Reputation: 2825
I tried creating a table using the community-contributed family of commands estout
esttab est1 est2 est3 using table3.tex, se label nobaselevels ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) cell((coef(fmt(%9.2f)) sd(fmt(%9.2f)))) ///
drop(_Iprovince* _Iyear*) stats(year province robust r2 N, ///
label("Year Fixed Effects" "Province Fixed Effects" "Robust SE" "R-squared")) ///
replace booktabs
However, Stata produces the following error:
coefficient _Iprovince* not found
These are "fixed effect" dummies that I want to drop them out.
The code works fine when I take out cell()
Finally, how can I also round up the coefficient estimates and standard errors?
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Views: 3899
The code does not execute because you are using in esttab
the suboption sd
instead of se
sysuse auto, clear
eststo est1: xi: reg price mpg i.rep78
i.rep78 _Irep78_1-5 (naturally coded; _Irep78_1 omitted)
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 69
-------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 63) = 4.39
Model | 149020603 5 29804120.7 Prob > F = 0.0017
Residual | 427776355 63 6790100.88 R-squared = 0.2584
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1995
Total | 576796959 68 8482308.22 Root MSE = 2605.8
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg | -280.2615 61.57666 -4.55 0.000 -403.3126 -157.2103
_Irep78_2 | 877.6347 2063.285 0.43 0.672 -3245.51 5000.78
_Irep78_3 | 1425.657 1905.438 0.75 0.457 -2382.057 5233.371
_Irep78_4 | 1693.841 1942.669 0.87 0.387 -2188.274 5575.956
_Irep78_5 | 3131.982 2041.049 1.53 0.130 -946.7282 7210.693
_cons | 10449.99 2251.041 4.64 0.000 5951.646 14948.34
esttab est1, cell((coef(fmt(%9.2f)) sd(fmt(%9.2f)))) label nobaselevels ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) stats(b r2 N) drop(_Irep78*)
coefficient _Irep78* not found
If you use the correct suboption se
the code runs:
esttab est1, cell((coef(fmt(%9.2f)) se(fmt(%9.2f)))) label nobaselevels ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) stats(r2 N) drop(_Irep78*)
coef se
Mileage (mpg) 61.58
Constant 2251.04
r2 0.26
N 69.00
However, the suboption coeflabels
in your code) is supposed to only
specify labels for beta coefficients, not include them.
As such, instead you need to use the suboption b
as suggested in
@Dimitriy's answer:
esttab est1, cell((b(fmt(%9.2f)) se(fmt(%9.2f)))) label nobaselevels ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) stats(r2 N) drop(_Irep78*)
b se
Mileage (mpg) -280.26 61.58
Constant 10449.99 2251.04
r2 0.26
N 69.00
Here's the full output in esttab
(wihout dropping anything):
esttab est1, cell((b(fmt(%9.2f)) se(fmt(%9.2f)))) label nobaselevels ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) stats(r2 N)
b se
Mileage (mpg) -280.26 61.58
rep78==2 877.63 2063.28
rep78==3 1425.66 1905.44
rep78==4 1693.84 1942.67
rep78==5 3131.98 2041.05
Constant 10449.99 2251.04
r2 0.26
N 69.00
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9470
Unless you have a very old version of Stata, don't use xi
to create your FEs. Use factor variable notation i.province
and i.year
The principal problem with your code is that you should have b
instead of coef
(Stata cannot drop coefficients since they are not included unless you tell Stata that you want them):
sysuse auto
eststo est1: reg price mpg i.rep78
esttab est1, ///
stats(b year province robust r2 N, label("Year Fixed Effects" "Province Fixed Effects" "Robust SE" "R-squared")) ///
replace booktabs drop(*.rep78) se label nobaselevels star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) cell((b(fmt(%9.2f)) sd(fmt(%9.2f))))
Note the reproducible example on a shared dataset.
Upvotes: 1