Reputation: 37
I tried to execute this code and it worked o.k without the the stored procedure and with it, it made an error.
The error is:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure UV_MTBF, Line 251 Incorrect syntax near 'Event_'.
Is the stored procedure have a limitation in length? can someone help me with my code?
edit* my problem is with ' + QUOTENAME(@category,N'''') + N' i want to add an integer from a variable that i received in the stored procedure. how can i do it?
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MTBFCalculation @Category int, @Action bit, @relateToParent bit
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE [name] = '[dbo].[UV_MTBF]')
DECLARE @Event nvarchar(MAX) = N'
with failureReportTable as (SELECT [ID] as failure_id
,DATEDIFF(Hour,[StartDate],[EndDate]) as eventDurationMin
When ParentReportID>0 Then 1 --Chiled
When IsParallelReport=1 Then 2 --Parent
Else 3 --not Parallel
End as ParallelStatus
FROM [TDM_Analysis].[dbo].[FailureReports]),
fullFailure as (select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [StartDate] ) AS IDrow
from failureReportTable join [TDM_Analysis].[dbo].[UV_filteredLogins] as viewLogins on failureReportTable.Login_ID=viewLogins.ID
WHERE event_id IN (SELECT ID FROM [TDM_Analysis].[dbo].[Events] where EventCategory_ID=' + QUOTENAME(@category,N'''') + N')
and (ParallelStatus=3 or ParallelStatus=(case when ' + QUOTENAME(@relateToParent,N'''') + N'=1 then 2 else 1 end))),
--------------create first failure table------------------
failure_Event_1 as (select f1.failure_id as Event_1_Failure_ID
,f1.[Login_ID] as Event_1_Login_ID
,f1.[Event_ID] as Event_1_Event_ID
,f1.[StartDate] as Event_1_StartDate
,f1.[EndDate] as Event_1_EndDate
,f1.eventDurationMin as Event_1_eventDurationMin
--,f1.[IsRelevantForBI] as Event_1_IsRelevantForBI
--,f1.[IsParallelReport] as Event_1_IsParallelReport
-- ,f1.[ParentReportID] as Event_1_ParentReportID
-- ,f1.[IsPausedEvent] as Event_1_IsPausedEvent
,f1.[Test_Name] as Event_1_TestName
,f1.Phase_Name as Event_1_PhaseName
,f1.PressName as Event_1_PressName
,f1.PressType as Event_1_PressType
--,f1.[Operator] as Event_1_Operator
,f1.[LoginDate] as Event_1_LoginDate
,f1.[LogoutDate] as Event_1_LogoutDate
,f1.TimeDiff as Event_1_LoginDuration
,f1.IDrow+1 as row1
from fullFailure as f1),
--------------create second failure table------------------
failure_Event_2 as (select f1.failure_id as Event_2_Failure_ID
,f1.[Login_ID] as Event_2_Login_ID
,f1.[Event_ID] as Event_2_Event_ID
,f1.[StartDate] as Event_2_StartDate
,f1.[EndDate] as Event_2_EndDate
,f1.eventDurationMin as Event_2_eventDurationMin
-- ,f1.[IsRelevantForBI] as Event_2_IsRelevantForBI
-- ,f1.[IsParallelReport] as Event_2_IsParallelReport
-- ,f1.[ParentReportID] as Event_2_ParentReportID
-- ,f1.[IsPausedEvent] as Event_2_IsPausedEvent
,f1.[Test_Name] as Event_2_TestName
,f1.Phase_Name as Event_2_PhaseName
,f1.PressName as Event_2_PressName
,f1.PressType as Event_2_PressType
-- ,f1.[Operator] as Event_2_Operator
,f1.[LoginDate] as Event_2_LoginDate
,f1.[LogoutDate] as Event_2_LogoutDate
,f1.TimeDiff as Event_2_LoginDuration
,f1.IDrow as row2
from fullFailure as f1),
------------- join two failure tabels and calculating MTTR-mean time to repair (duration of failue), MTTF-mean time to failue( end of one until start of a new one), MTBF-mean time between failue (from start of a failure to start of a new one)--------------------
joinFailures as (select *, Event_1_eventDurationMin as MTTR
When isnull(f2.row2,0)=0 then DATEDIFF(HOUR,f1.Event_1_EndDate,f1.Event_1_LogoutDate)
WHEN f1.Event_1_Login_ID=f2.Event_2_Login_ID THEN DATEDIFF(HOUR,f1.Event_1_EndDate,f2.Event_2_StartDate)
When (select TOP 1 sum(timediff)
from [TDM_Analysis].[dbo].[UV_filteredLogins]
where logindate>f1.Event_1_LogoutDate and logindate<f2.Event_2_LoginDate) is null then DATEDIFF(HOUR,f1.Event_1_EndDate,f1.Event_1_LogoutDate)+DATEDIFF(HOUR,f2.Event_2_LoginDate, f2.Event_2_StartDate)
(select TOP 1 sum(timediff)+DATEDIFF(HOUR,f1.Event_1_EndDate,f1.Event_1_LogoutDate)+DATEDIFF(HOUR,f2.Event_2_LoginDate, f2.Event_2_StartDate)
from [TDM_Analysis].[dbo].[UV_filteredLogins]
where logindate>f1.Event_1_LogoutDate and logindate<f2.Event_2_LoginDate)
from failure_Event_1 as f1 left join failure_Event_2 as f2 on f1.row1=f2.row2),
positiveJoinFailure as (select * from joinFailures where MTTF>=0)
---- select calculation table order by ascending time----------
select * --Event_1_Failure_ID,Event_2_Failure_ID,MTTR,MTTF, MTTR+MTTF as MTFB
from positiveJoinFailure
--order by row1
if @Action=1
EXEC sp_executesql @Event;
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Views: 62
Reputation: 24763
for this part of your query
where EventCategory_ID=' + QUOTENAME(@category,N'''') + N')
2 option here, you convert the value of @category to string and then concatenate with the dynamic query
where EventCategory_ID=' + convert(varchar(10), @category)
OR, you pass the value in as a parameter.
for this option, you specify @category in the dynamic query
where EventCategory_ID= @category
and (ParallelStatus=3 ....
and you pass the value in at sp_executesql
EXEC sp_executesql @Event, N'@category int', @category
By the way, Option 2 is the preferred method when using dynamic query
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