Reputation: 459
I've been working on a problem and I figured I would demonstrate it using a pokemon setup. I am reading from a file, parsing the file and creating objects/structs from them. This normally isn't a problem except now I need to implement interface like inheriting of traits. I don't want there to be duplicate skills in there so I figured I could use a map to replicate a set data structure. However it seems that in the transitive phase of my recursive parsePokemonFile function (see the implementsComponent case), I appear to be losing values in my map.
I am using the inputs like such:
4 files
I'm expecting the output for the following code to be something like
{Venosaur [{VineWhip leaf} {Acid poison} {Tackle normal} {Scratch normal}]}
but instead I get
{Venosaur [{VineWhip leaf} {Acid poison}]}
What am I doing wrong? Could it be a logic error? Or am I making an assumption about the map holding values that I shouldn't?
package main
import (
// In order to create a set of pokemon abilities and for ease of creation and lack of space being taken up
// We create an interfacer capability that imports the skills and attacks from pokemon of their previous evolution
// This reduces the amount of typing of skills we have to do.
// Algorithm is simple. Look for the name "implements=x" and then add x into set.
// Unfortunately it appears that the set is dropping values on transitive implements interfaces
func main() {
dex, err := parsePokemonFile("Venosaur")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Got error: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", dex)
type pokemon struct {
Name string
Skills []skill
type skill struct {
SkillName string
Type string
func parsePokemonFile(filename string) (pokemon, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return pokemon{}, err
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
var builtPokemon pokemon
for scanner.Scan() {
component, returned := parseLine(scanner.Text())
switch component {
case nameComponent:
builtPokemon.Name = returned
case skillsComponent:
skillsStrings := strings.Split(returned, ",")
var skillsArr []skill
// split skills and add them into pokemon skillset
for _, skillStr := range skillsStrings {
skillPair := strings.Split(skillStr, ":")
skillsArr = append(skillsArr, skill{SkillName: skillPair[0], Type: skillPair[1]})
builtPokemon.Skills = append(builtPokemon.Skills, skillsArr...)
case implementsComponent:
implementsArr := strings.Split(returned, ",")
// create set to remove duplicates
skillsSet := make(map[*skill]bool)
for _, val := range implementsArr {
// recursively call the pokemon files and get full pokemon
implementedPokemon, err := parsePokemonFile(val)
if err != nil {
return pokemon{}, err
// sieve out the skills into a set
for _, skill := range implementedPokemon.Skills {
skillsSet[&skill] = true
// append final set into the currently being built pokemon
for x := range skillsSet {
builtPokemon.Skills = append(builtPokemon.Skills, *x)
return builtPokemon, nil
type component int
// components to denote where to put our strings when it comes time to assemble what we've parsed
const (
nameComponent component = iota
func parseLine(line string) (component, string) {
arr := strings.Split(line, "=")
switch arr[0] {
case "name":
return nameComponent, arr[1]
case "implements":
return implementsComponent, arr[1]
case "skills":
return skillsComponent, arr[1]
panic("Invalid field found")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 80
Reputation: 4682
This has nothing to do with Golang maps dropping any values.
The problem is that you are using a map of skill pointers and not skills. Two pointers to the same skill content can be different.
skillsSet := make(map[*skill]bool)
If you change this to map[skill]bool
, this should work. You may try it out!
Upvotes: 3