Reputation: 12083
I build a REST interface using Spring Boot framework. Then, I use Swagger version 2.9.2 to generate the documentation. As you can see from the photo below, Swagger automatically detects a lot of models.
However, most of them are redundant. Among them, only the ResponseMessage
is necessary, the rest are just standard Java class.
So, my question is: how can I tell Swagger which models to expose?
Here are my Swagger configuration and code snippet of my controller.
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
@PostMapping(value = "/import", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> importData(HttpServletRequest request) {
// processing...
return ResponseEntity.created(uri)
.body(new ResponseMessage(HttpStatus.CREATED, "Your data is being processed"));
Upvotes: 5
Views: 4675
Reputation: 51
UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
return UiConfigurationBuilder.builder()
This worked for me.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 840
You can use :
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
This worked for me. After specifying the class name in ignoredParameterTypes, it was no longer present in swagger ui.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 45
I was able to achieve this by adding genericModuleSubstitutes()
in Docket()
would substitute ResponseEntity <MyModel>
with MyModel.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Springfox Swagger2 acquire UI data through GET /v2/api-docs, which will mapping to springfox.documentation.swagger2.web.Swagger2Controller.getDocumentation().So you can just create a bean to take place of 'ServiceModelToSwagger2Mapper':
class CustomServiceModelToSwagger2Mapper : ServiceModelToSwagger2MapperImpl() {
private lateinit var modelMapper: ModelMapper
private lateinit var parameterMapper: ParameterMapper
private lateinit var securityMapper: SecurityMapper
private lateinit var licenseMapper: LicenseMapper
private lateinit var vendorExtensionsMapper: VendorExtensionsMapper
override fun mapDocumentation(from: Documentation?): Swagger? {
if (from == null) {
return null
val swagger = Swagger()
swagger.vendorExtensions = vendorExtensionsMapper.mapExtensions(from.vendorExtensions)
swagger.schemes = mapSchemes(from.schemes)
swagger.paths = mapApiListings(from.apiListings) =
// ➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡ here
swagger.definitions = this.modelsFromApiListings(from.apiListings)
swagger.securityDefinitions = securityMapper.toSecuritySchemeDefinitions(from.resourceListing)
val info = fromResourceListingInfo(from)
if (info != null) { = mapApiInfo(info)
swagger.basePath = from.basePath
swagger.tags = tagSetToTagList(from.tags)
val list2 = from.consumes
if (list2 != null) {
swagger.consumes = ArrayList(list2)
} else {
swagger.consumes = null
val list3 = from.produces
if (list3 != null) {
swagger.produces = ArrayList(list3)
} else {
swagger.produces = null
return swagger
private fun fromResourceListingInfo(documentation: Documentation?): ApiInfo? {
if (documentation == null) {
return null
val resourceListing = documentation.resourceListing ?: return null
return ?: return null
* @see ModelMapper
internal fun modelsFromApiListings(apiListings: Multimap<String, ApiListing>): Map<String, Model>? {
val definitions = newTreeMap<String, springfox.documentation.schema.Model>()
for (each in apiListings.values()) {
// ➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡ here
// definitions.putAll(each.models)
definitions.putAll(each.models.filter {
&& it.value.type.typeBindings.isEmpty
return modelMapper.mapModels(definitions)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4902
You can use hidden attribute of @ApiModelProperty
to hide any specific property of the model. There is no global setting for it.
Once you have base-package for swagger scan declared, swagger will generate definitions for all components in the package out of box for you. However, with correct use of set of swagger annotations
, you can override/customize your swagger documentation.
Please follow these great tutorials (1, 2) to familiarize yourself with most useful annotations & usage.
@Api, @ApiOperation, @ApiResponses, @ApiParam, @ApiIgnore, @ApiModel, @ApiModelProperty etc
Upvotes: 0