Reputation: 11
I'm trying to run the Phalcon Application. Getting this IndexController handler class error. Here is my controller.
define('PHALCONSTART', microtime(true));
define('PROJECT_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');
use Phalcon\Mvc\Application,
require_once PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/bootstrap.php';
$loader = new Loader();
'Apps\Commons\Models' => PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/commons/models/',
'Library' => PROJECT_PATH . 'library/'
'Apps\Commons\AbstractModule' => PROJECT_PATH . 'apps/commons/AbstractModule.php',
* Include services
require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/services.php';
require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/repos.php';
* Handle the request
$application = new Application();
* Assign the DI
* @var Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault $di
* Register application modules
$modules = [];
foreach ($config->modules as $index => $modul)
$modules[$index] = [
'className' => $modul->className,
'path' => $modul->dir . 'Module.php'
require PROJECT_PATH . 'config/function.php';
$response = $application->handle();
I'm getting this error no matter what I do. Can't find the solution anywhere.I attached the screenshot of the error I'm getting.
Fatal error: Uncaught Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher\Exception: Apps\Members\Controllers\IndexController handler class cannot be loaded in C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php:86 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher->_throwDispatchException('Apps\Members\Co...', 2) #1 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher->dispatch() #2 C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php(86): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle() #3 {main} thrown in C:\xampp7126\htdocs\find-us-local\public\index.php on line 86
UPDATED: Controller Source Code Added
Following is controller Source Code
namespace Members\Controller;
use Members\Form\Profile;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher;
use User\Model\Content;
use User\Model\SubscriptionItems;
use User\Model\Subscriptions;
use User\Model\Support\SupportticketFollowups;
use User\Model\Users;
use Phalcon\Mvc\View;
use User\Model\UsersNotifications;
use User\Model\Usersocialnetworks;
use User\Model\UsersTraffic;
use User\Model\AuthnetTransactions;
use Hybridauth\Hybridauth;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception;
use User\Model\Payments\Paypal\PaypalRecurringTrans;
use User\Model\Support\SupportTickets;
use Apps\Members\Controllers\BaseController;
class IndexController extends BaseController
public function initialize()
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
if (!$this->user)
return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'oauth.auth.action', 'action' => 'login'])->send();
* @return View\Engine\Php
public function indexAction()
$one_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
'column' => 'hits',
'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
'bind' => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'))]
$seven_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
'column' => 'hits',
'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
'bind' => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 days'))]
$thirty_day_traffic = UsersTraffic::sum([
'column' => 'hits',
'conditions' => 'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
'bind' => ['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'))]
$phql =
'SELECT date, sum(hits) as sum_hits FROM \User\Model\UsersTraffic WHERE userid = :userid: AND date >= :date: GROUP BY date';
$query = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($phql);
$sums_hits = $query->execute(['userid' => $this->user_id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'))]);
$_max = 0;
$_min = 0;
foreach ($sums_hits as $sum)
if ($_max == 0 AND $_min == 0)
$_max = $sum->sum_hits;
$_min = $sum->sum_hits;
} else
if ($_max < $sum->sum_hits)
$_max = $sum->sum_hits;
if ($_min > $sum->sum_hits)
$_min = $sum->sum_hits;
$day_traffic_30_min = $_min;
$day_traffic_30_max = $_max;
->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false)
->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
->addJs('', false, false)
->addJs('', false, false);
$this->view->setVars(compact('one_day_traffic', 'seven_day_traffic', 'thirty_day_traffic', 'day_traffic_30_min', 'day_traffic_30_max'));
public function dit_basic_infoAction()
* @return View
public function membersSocialAction()
$go = $this->request->getPost('go');
if (!empty('go') && $go == 'socialpost')
$post_title = $this->request->getPost('post_title', 'string');
$post_message = $this->request->getPost('post_message', 'striptags');
$post_networks = $this->request->getPost('post_networks', null, []);
/*if (!empty($post_title) && !empty($post_message) && is_array($post_networks))
// Set a session variable
$this->session->set("socualposts", compact('post_title', 'post_message', 'post_networks'));
// Get first record
$usersocialnetworks = Usersocialnetworks::findFirst($this->filter->sanitize($post_networks[0]), 'int');
return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'oauth.hybridauth.index', 'provider' => $usersocialnetworks->network]);
$usersocialnetworks = $this->user->ManySocialnetworks;
* @return string
public function profile_statsgraphAction()
//Disable the view
$userid = $this->request->get('userid', 'int');
$content_id = $this->request->get('content_id', 'int');
$category_id = $this->request->get('category_id', 'int');
$parentcategory_id = $this->request->get('parentcategory_id', 'int');
return $this->view->getPartial("members/index/profile_statsgraph",
compact('userid', 'content_id', 'category_id', 'parentcategory_id'));
* View all Businesses fro user
* @return \Phalcon\Http\Response|\Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface
public function businessesAction()
$go = $this->request->get('go');
$id = $this->request->get('id', 'int', null);
// If delete content
if (!empty($go) && $go == 'unclaim' && !empty($id))
// Get content via ID
$content = Content::findFirst($id);
// If not found record
if (!$content)
$this->flashSession->error('There is no such record in the database!');
goto endgo;
// If this record does not belong to this user
if ($content->userid != $this->user_id)
$this->flashSession->error('You can not delete this record! You do not have the rights!');
goto endgo;
if (!$content->update([
'userid' => 0,
'profileid' => 0,
'plan_id' => 0,
'rating' => 0,
'views' => 0,
'ratingwidth' => 0,
'featured' => 0,
'owner_email' => '',
'owner_name' => '',
'owner_title' => ''
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
foreach ($content->getMessages() as $message)
$this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
goto endgo;
$this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while deleting. Try again later or contact the administrator!');
goto endgo;
} else
// Set notification for users_notifications table
$users_notification = new UsersNotifications();
$users_notification->userid = $this->user_id;
$users_notification->notification_type = 'profile_management';
$users_notification->notification_subject = 'Profile Unclaimed';
$users_notification->notification_body =
'You have unclaimed a profile: ' . $content->company . ' <Br>' . $content->full_address;
$users_notification->support_enabled = 1;
$users_notification->support_ticketid = 0;
if ($users_notification->save() == false)
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
$this->logger->error('Error to handle: ' . implode(', ', $users_notification->getMessages()));
$this->flashSession->success('You deleted this item!');
return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'members.action', 'action' => 'businesses']);
$contents = Content::findByUserid($this->user_id);
->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
->addJs('', false, false)
->addJs('', false, false)
->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false);
$user_id = $this->user_id;
$this->view->setVars(compact('contents', 'user_id'));
* Return script for Business Profile Stats of /members/index page
* @return string
public function statsgraphAction()
//Disable the view
$count_day = 20;
$userid = $this->request->get('userid', 'int');
$rndval = $this->request->get('rndval', 'int');
$hits_traffic = UsersTraffic::find([
'userid = :userid: AND date >= :date:',
'bind' => ['userid' => $userid, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $count_day . ' days'))],
$hit_sums_by_date = [];
$call_sums_by_date = [];
$months = [];
$days = [];
for ($day = $count_day; $day >= 0; $day--)
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));
$months[date('Y-m', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'))] = date('F Y', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));
$hit_sums_by_date[$date] = 0;
$call_sums_by_date[$date] = 0;
$days[$date] = (int)date('j', strtotime('-' . $day . ' days'));
$title_text = current($months);
if (count($months) > 1)
$title_text .= ' - ' . end($months);
$days = implode(',', $days);
foreach ($hits_traffic as $item)
$hit_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->hits;
$hit_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->mobilehits;
$call_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->mobilecalls;
$call_sums_by_date[$item->date] += $item->calls;
$visitors_sums = implode(',', $hit_sums_by_date);
$calls_sums = implode(',', $call_sums_by_date);
$this->view->visitors_sums = $visitors_sums;
$this->view->calls_sums = $calls_sums;
$this->view->title_text = $title_text;
$this->view->days = $days;
* Change User Profile page
public function profileAction()
$user = Users::findFirst($this->user_id);
$user->confirm_email = $this->user->email;
$post_data = $this->request->getPost();
* @var Profile form
$form = new Profile($user);
if ($this->request->isPost())
// If edit profile
if (!empty($post_data['go']) && $post_data['go'] == 'EDIT')
if ($this->security->checkToken())
if ($form->isValid($post_data))
if (!empty($post_data['new_password']))
$user->password = $this->security->hash($post_data['new_password']);
if ($user->save() == false)
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message)
$this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while saving! Please try again later or contact the administrator!');
} else
$this->flashSession->success('You have successfully changed your profile!');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('CSRF validation failed');
// edit image for profile
} elseif (!empty($post_data['go']) && $post_data['go'] == 'upload_image')
if ($this->request->hasFiles() == true)
$baseLocation = PUBLIC_PATH . '/userprofile_images/';
// Check directory
if (!file_exists($baseLocation))
mkdir($baseLocation, 0777);
// Print the real file names and sizes
foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles() as $file)
if (in_array($file->getExtension(), ['jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg']))
if ($file->getSize() < 50000)
$name_file = time() . $this->filter->sanitize($file->getName(), 'string');
// delete old images
if (file_exists($baseLocation . $user->profile_image))
unlink($baseLocation . $user->profile_image);
//$user->profile_image = $prev_name . $file->getName();
if ($user->update(['profile_image' => $name_file]))
//Move the file into the application
$file->moveTo($baseLocation . $name_file);
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd($baseLocation . $name_file);
$width = 139;
$height = 139;
$offsetX = (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
$offsetY = (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
$image->crop($width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY);
$image->save($baseLocation . $name_file);
$this->flashSession->success('You have successfully changed your profile image!');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while saving! Please try again later or contact the administrator!');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('The file must not exceed 500 kb');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('The file must be the following format - jpg/gif/png');
->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false)
->addJs('', false, false)
->addJs('', false, false);
* @return \Phalcon\Http\Response|\Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface|string
public function billingAction()
$order_item_id = $this->request->get('order_item_id', 'int');
$get_trans = $this->request->get('get_trans', 'int');
$rndval = $this->request->get('rndval', 'int');
$go = $this->request->get('go');
if (!empty($order_item_id))
//Disable the view
$subscriptions = Subscriptions::findFirst(['order_item_id=:order_item_id:', 'bind' => ['order_item_id' => $order_item_id]]);
if (!empty($go) && $go == 'cancel_subscr')
if (!empty($subscriptions) && $subscriptions->update(['an_status' => 'cancelled']))
$this->flashSession->success('You have closed a plan!');
} else
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development')
foreach ($subscriptions->getMessages() as $message)
$this->flashSession->error($message . ', ');
} else
$this->flashSession->error('An error occurred while closing this plan');
return $this->response->redirect(['for' => 'members.action', 'action' => 'billing']);
} elseif (!empty($get_trans) && !empty($rndval))
if ($subscriptions)
$authnet_transactions = [];
$paypal_transactions = [];
if ($subscriptions->pmt_src == 'paypal')
$paypal_transactions = PaypalRecurringTrans::find(['recurring_payment_id=:PP_PROFILEID:', 'bind' => ['PP_PROFILEID' => $subscriptions->PP_PROFILEID]]);
} elseif ($subscriptions->pmt_src == 'authnet')
$authnet_transactions = AuthnetTransactions::find(['x_subscription_id=:x_subscription_id:', 'bind' => ['x_subscription_id' => $subscriptions->an_subscr_id]]);
return $this->view->getPartial('members/billing/get_order', compact('subscriptions', 'paypal_transactions', 'authnet_transactions'));
->addJs('/javascript/alljs.js', false)
->addJs('/javascript/tooltip.js', false);
* @return View
public function upgradeAction()
->addCss('/css/profile-ful.css', false);
$add_product_id = $this->request->get('add_product_id', 'striptags', null);
if (is_null($add_product_id))
// Get content via ID
$content = Content::findFirstByProfileid($this->user_id);
$add_product_id = 'local_dir_premium:' . $content->parentcategory_id . ':' . $content->category_id . ':' . $content->id;
public function supportAction()
if (!($this->user_id > 0))
return false;
$id = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id', 'int', null);
$type = $this->dispatcher->getParam('type', 'string', null);
$_types = ['new', 'closed', 'waiting', 'open'];
if ($id > 0)
$ticket = SupportTickets::findFirst($id);
if (!$ticket OR $ticket->userid != $this->user_id)
return $this->response->redirect('members/support')->send();
$is_closed = false;
$is_add_message = false;
if ($this->request->isPost())
$question = $this->request->getPost('question', 'striptags', null);
$btn_close = $this->request->getPost('close', null, null);
$btn_post = $this->request->getPost('post', null, null);
if ($btn_close)
$ticket->status = SupportTickets::STATUS_CLOSED;
if ($ticket->save() === true)
$is_closed = true;
} elseif ($btn_post AND $question)
$message = new SupportticketFollowups();
$message->ticket_id = $ticket->id;
$message->message = $question;
$message->admin_id = 0;
if ($message->save() === true)
$is_add_message = true;
$this->view->ticket = $ticket;
$this->view->is_closed = $is_closed;
$this->view->is_add_message = $is_add_message;
} elseif (in_array($type, $_types))
} else
$tickets =
SupportTickets::find(['userid=:userid:', 'bind' => ['userid' => $this->user_id]]);
$this->view->tickets = $tickets;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 779
Reputation: 11
Controller source code? Before dispatch try to debug loaded namespaces/classes.
Upvotes: 0