Reputation: 51
I'm trying to extract data using Regex positive lookbehind. I have created a .ps1 file with the following content:
$input_path = ‘input.log’
$output_file = ‘Output.txt’
$regex = ‘(?<= "name": ")(.*)(?=",)|(?<= "fullname": ")(.*)(?=",)|(?<=Start identity token validation\r\n)(.*)(?=ids: Token validation success)|(?<= "ClientName": ")(.*)(?=",\r\n "ValidateLifetime": false,)’
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } >$output_file
The input file looks like this:
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start end session request
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start end session request validation
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start identity token validation
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Token validation success
"ClientId": "te_triouser",
"ClientName": "TE Trio User",
"ValidateLifetime": false,
"Claims": {
"iss": "",
"aud": "te_triouser",
"exp": "1552054900",
"nbf": "1552054600",
"nonce": "f1ae9044-25f9-4e7f-b39f-bd7bdcb9dc8d",
"iat": "1552054600",
"at_hash": "Wv_7nNe42gUP945FO4p0Wg",
"sid": "9870230d92cb741a8674313dd11ae325",
"sub": "23223",
"auth_time": "1551960154",
"idp": "tecs",
"name": "tele2",
"canLaunchAdmin": "1",
"isLockedToCustomerGroup": "0",
"customerGroupId": "1",
"fullname": "Tele2 Servicekonto Test",
"tokenIdentifier": "2Ljta5ZEovccNlab9QXb8MPXOqaBfR6eyKst/Dc4bF4=",
"tokenSequence": "bMKEXP9urPigRDUguJjvug==",
"tokenChecksum": "NINN0DDZpx7zTlxHqCb/8fLTrsyB131mWoA+7IFjGhAV303///kKRGQDuAE6irEYiCCesje2a4z47qvhEX22og==",
"idpsrv_lang": "sv-SE",
"CD_UserInfo": "23223 U2 C1",
"amr": "optional"
If i run the regex through i get the right matches. But when i run my script with powershell on my computer I dont get the matches where I have \r\n in the regex question. I only get the matches from the first two regex questions.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 341
parameter. +
or *
quantifier. \r
optional => \r?
. A minimal complete verifiable example should also include your expected output.
EDIT changed Regex to be better readable
The following script
## Q:\Test\2019\03\22\SO_55298614.ps1
$input_path = 'input.log'
$output_file = 'Output.txt'
$regexes = ('(?<= *"(full)?name": ")(.*)(?=",)',
'(?<=Start identity token validation\r?\n)(.*)(?=ids: Token validation success)',
'(?<= *"ClientName": ")(.*)(?=",\r?\n *"ValidateLifetime": false,)')
$regex = [RegEx]($regexes -join'|')
Get-Content $input_path -Raw | Select-String -pattern $regex -AllMatches |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }
yields this sample output:
> Q:\Test\2019\03\22\SO_55298614.ps1
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11
TE Trio User
Tele2 Servicekonto Test
Upvotes: 2