
Reputation: 71

How we can access auto and static variables outside their scope in C?

Auto and static variable have scope limited to the block in which they are defined. Since Auto variables are defined in the stack, if the function exits, stack is destroyed and memory for the auto variable is released. But I read somewhere "However, they can be accessed outside their scope as well using the concept of pointers given here by pointing to the very exact memory location where the variables reside." Is this correct?

Also, static variables are defined in the data section so it retains its existence till end of program. The scope is within the block in which it is defined. Is there any way through which we can access static variable from any other function? Also, Is there any way we can access static variable from any other file?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2188

Answers (3)


Reputation: 26763

Note, as comments rightly point out, I am making an assumption here, the assumption that the simplest case of calling another function is not what the question is about. This assumption was not (yet) confirmend or rejected by OP. This case is discussed e.g. in the answer by rici.

The existence of auto variables is not only exist to "within" their scope (simplified: only code between the same enclosing {} can use their identifier), they are also restricted to "during" their "chronological scope" i.e. their lifetime (simplified after starting the execution of the code in the function and finishing its execution). It is possible to access the memory location of a variable via a pointer, which was set to their address (which is only possible within their scope, because accessing via their identifier is necessary) as long as it is done during their lifetime, yes.

But how would that pointer be found from anywhere else?
Maybe by being written (from inside their scope and during their lifetime) to a global variable.

But which "other" code should then use that value? (remember I am putting the call of functions at the side here)
This requires multithreading/multitasking/multiwhatevering. Lets say there is an interrupt service routine doing it. It would have to see the same address space as the variables scope, i.e. no memory management units getting in the way with some virtual memory magic. This is not true for many multiwhatevering implementations, but admittedly for a few of them, so lets continue.

This imagined ISR would have to ensure that it only accesses the auto variable while it actually exists (i.e. during its lifetime), otherwise it would pretty much access what is effectively a meaningless random memory location. And this assumes that the ISR is actually allowed/able to access that memory. Even without MMUs, there are implementations which can/will have execeptions.
This introduces the need for synchronisation mechanisms, e.g. semaphores.

So in certain environments it would be possible, but completley pointless (global variables are still involved), expensive, hard to understand and next to impossible to port. (remember I am putting call of a function aside here)

Similar for static variables.

In the case of function local static variables, they would at least reliably exist, but accessing them would still need the pointer value to be somehow transported out of their scope. For static variables that could actually be done via the return value of the function as demonstrated in the answer by yashC.

In the case of "static" variables understood as file scope restricted variables, the pointer still would have to be transported out of the file scope.
This would merely defeat what is probably the point of a file scope restricted variable. But I could imagine some kind of access privilege scheme, as in "Here is the key to the vault. Handle with care."

As mentioned at the start of this answer, I am putting the call of other functions aside. Yes, the easiest way to leave the scope of a function is to call another one. If that other function has a pointer parameter, it can use it to read-access and write-access the auto variable of the calling function. That is the normal case of call-by-reference parameters as supported by C.
Calling a function also provides another, even simpler way of read-accessing the value of an auto variable of the calling function, though not write-accessing and not actually accessing the autovariable itself, only using its value. That way is the trivial mechanism of a call-by-value parameter, it does not even require a pointer. Both ways (call-by-reference parameter and call-by-value parameter) conveniently guarantee that the value does not change during the execution of the called function. (this time I am putting the multi-threaded case aside, because that is discussed in the main part of this answer).

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Reputation: 241931

Here's a very simple example:

void print_msg(const char* msg) {
  printf("The message is: %s\n", msg);

int main(void) {
  char m[] = "Hello, world!";

Here, m is an automatic variable, which is not in scope in print_msg. But print_msg clearly has access to its value.

Don't confuse "scope" with "lifetime". The scope of a variable is that part of the program where the variable's name is visible (and thus can be used). The lifetime of a value is the period during program execution in which a value exists. Scope is about program text; it relates to compilation. Lifetime is about program execution.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 1005

As you said, static variables exist through out the life cycle of the program i.e memory allocated to them is not destroyed as long as the program is running. So, to access such a variable out side its scope, we can pass around the pointer to that memory location via pointer. A small example to show the same

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int* func()
        static int a = 0;
        printf("a in func = %d\n", a);
        return &a;

int main()
        int *p;
        p = func();
        printf("a in main from ptr : %d\n", *p);
        p = func();
        return 0;

As you can see in the example, func() returns the pointer to the static variable it has declared, and any one who wishes to access the variable a, can use that pointer. NOTE: we can only do this because static variable's life is through out the program. Now irrespective of the static variable being in a different function or a different file, as long as you can some how get hold of the pointer to that static variable, you can use it.

Now coming to the case of auto variable.

What happens if you run the above program changing a from static to auto? you will see that while compiling a warning warning: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr] is thrown and when executing, we get a segmentation fault. What causes this is that the auto variable exists only in its scope, i.e as long as the function func() is being executed, the variable a has memory allocated for itself. As soon as the function exits, the memory allocated for variable a is freed and so the value pointed to by pointer p is at some unallocated memory location (resulting in segmentation fault).

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