sequence, function(x) paste0(df[df$sequence == x,3],collapse = ""))
and then you just loop through the unique sequences and generate the sub sequence by each 2 elements.
vec_means = NULL
for(x in unique(ayuda_seq)){
data_temp = df[ayuda_seq == x,]
diff_temp = diff(data_temp$starts_at)
temp_sub = apply(rollapply(data_temp[,3],FUN = paste0,width = 2),1,paste0,collapse = "")
mean_temp = aggregate(diff_temp,by = list(temp_sub),mean)
averages = paste0(mean_temp[,2],collapse = " / ")
} else{
averages = paste0(mean_temp[match(temp_sub[duplicated(temp_sub)],mean_temp[,1]),2],collapse = " / ")
vec_means = c(vec_means,averages)
df_res = data.frame(sequence_type = unique(ayuda_seq),
number.appearances = as.numeric(table(ayuda_seq)/nchar(unique(ayuda_seq))), = vec_means)
the variable temp_sub
will have the different combinations within the original string you are looping. In the case of "ABC"
there is a possible combination of "CA" which is not taking in consideration because it is unique.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1244
Not pretty, but it works
tmp<-df %>% group_by(sequence) %>% dplyr::arrange(sequence, starts_at) %>% dplyr::mutate(seq_row_num=dplyr::row_number(), lead_starts_at=dplyr::lead(starts_at, n = 1)) %>%
tmp<- tmp %>% dplyr::group_by(sequence) %>% mutate(max_seq_len=max(seq_row_num)) %>%
tmp$seq_len_id<- paste0(tmp$sequence, tmp$max_seq_len)
tmp$next_seq_val<- tmp$seq_row_num + 1
tmp$next_seq_val<- base::ifelse(tmp$next_seq_val >= tmp$max_seq_len, tmp$max_seq_len, tmp$next_seq_val)
tmp_seq_labels<- stats::aggregate(tmp$event, list(tmp$seq_len_id), paste, collapse='')
tmp<- base::merge(tmp, tmp_seq_labels, by.x="seq_len_id", by.y="Group.1")
colnames(tmp)[which(colnames(tmp)=="x")]<- "seq_group"
tmp$within_group_step<- base::ifelse(tmp$seq_row_num != tmp$max_seq_len, substr(tmp$seq_group, start = tmp$seq_row_num, stop =tmp$next_seq_val), tmp$within_group_step)
tmp$within_step_by_group_id<- paste0(tmp$seq_group, tmp$within_group_step)
tmp$time_diff<- 0
tmp$time_diff<- base::ifelse(!$lead_starts_at), tmp$lead_starts_at - tmp$starts_at, tmp$time_diff)
res<- stats::aggregate(time_diff ~ within_step_by_group_id + seq_group + within_group_step, data=tmp, FUN=mean)
drops<- grep(pattern = "ZZ", x = res$within_step_by_group_id)
res<- res[-drops,]
colnames(res)<- c("Full_Group_Pattern", "Group_Pattern", "Sub_Group_Pattern", "Mean_Time_Difference")
res<- res %>% dplyr::group_by(Group_Pattern) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Number_of_Appearances=n()) %>%
Upvotes: 1