Reputation: 2474
Logcat allows filtering logs but it works like that: You define filters and logcat only displays messages which matches filters. But is there a way to display all logs EXCEPT some TAGs defined by filters?
Upvotes: 132
Views: 69317
Reputation: 11
To exclude a specific tag in Logcat, simply use the minus sign (-) followed by "tag:" and your tag name in the Logcat search bar. Ex-
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 467
With new LogcatV2 you should use this example:
-tag~: chatty|WifiHAL|HwBinder|Light|lsc_nvram|SensorService|thermal_repeater
and so on
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 1833
This is The Most common Annoying Tags i gathered
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1040
There is also the option to make your own filter in Android Studios logcat GUI. E.g. I was very annoyed by OpenGLRenderer and ViewRoot messages in logcat.
In the logcat click on Edit Filter Configuration and create a new filter.
In the Log Tag Input you can type in something like ^(?!.*(OpenGLRenderer|ViewRoot))
and add several other Tags that are annoying you.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 671
Here's a list of filters that I've been using to ignore Samsung system logs. would work with other devices too.
Logcat -> Edit Filter Configuration -> Log Tag
^(?!(PowerUI|PowerPlanningReceiver|BatteryService|SamsungPhoneWindowManager|MotionRecognitionService|AudioService|APM_AudioPolicyManager|SensorService|StorageManager|SignalClusterView|BatteryService|TelephonyManager|UsbDeviceManager|KeyguardUpdateMonitor|BatteryController|ActivityManager|LauncherAppsService|AppsModel|DataLoader|PackageManager|LauncherApps|ContactsImsCommon|ImsUtil|ImsSettingsProvider|DeviceConfigManager|WifiService|BackupManagerService|PersonaManagerService|DefaultDialerManager|ResourceType|NetworkUIGlobals|NetworkProxy|FileWriteThread|ReflectUtil|PhoneApp|SamsungAlarmManager|display|DeviceStorageMonitorService|wrapperGPS|io_stats|GnssLocationProvider|KeyguardServiceBoxContainer|ConnectivityService|SSRM|TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize|mc_tlc_communication|TeeDriverClient|TLC_TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel|AutomaticBrightnessController|BatteryUtils|WifiConnectivityManager|Launcher|IconView|ApplicationPackageManager|LiveIconLoader|WifiScanningService|WifiHAL|WifiScanController|ApplicationPolicy|SELinux|TimaKeyStoreProvider|ActivityThread|zygote|GservicesProvider|GoogleHttpClient|cr_ChildProcessConnect|WificondControl|Netd|Tethering|ContactsImsCommon|ImsConstants|tnet-jni|BatteryStatsService|SignalClusterView|LiveIconManager|BitmapCacheContainer||ReflectField|cr_ChildConnAllocator|TinLoadingFailTracker|WifiPermissionsUtil|EventHandler_FLP|[email protected]|BluetoothAdapter|bt_btm|WifiPermissionsUtil|GeofencerStateMachine|Places|GCoreUlr|BeaconBle|Sensors|SLocation|ContactsProvider_EventLog|WificondScannerImpl|AlarmManager|AlarmManagerEXT|MultiDex|NetworkSecurityConfig|DnsProxyListener|dalvik-internals|mobileconfig|SsacManager|ImsPhoneStateManager|VolteServiceModule|PdnController|PowerManagerService|GameManagerService|NoSync|SensorManager|DisplayPowerController|NetworkController|SamsungAnalytics111040|tlcFidoAuthnr|InputReader|FlashlightController|KeyguardWallpaperController|OpenGLRenderer|EasyMuteController|Vibrator|VibratorService|PowerManagerUtil|LightsService|WindowManager|InputDispatcher|InputReader|CustomFrequencyManagerService|SystemUIAnalytics|SamsungAnalytics|swipe|PanelView|BadgeCache|MARsPolicyManager|MARsDBManager|KeyguardClockPage|ScanManager|RegiMgrBase|secImsManager|GeolocationController|MultiSimUtils|CarrierText|Mms|NetworkNotificationUI2|CommandListener|ReschedulableTimer|RCS-ContactsImsCommon|Settings|DmConfigModule|NotificationMgr2|PhoneMultiSimUtils|PhoneProxy|VideoCapabilities|AudioCapabilities|SAIV_FACE|FaceController|FaceService|SamsungAnimationCreator|ImageWallpaper|Finsky|VirtualScreen|PagedView|DragLayer|HomeContainer|ImsServiceStub|DmConfigHelper|TZ))
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 61
An easy way to do this is by simply filtering in only the tags you want to see.
adb logcat -s "Tag1" -s "Tag2" -s "Tag3"
Will bring up only those tags.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 8920
You can do this from within DDMS Monitor (and also Eclipse or Android Studio) with the regular expression input box and negative look-ahead assertions, for example I am excluding a lot of noise from my log with the following:
(The "tag:" isn't part of the regular expression, but tells LogCat to only apply the regex to the Tag field. If you use this trick in a saved filter then put just the regular expression in the "Tag" input box, and omit the "tag:" prefix)
In Android Studio's logcat monitor pane, you can set up a saved filter for this by opening the dropdown in the upper right (it may have "Show only selected application" selected) and selecting Edit Filter Configuration. Create a new logcat filter and put ^(?!(WifiMulticast
...etc. ))
in the Log Tag box, with the Regex
checkbox checked.
Upvotes: 228
Reputation: 1215
This will exclude texts having contents WindowManager,dalvik,...
This will exclude tags WindowManager,dalvik,... from logcat
Upvotes: 39
Reputation: 28060
Combine both positive and negative lookahead for more powerful filtering.
Tags in the first nested parentheses are included.
Tags in second are excluded.
Upvotes: 17
Reputation: 5659
If you want to exclude or filter certain messages by tag name in Android studio, goto the LogCat window=>Edit Filter configuration, and enter the following under "by Log Tag(regex): "
Note that there are no spaces, this is important
Upvotes: 80
Reputation: 7795
From the shell, you can use a command like:
adb logcat AlarmManagerService:S PowerManagerService:S *:V
which will include all logs apart from those with the AlarmManagerService
and PowerManagerService
(The :S
stands for "silent", which means nothing will be printed for those tags; the :V
stands for "verbose" which means everything will be printed for all other tags. The Android documentation for logcat has more details of other options you can use in the filters.)
You can also use the ANDROID_LOG_TAGS
environment variable to set up default filters, e.g. (in bash):
export ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="AlarmManagerService:S PowerManagerService:S *:V"
Upvotes: 44
Reputation: 3367
If you are using adb logcat
you could pipe it through grep and use it's inverted matching:
From the grep manpage:
v, --invert-match Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
For example:
$adb logcat | grep --invert-match 'notshownmatchpattern'
You can extend this by using regular expressions.
Here is an example of such an expression:
This one would check for either of the given to occur, grep would then not list them.
Upvotes: 55
Reputation: 21441
Within the Eclipse Logcat view there's not such an option. However you can make use of the log level to exclude any message whose log level is too low. E. g. setting it to I(nfo) doesn't display D(ebug) and (V)erbose messages.
Upvotes: 0