Reputation: 3744
I have no idea how to solve following problem efficiently without using _siftup
or _siftdown
How to restore the heap invariant, when one element is out-of-order?
In other words, update old_value
in heap
to new_value
, and keep heap
working. you can assume there is only one old_value
in heap. The fucntion definition is like:
def update_value_in_heap(heap, old_value, new_value):
Here is my real scenario, read it if you are interested in.
You can imagine it is a small autocomplete system. I need to count
the frequency of words, and maintain the top k max-count words, which
prepare to output at any moment. So I use heap
here. When one word
count++, I need update it if it is in heap.
All the words and counts are stored in trie-tree's leaf, and heaps
are stored in trie-tree's middle nodes. If you care about the word
out of heap, don't worry, I can get it from trie-tree's leaf node.
when user type a word, it will first read from heap and then update
it. For better performance, we can consider decrease update frequency
by updated in batch.
So how to update the heap, when one particular word count increase?
Here is _siftup or _siftdown version simple example(not my scenario):
>>> from heapq import _siftup, _siftdown, heapify, heappop
>>> data = [10, 5, 18, 2, 37, 3, 8, 7, 19, 1]
>>> heapify(data)
>>> old, new = 8, 22 # increase the 8 to 22
>>> i = data.index(old)
>>> data[i] = new
>>> _siftup(data, i)
>>> [heappop(data) for i in range(len(data))]
[1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 18, 19, 22, 37]
>>> data = [10, 5, 18, 2, 37, 3, 8, 7, 19, 1]
>>> heapify(data)
>>> old, new = 8, 4 # decrease the 8 to 4
>>> i = data.index(old)
>>> data[i] = new
>>> _siftdown(data, 0, i)
>>> [heappop(data) for i in range(len(data))]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 18, 19, 37]
it costs O(n) to index and O(logn) to update. heapify
is another solution, but
less efficient than _siftup
or _siftdown
But _siftup
and _siftdown
are protected member in heapq, so they are not recommended to access from outside.
So is there a better and more efficient way to solve this problem? Best practice for this situation?
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it to help me out. : )
already refer to heapq python - how to modify values for which heap is sorted, but no answer to my problem
Upvotes: 7
Views: 3265
Reputation: 226171
But _siftup and _siftdown are protected member in heapq, so they are not recommended to access from outside.
The code snippets are short, so you could just include them in your own code after renaming them as public functions:
def siftdown(heap, startpos, pos):
newitem = heap[pos]
# Follow the path to the root, moving parents down until finding a place
# newitem fits.
while pos > startpos:
parentpos = (pos - 1) >> 1
parent = heap[parentpos]
if newitem < parent:
heap[pos] = parent
pos = parentpos
heap[pos] = newitem
def siftup(heap, pos):
endpos = len(heap)
startpos = pos
newitem = heap[pos]
# Bubble up the smaller child until hitting a leaf.
childpos = 2*pos + 1 # leftmost child position
while childpos < endpos:
# Set childpos to index of smaller child.
rightpos = childpos + 1
if rightpos < endpos and not heap[childpos] < heap[rightpos]:
childpos = rightpos
# Move the smaller child up.
heap[pos] = heap[childpos]
pos = childpos
childpos = 2*pos + 1
# The leaf at pos is empty now. Put newitem there, and bubble it up
# to its final resting place (by sifting its parents down).
heap[pos] = newitem
siftdown(heap, startpos, pos)
How to restore the heap invariant, when one element is out-of-order?
Using the high level heap API, you could make a series of count updates and then run heapify() before doing any more heap operations. This might or might not be efficient enough for your needs.
That said, heapify()
function is very fast. Interestingly, the list.sort
method is even more optimized and might beat heapify()
for some types of inputs.
need to count the frequency of words, and maintain the top k max-count words, which prepare to output at any moment. So I use heap here. When one word count++, I need update it if it is in heap.
Consider using a different data structure than heaps. At first, heaps seem well suited to the task, however finding an arbitrary entry in a heap is slow even though we can then update it quickly with siftup/siftdown.
Instead, consider keep a dictionary mapping from a word to a position in lists of words and counts. Keeping those lists sorted requires only a position swap when a count is incremented:
from bisect import bisect_left
word2pos = {}
words = [] # ordered by descending frequency
counts = [] # negated to put most common first
def tally(word):
if word not in word2pos:
word2pos[word] = len(word2pos)
pos = word2pos[word]
count = counts[pos]
swappos = bisect_left(counts, count, hi=pos)
words[pos] = swapword = words[swappos]
counts[pos] = counts[swappos]
word2pos[swapword] = pos
words[swappos] = word
counts[swappos] = count - 1
word2pos[word] = swappos
def topwords(n):
return [(-counts[i], words[i]) for i in range(n)]
There is a another "out-of-the-box" solution that might meet your need. Just use collections.Counter():
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c = Counter()
>>> for word in 'one two one three two three three'.split():
... c[word] += 1
>>> c.most_common(2)
[('three', 3), ('one', 2)]
Another way to go is to use a binary tree or sorted container. These have O(log n) insertion and removal. And they stand ready to iterate in forward or reverse order without additional computation effort.
Here is a solution using Grant Jenk's wonderful Sorted Containers package:
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import islice
@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True, slots=True)
class Entry:
count: int = field(hash=False)
word: str
w2e = {} # type: Dict[str, Entry]
ss = SortedSet() # type: Set[Entry]
def tally(word):
if word not in w2e:
entry = w2e[word] = Entry(1, word)
entry = w2e[word]
entry.count += 1
def topwords(n):
return list(islice(reversed(ss), n)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 177
The answer from @cglacet is completely wrong, but looks very legit.
The code snippet he provided is completely broken! It is also very hard to read.
is called n//2 times in heapify()
so it cannot be faster than _siftup()
by itself.
To answer the original question, there is no better way. If you are concerned about the methods being private, create your own that do the same thing.
The only thing I agree with is, that if you don't need to read from the heap for a long time, it might be beneficial to lazy heapify()
it once you need them. The question is if you should use a heap for that then.
Let's go over the problems with his snippet:
The heapify()
function gets called multiple times for the "update" run.
The chain of errors that lead to this is as follows:
, but expects heap
and the same is true for sort
is always False
, the self.heap
is always True
and __setitem__()
which are called every time _siftup()
of _siftdown()
assign or read something (note: these two aren't called in C, so they use __getitem__()
and __setitem__()
is True
and __getitem__()
and __setitem__()
are being called, the _repair()
function is called every time _siftup()
or siftdown()
swap elements. But the call to heapify()
is done in C, so __getitem__()
does not get called, and it doesn't end up in an infinite loopself.sort
so calling it, like he tries to do, would failnb_updates
times, not 1:1 like he claimsI fixed the example, I tried verifying it as best as I could, but we all make mistakes. Feel free to check it yourself.
import time
import random
from heapq import _siftup, _siftdown, heapify, heappop
class UpdateHeap(list):
def __init__(self, values):
def update(self, index, value):
old, self[index] = self[index], value
if value > old:
_siftup(self, index)
_siftdown(self, 0, index)
def pop(self):
return heappop(self)
class SlowHeap(list):
def __init__(self, values):
self._broken = False
# Solution 2 and 3) repair using sort/heapify in a lazy way:
def update(self, index, value):
super().__setitem__(index, value)
self._broken = True
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self._broken:
self._broken = False
return super().__getitem__(index)
def _repair(self):
def pop(self):
if self._broken:
return heappop(self)
class HeapifyHeap(SlowHeap):
def _repair(self):
class SortHeap(SlowHeap):
def _repair(self):
def rand_update(heap):
index = random.randint(0, len(heap)-1)
new_value = random.randint(max_int+1, max_int*2)
heap.update(index, new_value)
def rand_updates(update_count, heap):
for i in range(update_count):
def verify(heap):
last = None
while heap:
item = heap.pop()
if last is not None and item < last:
raise RuntimeError(f"{item} was smaller than last {last}")
last = item
def run_perf_test(update_count, data, heap_class):
test_heap = heap_class(data)
t0 = time.time()
rand_updates(update_count, test_heap)
perf = (time.time() - t0)*1e3
return perf
results = []
max_int = 500
update_count = 100
for i in range(2, 7):
test_size = 10**i
test_data = [random.randint(0, max_int) for _ in range(test_size)]
perf = run_perf_test(update_count, test_data, UpdateHeap)
results.append((test_size, "update", perf))
perf = run_perf_test(update_count, test_data, HeapifyHeap)
results.append((test_size, "heapify", perf))
perf = run_perf_test(update_count, test_data, SortHeap)
results.append((test_size, "sort", perf))
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
dtf = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["heap size", "method", "duration (ms)"])
x="heap size",
y="duration (ms)",
As you can see, the "update" method using _siftdown()
and _siftup()
is asymptotically faster.
You should know what your code does, and how long will it take to run. If in doubt you shouůd check. @cglaced checked how long does the execution take, but he didn't question how long should it take. If he did, he would find the two don't match up. And others fell for it.
heap size method duration (ms)
0 100 update 0.219107
1 100 heapify 0.412703
2 100 sort 0.242710
3 1000 update 0.198841
4 1000 heapify 2.947330
5 1000 sort 0.605345
6 10000 update 0.203848
7 10000 heapify 32.759190
8 10000 sort 4.621506
9 100000 update 0.348568
10 100000 heapify 327.646971
11 100000 sort 49.481153
12 1000000 update 0.256062
13 1000000 heapify 3475.244761
14 1000000 sort 1106.570005
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 10912
TL;DR Use heapify
One important thing that you have to keep in mind is that theoretical complexity and performances are two different things (even though they are related). In other words, implementation does matter too. Asymptotic complexities give you some lower bounds that you can see as guarantees, for example an algorithm in O(n) ensure that in the worst case scenario, you will execute a number of instructions that is linear in the input size. There are two important things here:
Depending on the topic/problem you consider, the first point can be very important. In some domains, constants hidden in asymptotic complexities are so big that you can't even build inputs that are bigger than the constants (or that input wouldn't be realistic to consider). That's not the case here, but that's something you always have to keep in mind.
Giving these two observations, you can't really say: implementation B is faster than A because A is derived from a O(n) algorithm and B is derived from a O(log n) algorithm. Even if that's a good argument to start with in general, it's not always sufficient. Theoretical complexities are especially good for comparing algorithms when all inputs are equally likely to happen. In other words, when you algorithms are very generic.
In the case where you know what your use cases and inputs will be you can just test for performances directly. Using both the tests and the asymptotic complexity will give you a good idea on how your algorithm will perform (in both extreme cases and arbitrary practical cases).
That being said, lets run some performance tests on the following class that will implement three different strategies (there are actually four strategies here, but Invalidate and Reinsert doesn't seem right in your case as you'll invalidate each item as many time as you see a given word). I'll include most of my code so you can double check that I haven't messed up (you can even check the complete notebook):
from heapq import _siftup, _siftdown, heapify, heappop
class Heap(list):
def __init__(self, values, sort=False, heap=False):
self._broken = False
self.sort = sort
self.heap = heap or not sort
# Solution 1) repair using the knowledge we have after every update:
def update(self, key, value):
old, self[key] = self[key], value
if value > old:
_siftup(self, key)
_siftdown(self, 0, key)
# Solution 2 and 3) repair using sort/heapify in a lazzy way:
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super().__setitem__(key, value)
self._broken = True
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self._broken:
self._broken = False
return super().__getitem__(key)
def _repair(self):
if self.sort:
elif self.heap:
# … you'll also need to delegate all other heap functions, for example:
def pop(self):
return heappop(self)
We can first check that all three methods work:
data = [10, 5, 18, 2, 37, 3, 8, 7, 19, 1]
heap = Heap(data[:])
heap.update(8, 22)
heap.update(7, 4)
heap = Heap(data[:], sort_fix=True)
heap[8] = 22
heap[7] = 4
heap = Heap(data[:], heap_fix=True)
heap[8] = 22
heap[7] = 4
Then we can run some performance tests using the following functions:
import time
import random
def rand_update(heap, lazzy_fix=False, **kwargs):
index = random.randint(0, len(heap)-1)
new_value = random.randint(max_int+1, max_int*2)
if lazzy_fix:
heap[index] = new_value
heap.update(index, new_value)
def rand_updates(n, heap, lazzy_fix=False, **kwargs):
for _ in range(n):
rand_update(heap, lazzy_fix)
def run_perf_test(n, data, **kwargs):
test_heap = Heap(data[:], **kwargs)
t0 = time.time()
rand_updates(n, test_heap, **kwargs)
return (time.time() - t0)*1e3
results = []
max_int = 500
nb_updates = 1
for i in range(3, 7):
test_size = 10**i
test_data = [random.randint(0, max_int) for _ in range(test_size)]
perf = run_perf_test(nb_updates, test_data)
results.append((test_size, "update", perf))
perf = run_perf_test(nb_updates, test_data, lazzy_fix=True, heap_fix=True)
results.append((test_size, "heapify", perf))
perf = run_perf_test(nb_updates, test_data, lazzy_fix=True, sort_fix=True)
results.append((test_size, "sort", perf))
The results are the following:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
dtf = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["heap size", "method", "duration (ms)"])
x="heap size",
y="duration (ms)",
From these tests we can see that heapify
seems like the most reasonable choice, it has a decent complexity in the worst case: O(n) and perform better in practice. On the other hand, it's probably a good idea to investigate other options (like having a data structure dedicated to that particular problem, for example using bins to drop words into, then moving them from a bin to the next look like a possible track to investigate).
Important remark: this scenario (updating vs. reading ratio of 1:1) is unfavorable to both the heapify
and sort
solutions. So if you manage to have a k:1 ratio, this conclusion will be even clearer (you can replace nb_updates = 1
with nb_updates = k
in the above code).
Dataframe details:
heap size method duration in ms
0 1000 update 0.435114
1 1000 heapify 0.073195
2 1000 sort 0.101089
3 10000 update 1.668930
4 10000 heapify 0.480175
5 10000 sort 1.151085
6 100000 update 13.194084
7 100000 heapify 4.875898
8 100000 sort 11.922121
9 1000000 update 153.587103
10 1000000 heapify 51.237106
11 1000000 sort 145.306110
Upvotes: 4