I'm working with a .ps1-Powershell-Script and I'm stuck.
I have following code:
$strComputer = "localhost"
$date = get-date
$a=Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $strComputer | fl *freePhysical* | Out-String
$b=Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $strComputer | fl *totalvisiblememory* | Out-String
$c=Get-WmiObject win32_processor -ComputerName $strComputer | fl *LoadPercentage* | Out-String
$a = $a -replace '\D+(\d+)','$1'
$b = $b -replace '\D+(\d+)','$1'
$c = $c -replace '\D+(\d+)','$1'
$c = $c.Insert(1,",")
$seperator="Es ist der " + $date + "; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: " + $freeRam + " % " + "und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell " + $c
$seperator | Out-File -append "D:\Logging\FreeRAM.txt"
This code generates a .txt-File with Powershell querying WmiObjects for free physical memory and the actual load percentage for the cpu.
It's working like expected but generates for the win32_processor LoadPercentage-Query blank linkes.
I've tried using .Trim() for Out-File like this
$c=Get-WmiObject win32_processor -ComputerName $strComputer | fl *LoadPercentage* | Out-String.Trim()
but that's not working. I've tried using
-NoNewLine for Out-File like this $seperator | Out-File -append "D:\Logging\FreeRAM.txt" -NoNewLine
but it's not working.
My Output looks like this:
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:31; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,2
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:35; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,0
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:39; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,1
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:14:00; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.84 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,0
And i want it like that:
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:31; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,2
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:35; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,0
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:13:39; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.86 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,1
Es ist der 03/04/2019 08:14:00; der verfuegbare Arbeitsspeicher betraegt: 71.84 % und die Auslastung der CPU in % betraegt aktuell 1,0
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Views: 3393
Reputation: 7489
[edit - modified processor load percentage calc to take into account the number of processors.]
i see that you have your answer ... but the code you used is somewhat more roundabout than seems needed. so i wrote a rather more direct version. [grin]
what it does ...
class once .LoadPercentage
directly .NumberOfProcessors
from CIM_ComputerSystem
items & dividing by the .NumberOfProcesors
calls that were inserting the unwanted extra lines -f
string format operator to build the output string i used english for this since i was uncertain of the wording in your language. i presume you can translate back to yours far better than i can ... [grin]
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
$CIM_OS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
$CIM_CS_ProcessorCount = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_ComputerSystem).NumberOfProcessors
$FreeRAM_Pct = [math]::Round($CIM_OS.FreePhysicalMemory / $CIM_OS.TotalVisibleMemorySize * 100, 2)
$ProcLoad_Pct = [math]::Round(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor -ComputerName $ComputerName).
LoadPercentage |
Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / $CIM_CS_ProcessorCount, 2)
'Time stamp = {0}; Free RAM % = {1}; Processor load % = {2}' -f $TimeStamp, $FreeRAM_Pct, $ProcLoad_Pct
output ...
Time stamp = 2019-03-06 06:18:04; Free RAM % = 43.61; Processor load % = 5
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1187
Try this construction:
$a=(Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $strComputer | fl *freePhysical* | Out-String).Trim()
Or make the last line:
$seperator.Trim() | Out-File -append "D:\Logging\FreeRAM.txt"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 85
It seems that you variable $c contains empty new lines. For a quick fix, you can add the trim function as follows:
$c = $c.Insert(1,",").trim()
Upvotes: 1