Reputation: 29
Currently my dev team integrated their repository with jenkins it's automatically generate apk once it build from jenkins is there anyway to install that local apk in android emulator using automation script.
Please anybody help me on this.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2511
Reputation: 327
Use below mentioned Function and call it when you want to execute the .APK file on an Emulator
this will launch the emulator for you and will install the .APK file on the same.
protected AppiumDriver getAppiumDriver() throws MalformedURLException {
if(appDriver == null)
DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();
// APK location on system
File appDir = new File("/Users/therapybox/Desktop/Appium/Apps");
File newApp = new File (appDir ,"selendroid-test.apk" );
cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, "");
cap.setCapability("deviceName", "Android Emulator");
cap.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
cap.setCapability("noReset", true);
cap.setCapability("avd", "Nexus5XAPI26");
cap.setCapability("automationName", "UiAutomator2");
cap.setCapability("app", newApp.getAbsolutePath());
appDriver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(""), cap);
return appDriver;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2526
If you are using appium you can set app capabilities in your DesiredCapability.
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, "path to your apk");
Upvotes: 1