Keyvault extension for VMSS

I found this documentation and some other ARM references to add a Keyvault extension to the VMSS inorder to acheive certificate auto-rotation. But, when I try to do a deployment, the extension just times out without giving any useful error message. For this to work are there any constraints, like say, the Key vault and the VMSS need to be on the same resource group ?? Does anyone know what might be wrong with my template.

Here's my extension:

   "name": "KeyVaultForWindows", 
   "location": "[variables('location')]", 
   "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault", 
   "type": "KeyVaultForWindows", "typeHandlerVersion": "0.0", 
   "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, 
      "secretsManagementSettings": { 
          "pollingIntervalInS": "60", 
          "requireInitialSync": true, 
          "certificateStoreName": "MY", 
          "certificateStoreLocation": "LocalMachine", 
          "observedCertificates": ["https:///secrets/"] }

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