Zeeshan Faiz PL
Zeeshan Faiz PL

Reputation: 11

I'm trying to run the Phalcon Application. Getting this IndexController handler class error

I'm trying to run the Phalcon Application. Getting this IndexController handler class error. Here is my controller.

define('PHALCONSTART', microtime(true));
define('PROJECT_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');
use Phalcon\Mvc\Application,
require_once PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/bootstrap.php';

$loader = new Loader();

    'Apps\Commons\Models' => PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/commons/models/',
    'Library'             => PROJECT_PATH . 'library/'

    'Apps\Commons\AbstractModule' => PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/commons/AbstractModule.php',


 * Include services
require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/services.php';
require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/repos.php';

 * Handle the request
$application = new Application();

 * Assign the DI
 * @var Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault $di


 * Register application modules
$modules = [];

foreach ($config->modules as $index => $modul)
    $modules[$index] = [
        'className' => $modul->className,
        'path'      => $modul->dir . 'Module.php'

require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/function.php';
$response = $application->handle();


I'm getting this error no matter what I do. Can't find the solution anywhere.I attached the screenshot of the error I'm getting.

Fatal error: Uncaught Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher\Exception: Apps\Members\Controllers\IndexController handler class cannot be loaded in C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php:86 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher->_throwDispatchException('Apps\Members\Co...', 2) #1 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher->dispatch() #2 C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php(86): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle() #3 {main} thrown in C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php on line 86

See the Screenshot

UPDATED: Controller Source Code Added

Following is controller Source Code

namespace Members\Controller;

use Members\Form\Profile;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher;
use User\Model\Content;
use User\Model\SubscriptionItems;
use User\Model\Subscriptions;
use User\Model\Support\SupportticketFollowups;
use User\Model\Users;
use Phalcon\Mvc\View;
use User\Model\UsersNotifications;
use User\Model\Usersocialnetworks;
use User\Model\UsersTraffic;
use User\Model\AuthnetTransactions;
use Hybridauth\Hybridauth;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception;
use User\Model\Payments\Paypal\PaypalRecurringTrans;
use User\Model\Support\SupportTickets;
use Apps\Members\Controllers\BaseController;

class IndexController extends BaseController
    public function initialize()
        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub

        if (!$this->user)

            return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'oauth.auth.action', 'action' => 'login'])->send();

     * @return View\Engine\Php
    public function indexAction()
        $one_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
            'column'     => 'hits',
            'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
            'bind'       => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'))]

        $seven_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
            'column'     => 'hits',
            'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
            'bind'       => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 days'))]

        $thirty_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
            'column'     => 'hits',
            'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
            'bind'       => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'))]

        $phql      =
            'SELECT date, sum(hits) as sum_hits FROM \User\Model\UsersTraffic WHERE userid = :userid: AND date >= :date: GROUP BY date';
        $query     = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($phql);
        $sums_hits = $query->execute(['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'))]);
        $_max      = 0;
        $_min      = 0;
        foreach ($sums_hits as $sum)
            if ($_max == 0 AND $_min == 0)
                $_max = $sum->sum_hits;
                $_min = $sum->sum_hits;
            } else
                if ($_max < $sum->sum_hits)
                    $_max = $sum->sum_hits;
                if ($_min > $sum->sum_hits)
                    $_min = $sum->sum_hits;

        $day_traffic_30_min = $_min;
        $day_traffic_30_max = $_max;

            ->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false)
            ->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js', false, false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.min.js', false, false);

        $this->view->setVars(compact('one_day_traffic', 'seven_day_traffic', 'thirty_day_traffic', 'day_traffic_30_min', 'day_traffic_30_max'));

    public function dit_basic_infoAction()


     * @return View
    public function membersSocialAction()
        $go = $this->request->getPost('go');

        if (!empty('go') && $go == 'socialpost')
            $post_title    = $this->request->getPost('post_title', 'string');
            $post_message  = $this->request->getPost('post_message', 'striptags');
            $post_networks = $this->request->getPost('post_networks', null, []);

            /*if (!empty($post_title) && !empty($post_message) && is_array($post_networks))
                // Set a session variable
                $this->session->set("socualposts", compact('post_title', 'post_message', 'post_networks'));

                // Get first record
                $usersocialnetworks = Usersocialnetworks::findFirst($this->filter->sanitize($post_networks[0]), 'int');

                    return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'oauth.hybridauth.index', 'provider' => $usersocialnetworks->network]);

        $usersocialnetworks = $this->user->ManySocialnetworks;


     * @return string
    public function profile_statsgraphAction()
        //Disable the view

        $userid            = $this->request->get('userid', 'int');
        $content_id        = $this->request->get('content_id', 'int');
        $category_id       = $this->request->get('category_id', 'int');
        $parentcategory_id = $this->request->get('parentcategory_id', 'int');

        return $this->view->getPartial("members/index/profile_statsgraph",
            compact('userid', 'content_id', 'category_id', 'parentcategory_id'));

     * View all Businesses fro user
     * @return \Phalcon\Http\Response|\Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface
    public function businessesAction()
        $go = $this->request->get('go');
        $id = $this->request->get('id', 'int', null);

        // If delete content
        if (!empty($go) && $go == 'unclaim' && !empty($id))
            // Get content via ID
            $content = Content::findFirst($id);

            // If not found record
            if (!$content)
                $this->flashSession->error('There is no such record in the database!');
                goto endgo;

            // If this record does not belong to this user
            if ($content->userid != $this->user_id)
                $this->flashSession->error('You can not delete this record! You do not have the rights!');
                goto endgo;

            if (!$content->update([
                'userid'      => 0,
                'profileid'   => 0,
                'plan_id'     => 0,
                'rating'      => 0,
                'views'       => 0,
                'ratingwidth' => 0,
                'featured'    => 0,
                'owner_email' => '',
                'owner_name'  => '',
                'owner_title' => ''
                if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
                    foreach ($content->getMessages() as $message)
                        $this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
                    goto endgo;

                $this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while deleting. Try again later or contact the administrator!');
                goto endgo;
            } else
                // Set notification for users_notifications table
                $users_notification                       = new UsersNotifications();
                $users_notification->userid               = $this->user_id;
                $users_notification->notification_type    = 'profile_management';
                $users_notification->notification_subject = 'Profile Unclaimed';
                $users_notification->notification_body    =
                    'You have unclaimed a profile: ' . $content->company . ' <Br>' . $content->full_address;
                $users_notification->support_enabled      = 1;
                $users_notification->support_ticketid     = 0;
                if ($users_notification->save() == false)
                    if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
                        $this->logger->error('Error to handle: ' . implode(', ', $users_notification->getMessages()));


            $this->flashSession->success('You deleted this item!');


            return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'members.action', 'action' => 'businesses']);


        $contents = Content::findByUserid($this->user_id);

            ->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js', false, false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.min.js', false, false)
            ->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false);

        $user_id = $this->user_id;

        $this->view->setVars(compact('contents', 'user_id'));

     * Return script for Business Profile Stats of /members/index page
     * @return string
    public function statsgraphAction()
        //Disable the view

        $count_day = 20;

        $userid = $this->request->get('userid', 'int');
        $rndval = $this->request->get('rndval', 'int');

        $hits_traffic = UsersTraffic::find([
            'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
            'bind' => ['userid' => $userid, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $count_day . ' days'))],

        $hit_sums_by_date  = [];
        $call_sums_by_date = [];
        $months            = [];
        $days              = [];

        for ($day = $count_day; $day >= 0; $day--)
            $date                                                 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));
            $months[date('Y-m', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'))] = date('F Y', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));
            $hit_sums_by_date[$date]                              = 0;
            $call_sums_by_date[$date]                             = 0;
            $days[$date]                                          = (int)date('j', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));

        $title_text = current($months);
        if (count($months) > 1)

            $title_text .= ' - ' . end($months);

        $days = implode(',', $days);

        foreach ($hits_traffic as $item)
            $hit_sums_by_date[$item->date]  += $item->hits;
            $hit_sums_by_date[$item->date]  += $item->mobilehits;
            $call_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->mobilecalls;
            $call_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->calls;

        $visitors_sums = implode(',', $hit_sums_by_date);
        $calls_sums    = implode(',', $call_sums_by_date);

        $this->view->visitors_sums = $visitors_sums;
        $this->view->calls_sums    = $calls_sums;
        $this->view->title_text    = $title_text;
        $this->view->days          = $days;


     * Change User Profile page
    public function profileAction()
        $user = Users::findFirst($this->user_id);

        $user->confirm_email = $this->user->email;

        $post_data = $this->request->getPost();

         * @var Profile form
        $form = new Profile($user);

        if ($this->request->isPost())
            // If edit profile
            if (!empty($post_data['go']) && $post_data['go'] == 'EDIT')
                if ($this->security->checkToken())
                    if ($form->isValid($post_data))
                        if (!empty($post_data['new_password']))
                            $user->password = $this->security->hash($post_data['new_password']);

                        if ($user->save() == false)
                            if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
                                foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message)
                                    $this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
                            } else
                                $this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while saving! Please try again later or contact the administrator!');
                        } else
                            $this->flashSession->success('You have successfully changed your profile!');
                } else
                    $this->flashSession->error('CSRF validation failed');
                // edit image for profile
            } elseif (!empty($post_data['go']) && $post_data['go'] == 'upload_image')

                if ($this->request->hasFiles() == true)
                    $baseLocation = PUBLIC_PATH . '/userprofile_images/';

                    // Check directory
                    if (!file_exists($baseLocation))
                        mkdir($baseLocation, 0777);

                    // Print the real file names and sizes
                    foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file)

                        if (in_array($file->getExtension(), ['jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg']))
                            if ($file->getSize() < 50000)
                                $name_file = time() . $this->filter->sanitize($file->getName(), 'string');

                                // delete old images
                                if (file_exists($baseLocation . $user->profile_image))
                                    unlink($baseLocation . $user->profile_image);

                                //$user->profile_image = $prev_name . $file->getName();
                                if ($user->update(['profile_image' => $name_file]))
                                    //Move the file into the application
                                    $file->moveTo($baseLocation . $name_file);

                                    $image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd($baseLocation . $name_file);


                                    $width   = 139;
                                    $height  = 139;
                                    $offsetX = (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
                                    $offsetY = (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);

                                    $image->crop($width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY);

                                    $image->save($baseLocation . $name_file);

                                    $this->flashSession->success('You have successfully changed your profile image!');
                                } else

                                    $this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while saving! Please try again later or contact the administrator!');
                            } else
                                $this->flashSession->error('The file must not exceed 500 kb');

                        } else
                            $this->flashSession->error('The file must be the following format - jpg/gif/png');

            ->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js', false, false)
            ->addJs('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.min.js', false, false);


     * @return \Phalcon\Http\Response|\Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface|string
    public function billingAction()
        $order_item_id = $this->request->get('order_item_id', 'int');
        $get_trans     = $this->request->get('get_trans', 'int');
        $rndval        = $this->request->get('rndval', 'int');
        $go            = $this->request->get('go');
        if (!empty($order_item_id))
            //Disable the view
            $subscriptions = Subscriptions::findFirst(['order_item_id=:order_item_id:', 'bind' => ['order_item_id' => $order_item_id]]);

            if (!empty($go) && $go == 'cancel_subscr')
                if (!empty($subscriptions) && $subscriptions->update(['an_status' => 'cancelled']))
                    $this->flashSession->success('You have closed a plan!');
                } else

                    if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
                        foreach ($subscriptions->getMessages() as $message)
                            $this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
                    } else
                        $this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while closing this plan');

                return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'members.action', 'action' => 'billing']);

            } elseif (!empty($get_trans) && !empty($rndval))
                if ($subscriptions)
                    $authnet_transactions = [];
                    $paypal_transactions  = [];
                    if ($subscriptions->pmt_src == 'paypal')
                        $paypal_transactions = PaypalRecurringTrans::find(['recurring_payment_id=:PP_PROFILEID:', 'bind' => ['PP_PROFILEID' => $subscriptions->PP_PROFILEID]]);
                    } elseif ($subscriptions->pmt_src == 'authnet')
                        $authnet_transactions = AuthnetTransactions::find(['x_subscription_id=:x_subscription_id:', 'bind' => ['x_subscription_id' => $subscriptions->an_subscr_id]]);

                    return $this->view->getPartial('members/billing/get_order', compact('subscriptions', 'paypal_transactions', 'authnet_transactions'));

            ->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false)
            ->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false);

     * @return View
    public function upgradeAction()
            ->addCss('/css/profile-ful.css', false);
        $add_product_id = $this->request->get('add_product_id', 'striptags', null);

        if (is_null($add_product_id))
            // Get content via ID
            $content = Content::findFirstByProfileid($this->user_id);

            $add_product_id = 'local_dir_premium:' . $content->parentcategory_id . ':' . $content->category_id . ':' . $content->id;


    public function supportAction()
        if (!($this->user_id > 0))

            return false;
        $id     = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id', 'int', null);
        $type   = $this->dispatcher->getParam('type', 'string', null);
        $_types = ['new', 'closed', 'waiting', 'open'];
        if ($id > 0)
            $ticket = SupportTickets::findFirst($id);
            if (!$ticket OR $ticket->userid != $this->user_id)
                return $this->response->redirect('members/support')->send();
            $is_closed      = false;
            $is_add_message = false;

            if ($this->request->isPost())
                $question  = $this->request->getPost('question', 'striptags', null);
                $btn_close = $this->request->getPost('close', null, null);
                $btn_post  = $this->request->getPost('post', null, null);
                if ($btn_close)
                    $ticket->status = SupportTickets::STATUS_CLOSED;
                    if ($ticket->save() === true)
                        $is_closed = true;
                } elseif ($btn_post AND $question)
                    $message            = new SupportticketFollowups();
                    $message->ticket_id = $ticket->id;
                    $message->message   = $question;
                    $message->admin_id  = 0;
                    if ($message->save() === true)
                        $is_add_message = true;
            $this->view->ticket         = $ticket;
            $this->view->is_closed      = $is_closed;
            $this->view->is_add_message = $is_add_message;

        } elseif (in_array($type, $_types))

        } else
            $tickets             =
                SupportTickets::find(['userid=:userid:', 'bind' => ['userid' => $this->user_id]]);
            $this->view->tickets = $tickets;




Upvotes: 0

Views: 779

Answers (1)

Juris Zeltiņš
Juris Zeltiņš

Reputation: 11

Controller source code? Before dispatch try to debug loaded namespaces/classes.

Upvotes: 0

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