Reputation: 115
I'm using "Basic Stacked columns" to show the state and the number of tasks in every phase of the project.
I want to show x value for each column and in the annotation I want to show"Phase value" (for exemple Phase 4)
this is my code:
String[] Statuts = { "A faire", "En cours", "interrompue", "Terminée", "Annulée" };
int j = 0;
string[] numPhases;
foreach (string st in Statuts)
double[] valeurSerie = new double[5];
string sql_Statut = "SELECT distinct Phases.RefPhase ,COALESCE(nb, 0) AS nb " +
" FROM Phases LEFT JOIN " +
" (SELECT RefPhase, count(*) AS nb " +
" from Taches where IDprojet = '" + idprojet + "' and statut = '" + st + "' group by RefPhase) Taches " +
" On Phases.RefPhase = Taches.RefPhase";//find for each phase the number of the state of tasks
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(sql_Statut, connexion.OpenConnexion());
DataTable dt3 = new DataTable();
numPhases=new string[dt3.Rows.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt3.Rows)
valeurSerie[i] = (double)(int)dr["nb"];
if (j == 0)
numPhases[i] = dr["RefPhase"].ToString();//number of each phase
if (j == 0)
cartesianChart1.AxisX.Add(new LiveCharts.Wpf.Axis //phases
Title = "Phases",
Labels = numPhases,
LabelFormatter = value => "Phase " + value,//****this is NOT SHOWN Why?*****
ShowLabels = true,//**** this dont't work why?****
Separator = DefaultAxes.CleanSeparator
cartesianChart1.AxisY.Add(new LiveCharts.Wpf.Axis
Title = "Taches",
LabelFormatter = value => value + ""
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1344
Reputation: 1092
Just set the Seperator of your X-Axis to 1. Can be done very easily in the xaml part:
<lc:CartesianChart x:Name="Chart" Series="{Binding SeriesCollection}" >
<lc:Axis Title="{Binding XTitle}" Labels="{Binding XLabels}" LabelsRotation="-45" FontSize="15">
<lc:Separator Step="1"/>
lc is my LiveChart NameSpace.
Upvotes: 1