
Reputation: 1163

Should I create new NSURLSessionTask after handling HTTP error?

In my Xamarin.iOS app, I want to retry an upload after a failure due to http error.

But I'm not sure how to implement.

I was thinking I should just keep creating a new task every time it completes with an http error? Is this the correct way to implement?


    public async override void DidCompleteWithError(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSError error)
        if (task.Response != null)
            if (task.Response is NSHttpUrlResponse httpResponse)
                if (httpResponse.StatusCode == 200)
                    //some clean up logic here
                else if (httpResponse.StatusCode > 400 && httpResponse.StatusCode < 500)
                    //what to do to upload again?
                    var applicationException = new ApplicationException("Server returned 500");


    public NSUrlSession InitBackgroundSession()
        string identifier = "com.uba.BookingUploadBackgroundSession";
        INSUrlSessionDelegate backgroundUploadSessionDelegate = new BackgroundBookingUploadSessionDelegate();

        using (var config = NSUrlSessionConfiguration.CreateBackgroundSessionConfiguration(identifier))
            config.HttpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 4;
            config.TimeoutIntervalForResource = 300.0; //5mins
            return NSUrlSession.FromConfiguration(config, backgroundUploadSessionDelegate, new NSOperationQueue());

    //gets called when user taps Submit from ViewController
    public void UploadFile(BookingDTO newBookingDTO)
        //logic to create NSMutableUrlRequest omitted

        var uploadTask = session.CreateUploadTask(request, NSUrl.FromFilename(filename));
        uploadTask.TaskDescription = newBookingDTO.ClientId;  //we need the booking id so we can delete it later

I'll accept any answer in C#, Swift or Objective-C

Upvotes: 0

Views: 222

Answers (1)

Lucas Zhang
Lucas Zhang

Reputation: 18861

NSURLSessionTask has four different states.As shown in the following image. enter image description here

When the upload finished.Whether success or fail,the states will become Completed.And the property CurrentRequest will be null. You can only handle the Response of the task.So .I think you can use the same session but have to create a new task.You can use the Notification to send message.


public async override void DidCompleteWithError(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSError error)
    if (task.Response != null)
        if (task.Response is NSHttpUrlResponse httpResponse)
            if (httpResponse.StatusCode == 200)
                //some clean up logic here
            else if (httpResponse.StatusCode > 400 && httpResponse.StatusCode < 500)
                //send notification here 
                NSNotification notification = NSNotification.FromName("UploadFail",null,null);

                var applicationException = new ApplicationException("Server returned 500");

And in AppDelegate.cs , add the notification in method FinishedLaunching

 NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(this,new Selector("UploadAgain"),new NSString("UploadFail"),null);

void UploadAgain()
   //call your upload code here

Upvotes: 1

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