Reputation: 6432
Sorry, but I'm a newbie with Fable and F#. I started a boilerplate from SAFE project, and I created a SPA with two pages. However, all the logic is inside a single file. My question is. How can I implement a router putting each view in one file?
I would something like that:
|_ Home.fs
|_ About.fs
Below is my Client.fs file
- title: Navigation demo
- tagline: The router sample ported from Elm
module App
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import
open Elmish
open Fable.Import.Browser
open Fable.PowerPack
open Elmish.Browser.Navigation
open Elmish.Browser.UrlParser
JsInterop.importAll "whatwg-fetch"
// Types
type Page = Home | Blog of int | Search of string
type Model =
{ page : Page
query : string
cache : Map<string,string list> }
let toHash =
| Blog id -> "#blog/" + (string id)
| _ -> "#home"
/// The URL is turned into a Page option.
let pageParser : Parser<Page->_,_> =
[ map Home (s "home")
map Blog (s "blog" </> i32) ]
type Msg =
| Query of string
| Enter
| FetchFailure of string*exn
| FetchSuccess of string*(string list)
type Place = { ``place name``: string; state: string; }
(* If the URL is valid, we just update our model or issue a command.
If it is not a valid URL, we modify the URL to whatever makes sense.
let urlUpdate (result:Option<Page>) model =
match result with
| Some page ->
{ model with page = page; query = "" }, []
| None ->
Browser.console.error("Error parsing url")
( model, Navigation.modifyUrl (toHash )
let init result =
urlUpdate result { page = Home; query = ""; cache = Map.empty }
(* A relatively normal update function. The only notable thing here is that we
are commanding a new URL to be added to the browser history. This changes the
address bar and lets us use the browser’s back button to go back to
previous pages.
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Query query ->
{ model with query = query }, []
| FetchFailure (query,_) ->
{ model with cache = Map.add query [] model.cache }, []
| FetchSuccess (query,locations) ->
{ model with cache = Map.add query locations model.cache }, []
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
let viewLink page description =
a [ Style [ Padding "0 20px" ]
Href (toHash page) ]
[ str description]
let internal centerStyle direction =
Style [ Display "flex"
FlexDirection direction
AlignItems "center"
unbox("justifyContent", "center")
Padding "20px 0" ]
let words size message =
span [ Style [ unbox("fontSize", size |> sprintf "%dpx") ] ] [ str message ]
let internal onEnter msg dispatch =
| (ev:React.KeyboardEvent) when ev.keyCode = 13. ->
dispatch msg
| _ -> ()
|> OnKeyDown
let viewPage model dispatch =
match with
| Home ->
[ words 60 "Welcome!"
str "Play with the links and search bar above. (Press ENTER to trigger the zip code search.)" ]
| Blog id ->
[ words 20 "This is blog post number"
words 100 (string id) ]
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
let view model dispatch =
div []
[ div [ centerStyle "row" ]
[ viewLink Home "Home"
viewLink (Blog 42) "Cat Facts"
viewLink (Blog 13) "Alligator Jokes"
viewLink (Blog 26) "Workout Plan" ]
hr []
div [ centerStyle "column" ] (viewPage model dispatch)
open Elmish.React
open Elmish.Debug
// App
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.toNavigable (parseHash pageParser) urlUpdate
|> Program.withReact "elmish-app"
|> Program.withDebugger
Upvotes: 9
Views: 1434
Reputation: 2006
in general, all the Elmish "components" (you can understand it as "file") have:
representing their stateMsg
representing the possible action supported in the componentupdate
function reacting to a Msg
and generating a new Model
from the previous Model
function to generate the view from the current Model
stateIn my application, I use the following structure which allows me to scale (indefinitely) the application.
A Router.fs
file responsible to handle to represents the different routes and the parsing
let inline (</>) a b = a + "/" + string b
type Route =
| Home
| Blog of int
let toHash (route : Route) =
match route with
| Home -> "home"
| Blog id -> "blog" </> id
open Elmish.Browser.Navigation
open Elmish.Browser.UrlParser
let routeParser : Parser<Route -> Route, Route> =
oneOf [ // Auth Routes
map (fun domainId -> Route.Blog domainId) (s "blog" </> i32)
map Route.Home (s "home")
// Default Route
map Route.Home top ]
A Main.fs
file responsible to create the Elmish program and handling how to react to the route changes.
open Elmish
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Import
type Page =
| Home of Home.Model
| Blog of Blog.Model
| NotFound
type Model =
{ ActivePage : Page
CurrentRoute : Router.Route option }
type Msg =
| HomeMsg of Home.Msg
| BlogMsg of Blog.Msg
let private setRoute (optRoute: Router.Route option) model =
let model = { model with CurrentRoute = optRoute }
match optRoute with
| None ->
{ model with ActivePage = Page.NotFound }, Cmd.none
| Some Router.Route.Home ->
let (homeModel, homeCmd) = Home.init ()
{ model with ActivePage = Page.Home homeModel }, HomeMsg homeCmd
| Some (Router.Route.Blog blogId) ->
let (blogModel, blogCmd) = Blog.init blogId
{ model with ActivePage = Page.Blog blogModel }, BlogMsg blogCmd
let init (location : Router.Route option) =
setRoute location
{ ActivePage = Page.NotFound
CurrentRoute = None }
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) =
match model.ActivePage, msg with
| Page.NotFound, _ ->
// Nothing to do here
model, Cmd.none
| Page.Home homeModel, HomeMsg homeMsg ->
let (homeModel, homeCmd) = Home.update homeMsg homeModel
{ model with ActivePage = Page.Home homeModel }, HomeMsg homeCmd
| Page.Blog blogModel, BlogMsg blogMsg ->
let (blogModel, blogCmd) = Blog.update blogMsg blogModel
{ model with ActivePage = Page.Blog blogModel }, BlogMsg blogCmd
| _, msg ->
Browser.console.warn("Message discarded:\n", string msg)
model, Cmd.none
let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Dispatch<Msg>) =
match model.ActivePage with
| Page.NotFound ->
str "404 Page not found"
| Page.Home homeModel ->
Home.view homeModel (HomeMsg >> dispatch)
| Page.Blog blogModel ->
Blog.view blogModel (BlogMsg >> dispatch)
open Elmish.Browser.UrlParser
open Elmish.Browser.Navigation
open Elmish.React
// App
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.toNavigable (parseHash Router.routeParser) setRoute
|> Program.withReactUnoptimized "elmish-app"
So in your case, I would have the following files:
Upvotes: 13