Reputation: 1
I have trouble understanding the code of a C program that is supposed to be vulnerable.
We have this definition typedef void (*fptr)(void);
, and I leave the partial code above. I don't quite have a problem understanding the instruction fptr p = pat_on_back;
, which just defines an fptr pointer that points to a function that never gets executed because that instruction just defines and initializes a pointer (right?).
My problem is understanding instruction fptr ptrs[3] = { NULL, get_wisdom, put_wisdom };
. How come this instruction works when the type fptr is clearly being used to declare and initialize an array of the void? Shouldn't just receive a single void parameter?
For the matter, the get_wisdom() and put_wisdom() functions both receive and return void. This little program is to fill and print a simple linked list of chars called 'wisdom'. The functions get_wisdom() and put_wisdom() does exactly what it apparently seems to do.
char greeting[] = "Hello there\n1. Receive wisdom\n2. Add wisdom\nSelection >";
char prompt[] = "Enter some wisdom\n";
char pat[] = "Achievement unlocked!\n";
char secret[] = "secret key";
typedef void (*fptr)(void);
void pat_on_back(void) {
write(outfd, pat, sizeof(pat));
void put_wisdom(void) {
. . .
void get_wisdom(void) {
. . .
fptr ptrs[3] = { NULL, get_wisdom, put_wisdom };
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
while(1) {
char buf[1024] = {0};
int r;
fptr p = pat_on_back;
r = write(outfd, greeting, sizeof(greeting)-sizeof(char));
if(r < 0) {
r = read(infd, buf, sizeof(buf)-sizeof(char));
if(r > 0) {
buf[r] = '\0';
int s = atoi(buf);
fptr tmp = ptrs[s];
} else {
return 0;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 389
typedef void (*fptr)(void);
Defines the fptr type as a pointer to a function that returns a value of the indicated type (void) and requires the indicated parameters (void)
fptr ptrs[3] = { NULL, get_wisdom, put_wisdom };
Defines ptrs as a vector of 3 elements, each is a pointer to one function that has void as parameter (anything), and returns void.
Upvotes: 1