Cody Elhard
Cody Elhard

Reputation: 675

No output - Jupyter Notebook

To begin, I am using MacOSX with a chrome browser.

I am unable to read any output when executing a simple print statement.

I began by creating a simple file named ""


I then convert that to the ipython notebook format using jupytext

jupytext --to notebook

I then ran jupyter notebook, however I receive no outputs.

I have tried various methods such as Print not showing in ipython notebook.

According to a comment elsewhere the * signified that it is processing. I have given it ample time, and it is only a simple print statement, which should process immediately.

enter image description here

Additional information that may be useful. Pipfile

name = "pypi"
url = ""
verify_ssl = true


numpy = "*"
matplotlib = "*"
pytest = "*"
setuptools = "*"
cycler = "*"
kiwisolver = "*"
pyparsing = "*"
jupyter = "*"
ipython = "*"
nbformat = "*"
jupytext = "*"
jupyter-kernel-gateway = "*"

python_version = "3.7"

Ouput of jupyter troubleshoot




    3.7.2 (default, Jan 13 2019, 12:50:01) 
    [Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
    Package                Version    
    ---------------------- -----------
    appnope                0.1.0      
    atomicwrites           1.3.0      
    attrs                  19.1.0     
    backcall               0.1.0      
    bleach                 3.1.0      
    certifi                2018.11.29 
    chardet                3.0.4      
    cycler                 0.10.0     
    decorator              4.3.2      
    defusedxml             0.5.0      
    entrypoints            0.3        
    freetype-py            2.0.0.post6
    idna                   2.8        
    ipykernel              5.1.0      
    ipython                7.3.0      
    ipython-genutils       0.2.0      
    ipywidgets             7.4.2      
    jedi                   0.13.3     
    Jinja2                 2.10       
    jsonschema             3.0.1      
    jupyter                1.0.0      
    jupyter-client         5.2.4      
    jupyter-console        6.0.0      
    jupyter-core           4.4.0      
    jupyter-kernel-gateway 2.2.0      
    jupytext               1.0.2      
    kiwisolver             1.0.1      
    MarkupSafe             1.1.1      
    matplotlib             3.0.3      
    mistune                0.8.4      
    mock                   2.0.0      
    more-itertools         6.0.0      
    nbconvert              5.4.1      
    nbformat               4.4.0      
    notebook               5.7.4      
    numpy                  1.16.2     
    pandocfilters          1.4.2      
    parso                  0.3.4      
    pbr                    5.1.3      
    pexpect                4.6.0      
    pickleshare            0.7.5      
    pip                    19.0.3     
    pluggy                 0.9.0      
    prometheus-client      0.6.0      
    prompt-toolkit         2.0.9      
    ptyprocess             0.6.0      
    py                     1.8.0      
    Pygments               2.3.1      
    pyparsing              2.3.1      
    pyrsistent             0.14.11    
    pytest                 4.3.0      
    python-dateutil        2.8.0      
    PyYAML                 3.13       
    pyzmq                  18.0.0     
    qtconsole              4.4.3      
    requests               2.21.0     
    Send2Trash             1.5.0      
    setuptools             40.8.0     
    six                    1.12.0     
    terminado              0.8.1      
    testfixtures           6.6.0      
    testpath               0.4.2      
    tornado                6.0        
    traitlets              4.3.2      
    urllib3                1.24.1     
    wcwidth                0.1.7      
    webencodings           0.5.1      
    wheel                  0.33.1     
    widgetsnbextension     3.4.2

Upvotes: 3

Views: 15886

Answers (1)

Cody Elhard
Cody Elhard

Reputation: 675

I was able to solve this by Uninstalling tornado 6 and installing tornado 5.

5.1.1 is the last stable version and fixed my problem.

Referenced from Jupyter notebook: No connection to server because websocket connection fails

Upvotes: 3

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