Reputation: 99
I am still extremely raw in lisp and looking for a lisp way to solve a particular problem.
I have two lists :
Setq list-a '(2,3))
Setq list-b '(1,2,3))
I need to find out if elements of list a appear in list b i.e. 2 and 3 should appear in list b consecutively.
If I was to solve this problem in JS I will find the index of first element of a in b (i.e. index of 2 in list b) and then check consecutive locations.
Since my knowledge of lisp is very limited I was wondering if there are any inbuilt functions to use.
PS. All the elements of both the list are unique.
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Views: 2309
Here is an answer which does not depend on using CL's functions which do this for you. In real life this would be a silly thing to do: the language has functions which answer this for you just to avoid endless wheel-reinvention like this. However for educational purposes it is interesting to write functions like this to see how to convert algorithms into code.
The algorithm.
To find out if A is a sublist of B:
To find out if A is a leading sublist of B:
In fact we could simplify this slightly: we don't need to do all the checks for empty lists in both places. But I have not done this below as it's fairly easy to get wrong (a previous version of this answer did get it wrong!).
So, what we have to do is convert that description into Lisp.
, to tell you if it's a leading sublist as above.test
keyword argument in the usual CL way, with the default being eql
, which exists solely to avoid having to pass the keyword argument through the iteration (I originally failed to pass it down at all, then decided, nerdily, that I didn't want to have to think about any possible overhead of keyword-argument parsing in the loop).Here it is:
(defun sublistp (a b &key (test #'eql))
;; is A a sublist of B, comparing elements with TEST.
;; Return two values: either NIL and NIL if it is not a leading
;; sublist or T and the tail of B at which it matched.
;; This works by asking whether A is a leading sublist of successive
;; tails of B
(labels ((leading-sublist-p (x y)
;; is X a leading sublist of Y?
(cond ((null x)
;; the empty list is a leading sublist of any list
((null y)
;; a non-empty list is not the leading sublist of
;; the empty list
((funcall test (first x) (first y))
;; otherwise X is a leading sublist of Y if the
;; first two elements compare the same and the
;; tail of X is a leading sublist of the tail of Y
(leading-sublist-p (rest x) (rest y)))))
(any-sublist-p (x y)
;; this does the work: it's here merely to avoid having
;; to pass the TEST argument down in the recursion.
(cond ((null x)
;; the empty list is a sublist of any list
(values t y))
((null y)
;; a non-empty list is not a sublist of an empty
;; list
(values nil nil))
((leading-sublist-p x y)
;; if X is a leading sublist of Y it's a sublist
(values t y))
;; otherwise X is a sublist of Y if it is a
;; sublist of the tail of Y
(any-sublist-p x (rest y))))))
(any-sublist-p a b)))
For added value, here is a version which detects some, but not all, circularities, by comparing successive tails with the original arguments. This is cheap (two extra eq
tests per loop), but does not find all circularities: to do that you need a fully-fledged occurs check which is expensive.
(defun sublistp (a b &key (test #'eql))
;; is A a sublist of B, comparing elements with TEST.
;; Return two values: either NIL and NIL if it is not a leading
;; sublist or T and the tail of B at which it matched.
;; This works by asking whether A is a leading sublist of successive
;; tails of B
(labels ((leading-sublist-p (x y)
;; is X a leading sublist of Y?
(cond ((null x)
;; the empty list is a leading sublist of any list
((null y)
;; a non-empty list is not the leading sublist of
;; the empty list
((funcall test (first x) (first y))
;; otherwise X is a leading sublist of Y if the
;; first two elements compare the same and the
;; tail of X is a leading sublist of the tail of Y.
(let ((rx (rest x))
(ry (rest y)))
;; If the tail of X is A then A is circular at
;; this point and we should give up & similarly
;; for Y. Note this does not find all
;; circularities, but finding some is perhaps
;; better than not finding any.
(when (eq rx a)
(error "A is trivially circular"))
(when (eq ry b)
(error "B is trivially circular"))
(leading-sublist-p rx ry)))))
(any-sublist-p (x y)
;; this does the work: it's here merely to avoid having
;; to pass the TEST argument down in the recursion.
(cond ((null x)
;; the empty list is a sublist of any list
(values t y))
((null y)
;; a non-empty list is not a sublist of an empty
;; list
(values nil nil))
((leading-sublist-p x y)
;; if X is a leading sublist of Y it's a sublist
(values t y))
;; otherwise X is a sublist of Y if it is a
;; sublist of the tail of Y
(any-sublist-p x (rest y))))))
(any-sublist-p a b)))
Here is this version detecting a trivially-circular argument:
> (sublistp (let ((a (list 1)))
(setf (cdr a) a)
'(1 2 3 4))
Error: A is trivially circular
1 (abort) Return to top loop level 0.
For hack value, here is an explicitly iterative version: I find this harder to understand.
(defun sublistp (a b &key (test #'eql))
;; is A a sublist of B, comparing elements with TEST.
;; Return two values: either NIL and NIL if it is not a leading
;; sublist or T and the tail of B at which it matched.
;; This works by asking whether A is a leading sublist of successive
;; tails of B
(flet ((leading-sublist-p (x y)
;; is X a leading sublist of Y?
(loop for first-cycle = t then nil
for xt = x then (rest xt)
for yt = y then (rest yt)
unless first-cycle ;circularity only after 1st cycle
do (cond
;; If the tail of X is A then A is circular at
;; this point and we should give up & similarly
;; for Y. Note this does not find all
;; circularities, but finding some is perhaps
;; better than not finding any.
((eq xt a)
(error "A is trivially circular"))
((eq yt b)
(error "B is trivially circular")))
do (cond
((null xt)
;; the empty list is a leading sublist of any
;; list
(return-from leading-sublist-p t))
((null yt)
;; a non-empty list is not the leading
;; sublist of the empty list
(return-from leading-sublist-p nil))
((not (funcall test (first xt) (first yt)))
;; leading elements differ: fail
(return-from leading-sublist-p nil))))))
(cond ((null a)
;; the empty list is the sublist of any list
(values t b))
((null b)
;; no non-empty list is the sublist of any list
(values nil nil))
(loop for bt = b then (rest b)
do (cond
((null bt)
(return-from sublistp (values nil nil)))
((leading-sublist-p a bt)
(return-from sublistp (values t bt)))))))))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 58647
In ANSI Common Lisp, the search
function will determine whether a subsequence of a longer sequence is equivalent to a shorter sequence:
[1]> (search '(2 3) '(1 2 3))
For instance, here, search
has found (2 3)
at position 1 of (1 2 3)
works with other kinds of sequences like vectors and strings:
[2]> (search "ef" "abcdef")
If the search fails, search
returns nil
Upvotes: 4