
Reputation: 936

DynamoDB get item TypeScript hell

Can anyone explain how to use GetItemInput type when calling DocumentClient.get ?

If I pass in an object of any type get works but if I try and strongly type the params object I get this error:

ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema

Here is my lambda function code where I pass the params as type any:

export const get: Handler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {

  if (!event.pathParameters) {
    throw Error("no path params")

  const params: any = {
    Key: {
      id: event.pathParameters.id
    TableName: table

  try {
    const result: any = await dynamoDb.get(params).promise()
    return {
      body: JSON.stringify(result.Item),
      statusCode: result.$response.httpResponse.statusCode

  } catch (error) {
    return {
      body: JSON.stringify({
        message: `Failed to get project with id: ${event.pathParameters!.id}`
      statusCode: 500

And here is my attempt to get it to work with type GetItemInput

export const get: Handler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {

  if (!event.pathParameters) {
    throw Error("no path params")

  const params: GetItemInput = {
    Key: {
      "id": { S: event.pathParameters.id }
    TableName: table

  try {
    const result: any = await dynamoDb.get(params).promise()
    return {
      body: JSON.stringify(result.Item),
      statusCode: result.$response.httpResponse.statusCode

  } catch (error) {
    return {
      body: JSON.stringify({
        message: `Failed to get project with id: ${event.pathParameters!.id}`
      statusCode: 500

If I leave the Key as before ala:

const params: GetItemInput = {
  Key: {
    id: event.pathParameters.id
  TableName: table

Unsurprisingly I get a type error. But can't fathom how I can form my Key such that I dont get the ValidationException.

Note the id field is of type String in the DynamoDB.

Upvotes: 13

Views: 30492

Answers (4)

Błażej Kustra
Błażej Kustra

Reputation: 1

I'm a little late to the party but if anyone is looking for an easier way to interact with DynamoDB in Typescript, I would recommend to use some kind of ORM instead of writing all this complicated code as in the original question 😅

There are various ORMs, but the one I would recommend for Typescript is Dynamode - however I'm a bit biased as I authored it!

Here is a example how easy it is to use:

Bare DynamoDB

const response = await DynamoDB.getItem({
  TableName: 'users',
  Key: {
    PK: { S: 'blazej' },
    SK: { S: 'nwjła7pa31e2' },
  ProjectionExpression: 'username, #object'
  ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#object': 'object' },
const user = response?.Item; // can be undefined

With Dynamode

const user = await UserManager.get({ 
  PK: 'blazej', 
  SK: 'nwjła7pa31e2', 
}, { attributes: ['object', 'username'] });

Other popular alternatives: Dynamoose or DynamoDB Toolbox

Upvotes: 0

Ali Fensome
Ali Fensome

Reputation: 610


For anyone like me whos too lazy to make their own dynamoDB client and wants to copy and paste one here's some code I wrote:

import { AttributeValue, DynamoDB, GetItemInput, PutItemCommandOutput, PutItemInput, QueryCommandInput } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";
import { marshall, unmarshall } from "@aws-sdk/util-dynamodb";

export default class DynamoDbClient {
    dynamoDB: DynamoDB;
    tableName: string;
    constructor(tableName: string) {
        this.dynamoDB = new DynamoDB({});
        this.tableName = tableName

    async getItem<T>(inputKeys: DynamoDbClientGetItemInput): Promise<T | UnmarshalledAny> {
        const params: GetItemInput = {
            TableName: this.tableName,
            Key: marshall(inputKeys)
        const result = await this.dynamoDB.getItem(params);
        if (!result || !result.Item) {
            return null
        return unmarshall(result.Item)

    async query<T>(input: Partial<QueryCommandInput>): Promise<T | UnmarshalledAny> {
        const params: QueryCommandInput = {
            TableName: this.tableName,
        const result = await this.dynamoDB.query(params);
        if (!result.Items) {
            return []
        return this.unmarshallList(result.Items)

    unmarshallList(items: MarshalledItem[]) {
        const unmarshalledItems = []
        for (let index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
            const item = items[index];
        return unmarshalledItems

    async putItem(inputItem: DynamoDbClientPutItemInput): Promise<PutItemCommandOutput> {
        const params: PutItemInput = {
            TableName: this.tableName,
            Item: marshall(inputItem, { removeUndefinedValues: true })
        return await this.dynamoDB.putItem(params);

export interface DynamoDbClientGetItemInput { id: string, pk: string }
export interface DynamoDbClientPutItemInput { id: string, pk: string, data: any }

export interface UnmarshalledAny {
    [key: string]: any;

export interface MarshalledItem {
    [key: string]: AttributeValue;

You can install the libs with:

npm i @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb @aws-sdk/util-dynamodb

You'll need to change your key names to whatever is in your dynamoDB, mine are called pk and id

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 906

@ttulka's answer is perfect, but just to add on that I had the same issue and it really helped to spend 5 minutes to disambiguate the now MANY different ways of accessing DynamoDB from official AWS JS SDKs.

Reading this for 5 minutes is my answer, and it will all become clear to you after this;


The tldr; is;

  • know which AWS JS version you're using, whether its v2, or v3, and be mindful when you pull other samples from the internet that they might be applying to older versions - you should be able to tell based on the imports you're using, here are what the v3 imports look like:

import { DynamoDB } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; // ES6 import
import { DynamoDBDocument, PutCommandInput } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb"; // ES6 import

  • you likely want to use DocumentClient instead of raw DynamoDB where you need to specify the raw types of all attributes - in order to be successful doing this, your DynamoDB JS objects must be constructed in the right way (and the doc above explains exactly how)
  • know if you're using the "bare bones" or the "full version" of DynamoDB, as you'll have access to more types/hints in TS if you're using the full version
  • and you likely want to use client-dynamodb AND lib-dynanmodb, as the latter is an extra to the SDK to help make things easy (and it does)

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 10892

I think you mix two different client definition files DynamoDB and DynamoDB.DocumentClient. While you're using the DynamoDB.DocumentClient client, at the same time you're using the interface DynamoDB.Types.GetItemInput from DynamoDB.

You should use DynamoDB.DocumentClient.GetItemInput:

import {DynamoDB} from 'aws-sdk';
const dynamo = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'});

const params: DynamoDB.DocumentClient.GetItemInput = {
    TableName: table,
    Key: {
        id: event.pathParameters.id
const result = await this.dynamo.get(params).promise();

Upvotes: 37

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