Ahmed Mokhtar
Ahmed Mokhtar

Reputation: 83

how do I implement a transpose predicate the right way (Prolog)?

I am making a program that solves a puzzle. but I need to make a predicate that returns the transpose given a matrix(list of lists) and I can't use the predefined one. but whatever I do I can't get the predicate to work backwards without getting a stack limit exceeded, ex: trans([[1,2],[3,4]],X). returns [[1,3],[2,4]] but trans(X,[[1,3],[2,4]]). exceeds the stack limit.

here is the trans predicate:


    I1 is I+1,

and here is the column predicate that I used:

row([_|T],I,X) :-
    I1 is I-1,

column([H|T], I, [R|X]):-
   row(H, I, R), 

any idea how I can use trans give the list if I give its transpose?

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Views: 296

Answers (2)


Reputation: 60034

Many years ago, I wrote my own transpose/2, as a part of my IL project. Here it is:

% row/columns transposition
transpose_col_row([], []).
transpose_col_row([U], B) :- gen(U, B).
transpose_col_row([H|T], R) :- transpose_col_row(T, TC), splash(H, TC, R).

gen([H|T], [[H]|RT]) :- gen(T,RT).
gen([], []).

splash([], [], []).
splash([H|T], [R|K], [[H|R]|U]) :-

Despite the code doesn't use anything complicated, it's not too easy to understand what it does, and, like your own, or SWI-Prolog library(clpfd) implementation, it is not 'reversible'.

Your code has many problems you need to solve (note: singletons warnings are errors, really), but assuming you can nail them down, and get a working trans(M,T), you could use a simple 'hack', swapping arguments after checking instantiation:

trans_rev(M,T) :- var(M) -> trans(T,M) ; trans(M,T).

Let's try with my own implementation, that is

transpose_col_row_rev(M,T) :-
    var(M) -> transpose_col_row(T,M) ; transpose_col_row(M,T).

?- transpose_col_row_rev([[1,2]],T).
T = [[1], [2]] 

?- transpose_col_row_rev(M,$T).
M = [[1, 2]],
T = [[1], [2]] 

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1316

You can re-assemble the predicate by looking at the publicly available, free (as in beer), open-source SWI-Prolog code. Why people don't do that more often is a mystery to me. It is very easy, but still more difficult than someone just dumping the working code on you I guess.

First, here is the (somewhat cryptic) implementation of transpose/2 in library(clpfd):

lists_transpose([], []).
lists_transpose([L|Ls], Ts) :-
        maplist(same_length(L), Ls),
        foldl(transpose_, L, Ts, [L|Ls], _).

transpose_(_, Fs, Lists0, Lists) :-
        maplist(list_first_rest, Lists0, Fs, Lists).

list_first_rest([L|Ls], L, Ls).

This uses a predicate same_length/2. It is defined in library(lists) and looks like this:

same_length([], []).
same_length([_|T1], [_|T2]) :-
    same_length(T1, T2).

Pretty straight-forward.

Then it uses maplist and foldl. Are there allowed or not? If not, you can rewrite maplist(same_length(L), Ls) as:

all_same_length([], L).
all_same_length([X|Xs], L) :-
    same_length(X, L),
    all_same_length(Xs, L).

Stupid code that shouldn't be written manually but well.

You can then replace maplist(same_length(L), Ls) with all_same_length(Ls, L).

This leaves you with the foldl(transpose_, L, Ts, [L|Ls], _). This is the "cryptic" bit; this qualification was maybe meant as a compliment to the person who wrote it.

Either way, a fold written like this that ignores the last argument (the result) can be re-written as a loop not too different from the maplist above. The transpose_/4 used in the fold has a maplist in its definition, but I showed already how to do that.

Since this looks like homework I will let you figure it out on your own.

Cheat code: if you look far enough into the history of the library (all on github!) you might get super lucky and find a pre-foldl implementation of the same transpose.

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