Reputation: 31
I need help with a very specific question. I need to replace the following UNIX-line to a windows equivalent without installation of third-party software.
awk -F ";" '$6 ~/2019-03-11/ {print}' myInputFile.csv >> myOutputFile.csv
What the line does:
It scans myInputFile.csv
, where the column delimiter is a ;
, for the text 2019-03-11
in the 6th column and appends the line to myOutputFile.csv
Unfortunately, I cannot install gawk or anything like it on the client's machine.
I haven't used a windows machine for many years and am totally lost. :-(
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1604
Reputation: 26531
I believe what you are after is the following in Powershell:
$ Get-Content .\myInputFile.csv | %{ if ($_.Split(';')[5] -match "2019-03-11") { $_; } } >> .\myOutputFile.csv
I will not put my hands in fire for the outcome of this.
If you want to call this from a bat-file, you have to do some ugly-ness.
Upvotes: 2
findstr.exe has rather limited RegEx capabilities, but this should be sufficient:
findstr "^[^;][^;]*;[^;][^;]*;[^;][^;]*;[^;][^;]*;[^;][^;]*;2019-03-11" <myInputFile.csv >>myOutputFile.csv
Another pure cmdline way (provided there are at least 7 columns):
For /F "tokens=1-6* delims=;" %A in ('findstr "2019-03-11" ^<myInputFile.csv') do @if "%F"=="2019-03-11" (>>myOutputFile.csv Echo %A;%B;%C;%D;%E;%F;%G)
In a batch file you'll have to double all percent signs.
Upvotes: 1